China’s African Hinterland C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh March 10, 2008 Commentary, Resources, Trade and Payments, World Economy
The CPI(M) and the Building of Capitalism Prabhat Patnaik January 30, 2008 Commentary, Political Economy
India and the World Economy C.P. Chandrasekhar January 25, 2008 Capital Flows, Commentary, Finance, World Economy
IT-driven Offshoring: The Exaggerated “Development Opportunity” C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh December 20, 2007 IDEAs Publications, IDEAs Working Papers
Macroeconomic Policy, Inequality and Poverty Reduction in India and China C.P. Chandrasekhar & Jayati Ghosh October 29, 2006 IDEAs Working Papers
The Diffusion of Development Prabhat Patnaik February 17, 2006 Articles, Political Economy, World Economy
Pointing Fingers at Davos C.P. Chandrasekhar February 4, 2006 Commentary, Political Economy, Trade and Payments, World Economy
International Conference on ‘Post Liberalisation Constraints on Macroeconomic policies’ Organised by IDEAs, Muttukadu, Tamil Nadu, India, January 27-29, 2006. January 31, 2006 Activities
International Workshop on “Macro Economic Constraints and Policy Alternatives in Developing Countries” Organised by IDEAs, Muttukadu, Chennai, India, 23rd January - 26th January, 2006. January 29, 2006 Activities
Macroeconomic Policy, Inequality and Poverty Reduction in India and China C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh December 1, 2005 Articles, Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty and Inequality
International Conference on Economic Liberalization and its Implications for Development Policy with Special Reference to India and Mexico Organised by IDEAs at Mexico City, 24 - 25 October 2005 October 26, 2005 Activities
China and India: The big differences Jayati Ghosh August 25, 2005 Commentary, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality
Has World Poverty Really Fallen During the 1990s? Sanjay G. Reddy and Camelia Minoiu June 10, 2005 Articles, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy
Report of the Commission on Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh Executive Summary Report April 7, 2005 Agriculture, Alternatives
Poverty and Inequality in the New World: Moving forward or backward? : A Critique of ‘Globalization, Poverty and Inequality since 1980’ by David Dollar Ranja Sengupta March 9, 2005 Commentary, Poverty and Inequality
WTO: No Cause for Celebration C. P. Chandrasekhar and Parthapratim Pal August 17, 2004 Commentary, Trade and Payments, World Economy
Foreign Direct Investment and Utilization of Natural Gas in Bangladesh Anu Muhammad July 26, 2004 Articles, Privatisation, Trade and Payments
India: An Economic Agenda for 2004 Organised by the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT) and the journal Social Scientist at New Delhi on 5 July 2004. July 5, 2004 Alternatives
US Economic Recovery and the Unemployment Drag Sukanya Bose May 27, 2004 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Technology and Employment
IDEAs sessions during the World Social Forum at Mumbai, India; 16 - 21 January 2004. January 23, 2004 Activities
Free Trade between Mercosur and India: New bonds, new boundaries Ranja Sengupta July 18, 2003 Commentary, Economy and Society, World Economy
Growth of Agricultural Employment Since the 1990s: Progress of the economy or immiserisation of the masses? Sabyasachi Mitra July 11, 2003 Agriculture, Commentary, Economy and Society
Capital Management Techniques In Developing Countries : An assessment of experiences from the 1990’s and lessons for the future Gerald Epstein, Ilene Grabel and Jomo K. S. April 11, 2003 Articles, Capital Flows, Finance, Technology and Employment
The Diffusion of Information Technology and the Implications for Global Development: A perspective based on the Indian Experience C.P. Chandrasekhar February 1, 2003 Articles, Technology and Employment
Exclusive with The President elect of Brazil December 1, 2002 Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy
South African Finance Minister Admits he was Wrong April 29, 2002 Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy
The Global Divide: Inequality in the world economy Marc Lee April 18, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society, Finance
An Alternative Policy Framework for India Jayati Ghosh & C.P. Chandrasekhar December 26, 2001 Alternatives, Finance, World Economy
International Conference on International Money and Developing Countries: Theoretical and Policy Issues in the Current Context Organised by IDEAs at Muttukadu, Tamil Nadu, India, 16-19 December 2002. December 21, 2001 Activities