Laureate Joseph Stiglitz has written an article in
the Financial Times dated April 1, 2011 arguing that
a substantially enhanced issue of Special Drawing
Rights (SDRs) by the IMF should be the first step
in the reform of the international monetary system.
The article is of special significance because it
is based on a statement issued by 18 leading economists
from across the globe calling themselves the Beijing
Group, which includes nine known Chinese figures.
Few would object to the idea that the IMF must further
enhance the allocation of SDRs and alter its distribution
to help countries deal with situations of balance
of payments stringency. But it is difficult to believe
that the issue of SDR's would offer a solution to
the problem that the United States and the dollar
do not have the requisite economic strength to warrant
the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.
The problem is that the US is not the world's most
competitive economy, that the dollar has for long
not been backed by gold, and that there are just too
many dollars circulating globally and too much wealth
invested in dollar denominated assets to ensure confidence
in the currency. Yet, there is no other currency that
appears likely to emerge as an alternative in the
foreseeable future.
The Beijing Group advances three arguments in support
of the SDR as an alternative reserve. The first is
its view that it is because a national currency such
as the dollar serves as reserve that the burden of
adjustment to balance of payments imbalances falls
on deficit countries, resulting in a global recessionary
bias. Second, that the use of a national currency
like the dollar as reserve forces the US to run unsustainable
current account deficits to ensure that there is adequate
global liquidity, and raises the danger that any effort
of the US to shrink those deficits can generate global
difficulties. And, third, that the dollar as reserve
forces developing countries to accumulate large surpluses
to ''self-insure'' themselves against future balance
of payments crisis.
There are two difficulties associated with this line
of reasoning. One is that the reading of the global
economy and its functioning implicit in each of these
arguments is questionable. The second is that even
if the reasoning is correct it does not explain why
the SDR is an alternative.
Implicit in the Beijing Group's statement is the assumption
that global problems arise solely or substantially
because global outcomes result from the interaction
of independent nation states. This underestimates
the role of large corporations and finance capital.
Once we take account of the motivations that drive
corporations, especially the obvious one of maximising
profits, an important determinant of the distribution
of current account surpluses and deficits in a world
of globally mobile capital and technology is the search
of transnational firms for low cost production locations.
Such locations normally tend to be a few countries
with a large reserve of cheap labour. As a result
the most productive, best-practice technologies get
combined with cheap labour, raising the level of global
surpluses and inducing an underconsumptionist, deflationary
bias into the system. It is difficult to see how just
the availability of more of any reserve would counteract
this tendency.
The reserve accumulation in some countries resulting
from this process is compounded by flows of purely
financial capital, encouraged by the accumulation
of relatively cheap liquidity in the global financial
system. That has resulted, inter alia, from the US
government's exploitation of its position as the home
of the world's reserve currency to function as if
it faces no national budget constraint and undertake
huge expenditures abroad aimed at maintaining its
hegemony. The deficits associated with such expenditure
have in turn been financed by the reverse flows of
dollar surpluses invested in dollar-denominated assets.
Hence, it is unlikely that the US would agree to a
substantially enhanced issue of SDRs in order to create
an alternative reserve that would deprive it of access
to a global mint.
Can the SDR serve as alternative reserve? Created
in 1969, the SDR was initially seen as a supplemental
reserve which could help meet shortages of the two
then prevailing reserve assets: gold and the dollar.
