Financiamiento del desarrollo, deuda y desigualdad Conversatorio Virtual organizado por IDEAs-LAC July 4, 2023 registrate aqui Conversatorio VirtualdesigualdaddeudaFinanciamiento del desarrolloIDEAs LAC Share Tweet Share Related Posts Food Systems Worsen Diets, Health Jomo Kwame Sundaram Corporate-dominated food systems are responsible for widespread but still spreading malnutrition and ill health. Poor… Finance Capital, GDP Growth and Sri Lanka’s Economic Depression Ahilan Kadirgamar There is an emerging international debate about what is at stake with GDP growth. In… Economic Response to US Imperialism Prabhat Patnaik The imperialist countries led by the US have been imposing unilateral sanctions that do not…
Food Systems Worsen Diets, Health Jomo Kwame Sundaram Corporate-dominated food systems are responsible for widespread but still spreading malnutrition and ill health. Poor…
Finance Capital, GDP Growth and Sri Lanka’s Economic Depression Ahilan Kadirgamar There is an emerging international debate about what is at stake with GDP growth. In…
Economic Response to US Imperialism Prabhat Patnaik The imperialist countries led by the US have been imposing unilateral sanctions that do not…