Jayati Ghosh: Rebalancing power Apple Podcasts December 10, 2024 Blogs, IDEAs Video Gallery, Jayati Ghosh
The Specific Form of Poverty under Capitalism Prabhat Patnaik July 1, 2024 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes
AI and Employment Prabhat Patnaik June 24, 2024 Blogs, Commentary, slider, Technology and Employment, Themes, World Economy
Recent Structural Change in the Indian Economy C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh April 4, 2024 Articles, Blogs, Economy and Society, Jayati Ghosh, Political Economy, slider, Themes
The Interlinkages between Paid and Unpaid Labour: A Homage to Krishna Bharadwaj Jayati Ghosh August 26, 2021 Articles, Blogs, Gender Issues, Jayati Ghosh
The Urgent Need for an Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh August 10, 2021 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy
Interrogating the Holy Grail of Productivity Growth Jayati Ghosh August 1, 2021 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, World Economy
Revise the Text of the Budget Speech Jayati Ghosh January 28, 2021 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Jayati Ghosh
The dangers of misplaced optimism C. P. Chandrasekhar December 9, 2020 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy
Enough is not Enough – Call for Urgent Change in Mexican Economic Policy Saul Escobar Toledo August 15, 2020 Commentary
Employment in India: Aggregate demand and structural transformations Sunanda Sen June 6, 2020 Articles, Human Development, Macroeconomic Policy
COVID-19 Lockdown: Impact on agriculture and rural economy Vikas Rawal, Manish Kumar, Ankur Verma and Jesim Pais June 2, 2020 Agriculture, COVID-19, Featured Themes, Human Development
COVID-19 Lockdown: The crisis of rural employment Vikas Rawal and Manish Kumar May 20, 2020 COVID-19, Featured Themes
Choking the Lifeline of the Rural Economy: MGNREGS during the COVID-19 lockdown Manish Kumar May 13, 2020 COVID-19, Featured Themes, Human Development, Poverty and Inequality
Will Diluting Labour Laws in India in Indian States Attract More Private Investment? Jayati Ghosh May 11, 2020 Blogs, Capital Flows, Commentary, Economy and Society, Finance, Jayati Ghosh
Informal Workers in the Time of Coronavirus C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh March 24, 2020 Articles, Blogs, COVID-19, Economy and Society, Featured Themes, Jayati Ghosh, Poverty and Inequality
Where are the Jobs for the Girls? C. P. Chadrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh February 25, 2020 Articles, Blogs, Economy and Society, Gender Issues, Jayati Ghosh
Opacity in India’s Budget Numbers will have Major Implications for Investors Jayati Ghosh February 3, 2020 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy
A Dangerous Agreement to Sign Prabhat Patnaik November 4, 2019 Agriculture, Blogs, Commentary, Trade and Payments
Amit Shah’s Economics Prabhat Patnaik August 13, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy
Why aggregate employment in India is shrinking? Anamitra Roychowdhury July 27, 2019 Articles, Economy and Society, Technology and Employment, Themes
Surgical Strike on Employment: The record of the first Modi government Vikas Rawal and Prachi Bansal June 4, 2019 Articles, Political Economy, Technology and Employment
Monetary Policy, Growth and Employment in Developing Areas: A Review of the Literature P.N. (Raja) Junankar May 2, 2019 Articles, Technology and Employment
The Great Budget “Cash for Votes” Scam – and Other Cash Transfer Schemes Jayati Ghosh February 15, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Jayati Ghosh
The Motivated Murder of India’s Statistical System Jayati Ghosh January 31, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy
Changes in the Structure of Employment in India Yoshifumi Usami and Vikas Rawal August 14, 2018 Articles, Economy and Society, Technology and Employment
Indian IT hits a Speed Dump C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh November 21, 2017 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Industry, Technology and Employment
China’s Labour Market Conundrum C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh July 5, 2017 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Jayati Ghosh, Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty and Inequality
Budget 2017 must Support those Worst Hit by Demonetisation Jayati Ghosh January 31, 2017 Blogs, Jayati Ghosh
Wage and Fiscal Policies for Economic Recovery Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury October 6, 2016 Blogs, Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Technology and Employment
Care Work as the Work of the Future C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh August 16, 2016 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Economy and Society, Jayati Ghosh, Technology and Employment
Globalization and the World’s Working People Prabhat Patnaik July 11, 2016 Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy, World Economy
Technology and the Future of Work Jayati Ghosh February 4, 2016 Commentary, Technology and Employment
The Slogan of “Make in India” Prabhat Patnaik November 10, 2015 Commentary, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy
West Africa’s Financial Immune Deficiency Rick Rowden November 3, 2014 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy
Forget Me, Forget Me Not: Productivity and the minimum wage in Mexico Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid and Stefanie Garry September 8, 2014 Commentary, Technology and Employment
The Social Value of Employment and the Redistributive Imperative for Development Andrew M. Fischer June 3, 2014 Alternatives, Human Development, Macroeconomic Policy
The Integration of Gender and Human Rights into the post-2015 Development Framework Edited by: Radhika Balakrishnan, Diane Elson and James Heintz April 30, 2013 Commentary, Human Development
Economic Crises and Women’s Work: Exploring progressive strategies in a rapidly changing environment Jayati Ghosh March 11, 2013 Commentary, World Economy
India, China and the World Prabhat Patnaik October 19, 2012 Commentary, Trade and Payments, World Economy
India’s Supermarket Move Shows its Tired Government has Run Out of Ideas Jayati Ghosh September 21, 2012 Commentary, Commodities, Technology and Employment
Labour Market Regulations and Economic Outcomes: Some capital lessons and minor messages Praveen Jha, Sakti Golder and Swayamsiddha Panda August 7, 2012 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
Report on the State of Food Insecurity in Urban India February 28, 2012 Agriculture, Commentary, Economy and Society, Poverty and Inequality
Multinational Retail Firms in India Jayati Ghosh December 12, 2011 Agriculture, Commentary, Technology and Employment
The Impact of Trade Liberalization and the Global Economic Crisis on the Productive Sectors, Employment and Incomes in Mexico Alicia Puyana January 14, 2011 Agriculture, Articles, Industry, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Employment, Trade and Payments, World Economy
2010 – A Year of Innovations in the Global Poverty Reduction Agenda Timo Voipio and Gabriele Koehler January 3, 2011 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Human Development
Notes on Contemporary Imperialism Prabhat Patnaik December 14, 2010 Articles, Political Economy, World Economy
Why has Productivity Growth Stagnated in Most Latin American Countries since the Neo-liberal Reforms? Gabriel Palma September 30, 2010 Articles, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy, World Economy