The IMF issues credits of SDRs to its member nations,
which can be exchanged for freely usable currencies
when required. The value of the SDR was initially
set to be equivalent to an amount in weight of gold
(0.888671 grams) that was then also equivalent to
one U.S. dollar. After the collapse of the Bretton
Woods system in 1973, however, the value of the SDR
was reset relative to a weighted basket of currencies,
which today consist of the euro, Japanese yen, pound
sterling, and U.S. dollar, and quoted in dollars calculated
at the existing exchange rates. The liquidity of the
SDR is ensured through voluntary trading arrangements
under which members and one prescribed holder have
volunteered to buy or sell SDRs within limits. Further,
when required the Fund can activate its ''designation
mechanism'', under which members with strong external
positions and reserves of freely usable currencies
are requested to buy SDRs with those currencies from
members facing balance of payments difficulties. This
arrangement helps ensure the liquidity and the reserve
asset character of the SDR. So long as a country's
holdings of SDRs equal its allocation, they are a
costless and barren asset. However, whenever a member's
SDR holdings exceeds its allocation, it earns interest
on the excess. On the other hand, if a country holds
fewer SDRs than allocated to it, it pays interest
on the shortfall. The SDR interest rate is also based
on a weighted average of specified interest rates
in the money markets of the SDR basket currencies.
The volume of SDRs available in the system is the
result of mutually agreed allocations (determined
by the need for supplementary reserves) to members
in proportion to their quotas. Till recently the volume
of SDRs available was small. Since than SDRs have
been allocated on four occasions. An overwhelming
proportion of the allocation has occurred in the aftermath
of the 2008 financial crisis. But even now the quantum
of these special reserves is well short of volumes
demanded by developing countries.
Does the recent large increase in the amount of SDR's
allocated herald its emergence as an alternative to
the dollar? There are two roles that the SDR can play,
which favour its acceptance as a reserve. First, it
can help reduce the exposure of countries to the dollar,
the value of which has been declining in recent months
because of the huge current account deficit of the
US, its legacy of indebtedness and the large volume
of dollars it is pumping into the system to finance
its post-crisis stimulus package. Second, since its
value is determined by a weighted basket of four major
currencies, the command over goods and resources that
its holder would have would be stable and even advantageous.
There are, however, five immediate and obvious obstacles
to the SDR serving as the sole or even principal reserve.
First, the volume of SDRs currently available are
distributed across countries and is a small proportion
of the global reserve holdings estimated at $6.7 trillion
at the end of 2008 and of the reserve holding of even
a single country like China. Since all countries would
if possible like to hold a part of their reserves
in SDRs, the fraction of the SDR hoard that would
be available for trade against actual currencies would
be small, implying that even with recent increases
in allocations the SDR can only be a supplementary
reserve. Second, expansion of the volume of SDRs in
circulation requires agreement among countries that
hold at least 85 per cent of IMF quotas. With the
US alone having a close to 17 per cent vote share,
as of now it has a veto on any such decision. It is
unlikely to go along with the decision to deprive
it of the benefits of being the home of the reserve
Third, since SDR issues are linked to quotas at the
IMF and those quotas do not any more reflect the economic
strength of members, the base distribution of SDRs
is not in proportion to the distribution of reserve
holdings across countries. Reaching SDRs to those
who would like to hold them depends on the willingness
of others to sell as noted earlier. Fourth, since
the value of the SDR is linked to the value of four
actual currencies, the reason why a country seeking
to diversify its reserve should not hold those four
currencies (in proportion to their weights in the
SDR's value) rather than the SDR itself is unclear.
This would also give countries flexibility in terms
of the proportion in which they hold these four currencies
(which is an advantage in a world of fluctuating exchange
rates, since weights in the SDR are reviewed only
with a considerable lag, currently of five years).
Finally, as of now SDRs can only be exchanged in transactions
between central banks and not in transactions between
the government and the private sector and therefore
in purely private sector transactions. This depletes
its currency-like nature in the real world. It also
reduces the likelihood that a significant number of
economic transactions would be denominated in SDRs.
Thus, the idea of a wholly new currency serving as
a unit of account, a medium of exchange and a store
of value at the international level does appear a
bit far-fetched. The denomination of trade in that
currency, the issue of financial assets denominated
in that currency and the quantum and distribution
across countries of the currency issued have to be
all decided jointly and with consensus. That does
appear near impossible as of now.
A shorter version of this piece
has appeared on the Triple Crisis Blog, and is available
18, 2011.