Capital accumulation and beyond in post-Covid China Zhun Xu April 23, 2022 Capital Flows, IDEAs Publications, IDEAs Working Papers, slider, Themes
Public Spending in India C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh January 25, 2022 Articles, Blogs, Finance, Jayati Ghosh, Themes
How Dynamic is Global Capitalism? C. P Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh September 7, 2021 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, World Economy
2021: Year of Living Dangerously? Jomo Kwame Sundaram January 6, 2021 Blogs, Commentary, World Economy
Stop Blaming Industrial Policy Vladimir Popov and Jomo Kwame Sundaram October 7, 2020 Blogs, Commentary, Industry
The Indian economy is blaring warnings, but the Modi government remains in denial Jayati Ghosh August 9, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Jayati Ghosh
The Exploitation Time Bomb Jayati Ghosh July 16, 2019 Blogs, Commentary, Jayati Ghosh, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality
The Economic Survey 2017-18 Prabhat Patnaik February 4, 2018 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Macroeconomic Policy
The Neoliberal Counter-revolution in Retreat? Jomo Kwame Sundaram August 19, 2016 Blogs, Macroeconomic Policy
Capital Flows, Exchange Rate and Long-term Economic Growth Vladimir Popov and Anis Chowdhury January 22, 2016 Commentary, Finance, World Economy
The Missing Global Recovery C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh November 26, 2013 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy
Goliath’s Nasty Ways: Chevron and the people of the Amazon Jayati Ghosh November 14, 2013 Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy
Industrial Policy: A missing link in Mexico’s quest for export-led growth Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid November 4, 2013 Articles, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
The Sen-Bhagwati “Debate” on Economic Policy in India Jayati Ghosh August 14, 2013 Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy
Do Wage Shares Have to Fall with Globalisation? C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh July 23, 2013 Commentary, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Employment
Labour Market Regulations and Economic Outcomes: Some capital lessons and minor messages Praveen Jha, Sakti Golder and Swayamsiddha Panda August 7, 2012 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
Macroeconomic Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: G20 report Aldo Caliari July 16, 2012 Commentary, Commodities, Prices and Inflation
Mexican Economic Liberalization: The project and the realities Alicia Puyana Mutis December 28, 2007 Articles, Macroeconomic Policy, Technology and Employment, Trade and Payments
Reforms and Labour’s Landscape in Contemporary China Praveen Jha & Sakti Golder December 5, 2007 Articles, Technology and Employment
The Uses of Chile: How politics trumped truth in the neo-liberal revision of chile’s development a ‘public citizen’ discussion paper september 2006 September 19, 2006 Articles, Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty and Inequality
Development Aid and Economic Growth: A positive long-run relation Sanjay G. Reddy and Camelia Minoiu September 19, 2006 Articles, Political Economy, World Economy
National Development Strategy: The key economic growth institution Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira August 7, 2006 Articles, Economy and Society, Macroeconomic Policy
Neoliberalism, Investment and Growth in Latin America Jayati Ghosh and C.P. Chandrasekhar October 29, 2003 Commentary, Economy and Society, Trade and Payments
Rising Regional Inequality in China Sabyasachi Mitra October 15, 2003 Commentary, Human Development, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy
Gender, Quality of Life, and Growth in Asia 1970 to 1990 Stephanie Seguino November 20, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society, Gender Issues
Foreign Investment in Mexico after Economic Reform Jorge Máttar, Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid and Wilson Peres September 4, 2002 Articles, Economy and Society, World Economy
As Zambia Courts Western Markets, Used Goods Arrive at a Heavy Price Jon Jeter April 25, 2002 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Is World Bank Starting to Understand Growth? Dani Rodrik February 12, 2002 Commentary, Economy and Society, World Economy