May 2, 1945, German General Weidling, whom Hitler
had entrusted with the defence of Berlin, surrendered
unconditionally to General Chuikov of the Red Army,
bringing to an end the worst nightmare in human history.
The Third Reich, which was supposed to last a thousand
years, had collapsed amidst unprecedented ruin and
loss of human life.
Today when we look back on that period, the question
naturally arises: how did it happen? Fritz Stern,
scholar of German history, attributes ''Germany's descent
from decency to Nazi barbarism'' to "a historic
process in which resentment against a disenchanted
secular world found deliverance in the ecstatic escape
of unreason" (quoted in Noam Chomsky’s ''Remebering
Fascism''). While Stern’s description is apposite,
it misses something vital, namely that the cause of
the ''disenchantment'' and the orchestrator of the ''unreason''
was the self-same entity, finance capital.
The ''disenchantment'' of the people with the economic
fall-out of the hegemony of finance capital, whose
ambitions had pushed Germany into war and broken its
back with war reparations under the Treaty of Versailles,
even before the onset of the Great Depression, had
given rise to fascism as a mass movement. This mass
movement, created around unreason but with an anti-capitalist
rhetoric, which identified capitalists with Jews,
and appealed both to the anti-semitism and the anti-big-capital
sentiments of the petty bourgeoisie, was then manipulated
by the very same finance capital into betraying itself.
Fritz Thyssen, the ''great magnate of the Ruhr'' financed
Hitler’s elections and, together with other German
monopolists, made deals with the Nazi leadership,
which, once it had come to power, liquidated its own
cadre of lumpens and hoodlums that had constituted
the backbone of its petty bourgeois mass movement.
In the ''night of long knives'', Ernst Rohm, the leader
of the SA that had carried Hitler to power, was executed
and the entire SA leadership was purged, so that the
''mass nature'' of fascism could not stand in confrontation
against its ''class nature''. The German army accepted
the symbol of the swastika, while Hitler took over
the German army by eliminating its rival, his own
SA. A Nazi State came into being that represented
at the same time, in Dimitrov’s words, the ''open terrorist
dictatorship of the most reactionary and revanchist
sections of finance capital''. A petty bourgeois mass
movement with anti-capitalist rhetoric had transmogrified
itself into an open terrorist dictatorship of finance
This is not to say that the petty bourgeoisie deserted
Hitler, but its support was now obtained not on the
basis of any anti-capitalist programme of action but
through appeals to its revanchist nationalism that
the war fanned. And with unemployment of the Depression
overcome through the military expenditure that swelled
in preparation for the war, the Nazi mass base was
retained for a while, and even expanded up to a point,
despite the complete identification of the Nazi leadership
with German monopoly capital. War, which brought the
entire resources of Europe under the control of German
finance capital, also cemented the social support
base for the open terrorist dictatorship of this finance
capital, at least as long as Germany was winning.
The question naturally arises: was this an exceptional
conjuncture which can now be safely relegated to the
pages of history as something horrific, though sui
generis, that had occurred long ago? History no doubt
does not repeat itself with any predictable monotony,
but it would be a mistake not to see certain chilling
similarities between the 1930s and now.
True, we do not have today the intense inter-imperialist
rivalry of the early twentieth century, which had
produced the First World War, and, as its sequel,
the unbearable burden of war reparations on Germany
that John Maynard Keynes had castigated in his Economic
Consequences of the Peace. But we do have a capitalist
crisis that, notwithstanding all protestations to
the contrary, is likely to be as deep and protracted
as the one during the thirties, and associated with
it an acute problem of unemployment that constitutes
fertile ground for fascism.
Indeed according to one estimate, if the rate of unemployment
were to be measured today using the same method as
was used in the thirties, then it would turn out to
be no lower than during the thirties; and since there
are no prospects of its coming down in the foreseeable
future, certain phenomena that the world had witnessed
during the thirties could well make a distorted reappearance.
It would in fact be no exaggeration to say that world
capitalism today is at an impasse. The neo-liberal
regime imposed upon the world by the ascendancy of
globalized finance capital has generated four basic
tendencies which combine to produce this impasse.
