The Terrible Simplifers: Common origins of financial crises and persistent poverty in economic theory and the new ‘1848 moment’ Erik S. Reinert January 18, 2017 Articles, Poverty and Inequality
Catching Up and Knowledge Governance Rainer Kattel October 15, 2012 Articles, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, Technology and Employment
The Terrible Simplifers: Common origins of financial crises and persistent poverty in economic theory and the new ‘1848 moment’ Erik S. Reinert January 14, 2010 Articles, Economy and Society, Political Economy
Development and Social Goals: Balancing aid and development to prevent ‘welfare colonialism’ Erik S. Reinert March 18, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments, World Economy
Increasing Poverty in a Globalised World: Marshall plans and morgenthau plans as mechanisms of polarisation of world incomes Erik S. Reinert August 25, 2003 Articles, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy