Course Change in Global Trade Negotiations C.P. Chandrasekhar September 7, 2006 Commentary, Trade and Payments
The Breakdown of WTO Negotiations: Some Implications for Developing Countries Anamitra Roychowdhury September 7, 2006 Commentary, Trade and Payments
Watch out NAMA : You are on a Slippery Sip Road of De-industrialization and Backwardness Mehdi Shafaeddin May 24, 2006 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration and Export Competition in Agriculture: What has it really achieved? Parthapratim Pal and Deepika Wadhwa April 20, 2006 Commentary, Trade and Payments
A Latin American Perspective on Trade Policies Marta Bekerman and Santiago Rodríguez March 7, 2006 Articles, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
Doha Round Negotiations on Financial Services: Recent developments Andrew Cornford January 7, 2006 Articles, Trade and Payments
Towards Hong Kong: History as farce C.P. Chandrasekhar November 14, 2005 Agriculture, Commentary, World Economy
The Dalian Mini Ministerial and the Road to Hong Kong: Uncertain future for WTO Parthapratim Pal and Shravani Prakash August 8, 2005 Commentary, Economy and Society, World Economy
The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at stake for developing countries? Yilmaz Akyuz June 17, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
WTO Appellate Body rules against USA in the Cotton Dispute Case Parthapratim Pal March 30, 2005 Commentary, World Economy
WTO: No Cause for Celebration C. P. Chandrasekhar and Parthapratim Pal August 17, 2004 Commentary, Trade and Payments, World Economy
WTO and Agriculture: Once More with Vengeance C.P. Chandrasekhar July 27, 2004 Agriculture, Commentary, Trade and Payments, World Economy
Post Cancun Ministerial Negotiations on Agriculture: Latest Developments Parthapratim Pal February 10, 2004 Agriculture, Commentary
Asian Currencies: New global scapegoats C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh October 9, 2003 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, World Economy
The ‘Cotton Initiative’ at the Cancun Ministerial Meet Parthapratim Pal September 29, 2003 Commentary, Economy and Society, Prices and Inflation, World Economy
WTO Annual Report 2003 Shows that Distortions in Global Trade Continue Parthapratim Pal August 28, 2003 Agriculture, Commentary, World Economy
World Trade Figures 2002: Bleak future lies ahead Sabyasachi Mitra May 7, 2003 Commentary, World Economy
A Brief Analysis of Harbinson’s Text Parthapratim Pal April 21, 2003 Agriculture, Commentary, World Economy
Tokyo Mini-Ministerial: No takers for free trade C.P. Chandrasekhar February 22, 2003 Agriculture, Commentary, World Economy
The Green Barrier to Free Trade C.P. Chandrasekhar, Jayati Ghosh and Parthapratim Pal February 3, 2003 Commentary, Trade and Payments
The Sydney Ministerial Parthapratim Pal December 1, 2002 Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy
WTO International Trade Statistics 2002 Parthapratim Pal November 22, 2002 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, World Economy
Some Suggestions for Modalities in Agriculture Negotiations Bhagirath Lal Das November 11, 2002 Agriculture, Articles, World Economy
Implementation Issues in Agreement on Agriculture and its Implications for Developing Countries Parthapratim Pal September 9, 2002 Agriculture, Commentary, Trade and Payments, World Economy
China’s accession to WTO: Its consequences on income distribution and development Diana Hochraich June 3, 2002 Articles, World Economy
The WTO, the Post – Doha agenda and the Future of the Trade System : A development perspective Martin Khor May 28, 2002 Articles, Trade and Payments, World Economy
US Farm Bill 2002: Its implications for world agricultural markets Sabyasachi Mitra May 17, 2002 Agriculture, Commentary, World Economy
The New Work Programme of the WTO Bhagirath Lal Das May 14, 2002 Articles, Finance, Technology and Employment
China: Can more reform break the stalemate? C.P. Chandrasekhar March 25, 2002 Commentary, Finance, Poverty and Inequality
Is World Bank Starting to Understand Growth? Dani Rodrik February 12, 2002 Commentary, Economy and Society, World Economy
Multilateral Agreement on Investment: A Briefing on the Investment-Related Disciplines and the WTO Ajit Singh December 29, 2001 Articles, World Economy
An Alternative Policy Framework for India Jayati Ghosh & C.P. Chandrasekhar December 26, 2001 Alternatives, Finance, World Economy