before the financial crisis broke out so violently
in the US and caused ripple effects all over the world,
most people in developing countries were already reeling
under the effects of dramatic volatility in global
food and fuel markets. In 2007 and 2008 prices of
most primary commodities first increased very rapidly,
to a degree that was completely unwarranted by actual
changes in global demand and supply. Then they collapsed,
from peaks in May-June 2008, at even more rapid rates
than their previous increases. But in many countries
the fall in global prices was not associated with
a fall in prices paid by consumers, while the actual
producers (such as farmers) rarely benefited from
the price increases.
It is now quite widely accepted that financial activity
- specifically the involvement of index investors
- was strongly associated with these dramatic price
movements. Commodities emerged as an attractive alternate
investment avenue for financial investors from around
2006, when the US housing market showed the initial
signs of its ultimate collapse. This was aided by
financial deregulation that allowed purely financial
agents to enter such markets without requirements
of holding physical commodities. This generated a
bubble, beginning in futures markets that transmitted
to spot markets as well.
Thereafter - even before the collapse of Lehman Brothers
signalled the global financial crisis - commodity
prices started falling as such index investors started
to withdraw. The global recession that was evident
from mid 2008 led to perceptions that commodity prices
would not firm up any time soon. While this contributed
to fears of deflation in the context of liquidity
trap conditions, this was even seen to be an advantage
especially for food and fuel importing developing
countries, whose import bills would be reduced accordingly.
But while the collapse in commodity prices after the
recent peak was sharp, it proved to be quite short-lived.
Most important commodity prices - especially food
and oil prices - have been rising from early 2009,
even before there was any real evidence of global
Chart 1
Chart 1 shows that global food prices, which nearly
doubled between June 2007 and June 2008, fell very
sharply thereafter and were back to the June 2007
level by December 2008. But thereafter they have been
rising once again, such that the increase between
December 2008 and November 2009 has been more than
16 per cent on average across all food commodities.
Agricultural raw materials prices did not rise as
quickly and fell more in the second half of 2008,
so their recent price increase has been sharper, close
to 35 per cent in the seven months between May and
November 2009. But this means that they are on average
only just back to the level of two years earlier.
Chart 2
Other non-agricultural primary commodities
- metals and other industrial inputs, showed less
price increases during the 2007 commodity boom, more
volatility over the course of 2008 and sharper falls
thereafter, so that by the beginning of 2009 their
prices were below those of January 2006 (Chart 2).
But these prices have exhibited particularly pointed
recovery since then, increasing by more than 50 per
cent in the case of metals between March and November
2009, and by 43 per cent in the case of other industrial
raw materials.
Of course energy prices are particularly crucial,
and here the recent trend in both all fuel prices
(including coal) and only petroleum prices, has been
quite marked as well. Chart 3 shows a picture of great
volatility, but the extraordinary price increases
of 2007 to mid 2008 and the subsequent fall tend to
reduce the attention to more recent trends. Thus,
in the eleven months of 2009 for which the data are
now available, fuel prices have increased by 53 per
cent and oil prices have increased by 88 per cent.
In any other period such increases would be the object
of widespread attention and the subject of endless
commentary. But because we live in such ''interesting
times'', with a recent history of even greater and
more rapid increase and decrease, they have largely
gone unnoticed.
Chart 3
Why is this happening? And what
does it portend for the future? It was noted earlier
that the recovery in most primary commodity prices
actually predated the global output recovery. As was
the case in the previous price surge of 2007-08, these
recent price increases are unlikely to be related
to any real economy changes in demand and supply.
Despite some supply shocks in particular crops, according
to the FAO most agricultural goods in 2009 showed
approximately the same demand-supply relationships
that existed in the previous years, with no force
making for any significnt upward or downward price
trend. So if prices are increasing, it must be because
of the effect of expectations combined with heightened
speculative activity in commodity markets, especially
in commodity futures.
Indeed, there is no reason for such speculation to
be curbed at present; if anything, the low interest
rates that are being maintained by most major economies
as part of the recovery package, combined with the
immense moral hazard generated by the large financial
bailouts, are likely to have made the appetite for
risky behaviour much larger. Both gold and other primary
commodities are once again emerging as prime areas
of interest for financial institutions, and some of
the large (and succcessful) financial players such
as Goldman Sachs are expanding or opening new commodity
investment sections.
Chart 4
Chart 5
As Charts 4 and 5 indicate, the value of OTC (over
the counter) futures contracts in both gold and other
commodities has tended to track spot price movements.
Since OTC contracts do not occur in regulated exchanges
(and in any case effective regulation that would constrain
speculative activity in commodity futures is not yet
in place in any of the major financial centres) such
activity still has the potential to cause wild swings
in commodity prices that are not justified by any
This creates a piquant situation for economic policy.
In macroeconomic terms, the global threat of deflation
is still greater than that of inflation, especially
because the financial crisis is far from resolved
or even properly dealt with and is bound to result
in new problems in real economies sooner rather than
later. However, both the nature of the recent recovery
and the policy response to the crisis (which has provided
more liquidity without adequate control or regulation)
suggest that primary commodities may well witness
a price surge once again.
Such price surges have huge negative implications
for developing countries. Because they are the result
of financial activity, they typically do not benefit
the direct producers who may be resident in the developing
world. But they cause huge damage to consumers of
food and other essential items, typically the poor
in developing countries who are the worst affected
as the prices of necessities increase even as their
employment and wages continue to languish.
If these very adverse effects are to be avoided, financial
regulation to curb speculative activity in commodity
markets must become an urgent priority at both national
and international levels. The governments of large
developing countries that are now beginning to flex
their muscles at various international fora would
to well to recognise the critical urgency of such
measures, if they really want to benefit their own
people in international negotiations.
13, 2010.