The first consists in the fact that free movement
of goods and services and of capital (though not of
labour) has made it difficult to sustain the wage
difference between the advanced and backward economies
that had traditionally characterized capitalism. Since
the same technology is available to all economies
(and the free movement of capital ensures this), commodities
produced with the cheaper labour that exists in the
third world economies can outcompete those produced
in the metropolis. Or, putting it differently, competition
arising from the free movement of goods and services
ensures that workers in the metropolis find their
wages being dragged down towards the levels that prevail
in the third world, levels which are no higher, thanks
to the existence of substantial labour reserves, than
those needed to satisfy some historically-determined
subsistence requirements. So they can no longer escape
the baneful consequences of third world labour reserves
(themselves the product of colonial and semi-colonuial
exploitation that caused ''deindustrialization'' and
a ''drain of surplus''). And even as wages in the metropolis
get dragged down towards those prevailing in the periphery,
labour productivity in the periphery moves up towards
the level prevailing in the metropolis, since such
wage differences that still exist induce a diffusion
of activities from the metropolis to the periphery.
This double movement means that the share of wages
in the total world output decreases.
Such a reduction in the share of wages in world output
also occurs for yet another reason: as technological
progress in the world economy raises the level of
labour productivity all around, the wages of workers
do not increase pari passu, again owing to these wages
being tied to the existence of substantial labour
reserves in the world economy. As a result, taking
the world economy as a whole there is both an increase
in income inequalities, and, as a consequence, a tendency
towards underconsumption which makes the realization
of surplus value exceedingly difficult. Credit financed
expenditure and expenditure stimulated by speculative
asset price ''bubbles'' provide only temporary antidotes
to this tendency towards underconsumption at the world
level, but with the bursting of such ''bubbles'' and
the inevitable termination of such credit financing,
the basic underlying crisis of the world economy reappears
with all its intensity.
The second basic tendency that manifests itself under
the neo-liberal regime arises from this. Any deficiency
of aggregate demand resulting in unemployment and
recession naturally affects the high-wage and therefore
high-cost producers in the metropolis more severely
than the low-wage countries like India or China. Countries
like the United States therefore experience, as a
result of this world tendency towards underconsumption,
not only higher levels of unemployment but also continuous
and growing current account deficits on their balance
of payments. In short, acute unemployment, particularly
in the hitherto high-wage economies, and the so-called
problem of ''world imbalances'' (whereby countries like
China have continuous and growing current account
surpluses while the United States has growing deficits
and hence gets increasingly indebted) are both caused
by the ubiquity of the neo-liberal regime imposed
upon the world by globalized finance capital. While
US multinational corporations and US financial interests
demand neo-liberal regimes everywhere to further their
goals of global domination, the fallout of this demand
is reduced wages and employment for the US workers.
Why, it may be asked, can State intervention in demand
management not overcome this tendency towards world
underconsumption and the associated problem of ''world
imbalances''? Here we come to the third tendency of
neo-liberal capitalism, namely that finance capital
invariably insists that all State intervention, all
State activism, must be undertaken exclusively in
its own interest. It is not that the State withdraws
from intervening, as is often supposed when the discussion
of neo-liberalism is set within the ''State versus
market'' discourse; the nature of State intervention
changes, with the State intervening no longer as an
entity perched above society and apparently impartial
between different specific class interests, but as
a defender and promoter of the exclusive interests
of finance capital, on the claim that what is good
for finance is good for society. Hence Keynesian demand
management is frowned upon, with most States following
the ''principle of sound finance'' and putting statutory
ceilings on fiscal deficit even as they curtail taxes
on the rich. Of course, the State of the leading economy,
the US, whose currency, being almost ''as good as gold'',
enjoys a degree of immunity from the caprices of international
finance capital in this respect, can still undertake
demand management with some impunity, since capital
flight away from its currency will still be generally
eschewed. But when the leading-currency country itself
is getting progressively indebted, its ability to
undertake demand management also suffers. In the era
of neo-liberalsism therefore there is no effective
leading capitalist State to thwart the tendency towards
underconsumption in the world economy.
Neo-liberalism in other words pushes capitalism towards
a protracted crisis for several reasons: it creates
a tendency towards underconsumption in the world economy
by engendering inequalities in income distribution;
it enfeebles capitalist nation-States for undertaking
demand management; and it also undermines the capacity
of the leading State for playing a similar role, but
for a different reason, namely by saddling it with
continuous and growing current account deficits.
