World Economy: Out of control C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh January 23, 2024 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Macroeconomic Policy, slider, Themes, World Economy
Sustainable Development Strategies for the XXI Century Organized by BNDES in partnership with CEBRI and FIESP April 19, 2023 IDEAs Video Gallery, slider
Inflation Paranoia Threatens Recovery Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram February 2, 2022 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, World Economy
More Progressive Taxation Needed for Social Progress Jomo Kwame Sundaram January 19, 2022 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Themes
Budget 2021 appears to be a Return to Business as Usual C. P. Chandrasekhar February 1, 2021 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Finance
Resistance to Change at the IMF C. P. Chandrasekhar October 26, 2020 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, World Economy
Central Government Fiscal Stance during the Pandemic C. P Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh September 8, 2020 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy
Economic policy in the age of Covid C. P. Chandrasekhar April 7, 2020 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, COVID-19, Economy and Society, Featured Themes, Macroeconomic Policy
Indian Economy was Rolling down a Hill with Covid-19, it’s Falling off a Cliff Jayati Ghosh April 2, 2020 Blogs, Commentary, COVID-19, Featured Themes, Human Development, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy
Why have Indian Banks become Financially Fragile? Prabhat Patnaik March 16, 2020 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
Bereft of Macroeconomic Vision C. P. Chandrasekhar February 3, 2020 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
India’s Shameful Record on Wealth Inequality Prabhat Patnaik January 27, 2020 Blogs, Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty and Inequality
The Exploitation Time Bomb Jayati Ghosh July 16, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Jayati Ghosh, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality
GST: One more NDA failure C. P. Chandrasekhar September 24, 2018 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Macroeconomic Policy
Once More on “The Humbug of Finance” Prabhat Patnaik March 20, 2017 Articles, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
Budget 2017-18: The Macroeconomic Perspective C. P. Chandrasekhar March 3, 2017 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar
Review of Kenneth S. Rogoff – The Curse of Cash Jayati Ghosh December 23, 2016 Books, Macroeconomic Policy
Wage and Fiscal Policies for Economic Recovery Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury October 6, 2016 Blogs, Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Technology and Employment
An Overburdened Instrument C. P. Chandrasekhar September 6, 2016 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
The Impacts of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis on Developing Countries: The case of the 15 most affected countries Hasan Comert and Esra Nur Ugurlu November 27, 2015 IDEAs Working Papers
The Gathering Clouds of Recession Prabhat Patnaik November 24, 2014 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments, World Economy
West Africa’s Financial Immune Deficiency Rick Rowden November 3, 2014 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy
Trapped in a Recession C.P. Chandrasekhar October 31, 2014 Commentary, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, World Economy
The US Economy Needs an Exports-Led Boost Dimitri Papadimitriou December 3, 2013 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
An Analysis of Public Finances in Thailand from an Equity Perspective Smitha Francis December 17, 2012 IDEAs Publications, IDEAs Working Papers
Society, Economic Policies, and the Financial Sector Y.V. Reddy July 12, 2012 Articles, Economy and Society, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, Re-regulating Finance
Fiscal Policy Evolution and Distributional Implications: The Indonesian experience Smitha Francis May 23, 2012 IDEAs Publications, IDEAs Working Papers
Causes of the Debt Crisis in Europe and the Role of Regional Integration Carlo Panico October 8, 2010 Articles, Finance, World Economy
Fiscal Policy and Global Growth C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh July 27, 2010 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, World Economy
Global Liquidity and Financial Flows to Developing Countries: New trends in emerging markets and their implications C.P. Chandrasekhar January 22, 2010 Articles, Re-regulating Finance
A World of Inequality Jayati Ghosh September 27, 2008 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy, World Economy
Global Liquidity and Financial Flows to Developing Countries: New trends in emerging markets and their implications C.P. Chandrasekhar July 29, 2008 Articles, Capital Flows, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
Financial Liberalization in India: An assessment of its nature and outcomes C.P. Chandrasekhar and Parthapratim Pal May 19, 2006 Articles, Capital Flows, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
Argentina Since Default: The IMF and the depression Alan B. Cibils, Mark Weisbrot and Debayani Kar September 26, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society, World Economy
Economic Debacle In Argentina : The IMF strikes again Arthur MacEwan January 10, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society
Tackling the World Recession John Grieve Smith January 8, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society, World Economy