Onerous Debt making Poorest Poorer Jomo Kwame Sundaram February 1, 2024 Blogs, Commentary, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes
Global Debt is Unpayable: How wall street traps poor countries, profiting rich ones Journalist Ben Norton analyzes the deeply unequal international financial system. November 22, 2023 IDEAs Video Gallery
How Emerging Markets Hurt Poor Countries C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh October 14, 2021 Articles, Blogs, Finance, Jayati Ghosh
Arming Poor Countries Enriches Rich Countries Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram December 15, 2017 Blogs, Commentary
How Rich Countries Got Rich and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor Authour : Erik S. Reinert (Book Review by Jayati Ghosh) July 14, 2007 Books