Economists like Charles Kindleberger have argued that
capitalism enters into a period of deep crisis when
there is no effective leader among the capitalist
countries. They attribute the 1930s crisis to the
fact that Britain was no longer able to play its leadership
role in the inter-war period, while the US was as
yet unwilling to play this role. In the current period
while the US’s ability to play this role is getting
undermined, there is no alternative leader in sight,
which portends a deep and serious crisis for world
It may be thought that the crisis we are talking about
is primarily concerned with the metropolis, which
will continue to remain sunk in it for a long time
to come (and if perchance there is a new ''bubble''
that temporarily lifts it out of this crisis, its
inevitable collapse will plunge it back into crisis),
that the third world, especially countries like India,
are immune to it. This, however, is where the fourth
tendency of neo-liberal capitalism becomes relevant.
And this relates to the fact that under neo-liberal
capitalism, since the State withdraws from its role
of supporting, protecting and promoting the peasant
and petty producers’ economy, which it had taken upon
itself during the dirigiste period as a part of the
legacy of the struggle for decolonization, the decimation
of petty production, the unleashing of a process of
primitive accumulation of capital (or what may be
more generally called a process of ''accumulation through
encroachment'') proceeds apace. Multinational retail
chains like Walmart come up to displace petty traders;
agribusiness comes in to squeeze the peasantry; land
grabbing financiers come in to displace peasants from
their land; and petty producers of all descriptions
everywhere get trapped between rising input prices
and declining output prices. When we add to all this
the rise in the cost of living, because of the privatization
of education, health and several essential services,
which affects the entire working population, we can
gauge the virulence of the process of primitive accumulation
that is unleashed.
The current period therefore is one where it is not
only the advanced capitalist countries that are beset
with crisis and unemployment, but even apparently
''successful'' ''high growth'' countries like India. The
former are affected by the problem of inadequate demand,
the latter by both the fall-out of the former’s crisis
and also by the additional problem of distress and
dispossession of petty producers and the unemployment
enegendered by it. In both segments of the world economy
therefore there arises a tendency towards fascism.
This tendency which has been sporadically evident
in Europe through the rise of extreme right racist
political parties has now suddenly manifested itself
menacingly in the United States. Even President Obama’s
tepid healthcare legislation brought forth physcial
attacks in Town Hall meetings against Democratic legislators,
not to mention death threats, by hoodlum elements
in the pay of the capitalists; the fact that they
were emboldened to do this reflects the underlying
political mood in that country. Indeed sixty-three
percent of what are called ''mainstream Americans''
find the newly formed extreme right Tea Party to be
representing their views! The disllusionment with
the so-called Liberal democratic political elements
is complete among a populace that is battered by unemployment,
recession and economic insecurity. The fact that 13
trillion dollars are pledged to bail out the financial
system, while the government appears profoundly incapable
of bringing down unemployment, strengthens the appeal
of fascism. To be sure, this appeal appears to centre
on an opposition to Wall Street and to finance capital;
but finance capital, as in the case of Germany in
the 1930s, is perfectly capable of buying up this
opposition itself. While being the cause of the ''disenchantment
against the secular world'', it becomes, simultaneously
and paradoxically, the manipulator of this ''disenchantment'',
directing it against an imagnined or external ''other'';
it becomes thereby the orchestrator of ''unreason''
as well.
Countries like India are not immune to the growth
of such fascist tendencies. Communal fascism already
occupies a prominent place in the Indian polity. But
it has several complementary currents, such as the
one underlying Raj Thackeray’s call for ''Mumbai for
the Maharashtrians''. In short, the period of ascendancy
of finance capital, albeit in its newly-acquired garb
of international finance capital, has once again brought
fascism back on to the agenda.
Many would argue that nothing comparable to what the
world had seen at the time of the rise of Hitler and
Mussolini is visible today, so that this talk of fascism
is just crying wolf. This may be true in the sense
that the intensity of the fascist threat, both as
fascism and as threat, that we are talking about now
may not be comparable to what was evident in the thirties.
But any consolation one may derive from this has to
be offset against another basic fact, namely that
while in the thirties there was a massive Left presence,
spearheaded by the Soviet Union, against this threat
(which ultimately after all led to its defeat), nothing
comparable exists today. It is all the more important
therefore that we remain alert to the emerging threat
of fascism, since the slightest negligence in dealing
with it can exact an even heavier toll today than
in the thirties and forties.
28 , 2010.