endorsement of a free trade agreement
between Chile and the United States is
not built upon the concept of trade gains.
The agreement constitutes an important
part of the institutional peg to the structural
reforms begun by the military government,
and thus is an additional restriction
to make it impossible to rethink the current
development strategy. In the best-case
scenario, trade benefits to Chile from
the FTA will be marginal, even if we add
the possibilities of attracting foreign
investment. On the contrary, there seems
to be direct costs, in intellectual property
for instance, and also considerable political
costs. In the case of the United States,
on the other hand, the purpose of the
FTA is clear; it is an instrument to further
its influence in the region. The FTA maximizes
opportunities for critical and basic sectors
of the US economy such as information
technologies, telecommunications and other
leading technologies, basic industries,
capital equipment, medical equipment,
services, agriculture, environmental technology
and intellectual property.
October 29, 2006.