The Hegemony of the Dollar Prabhat Patnaik December 16, 2024 Blogs, Commentary, slider, Themes, Trade and Payments, World Economy
The Kazan Summit of BRICS Prabhat Patnaik November 11, 2024 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Dilemma of Growth: Pollution and health impacts in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Amir Elalouf November 8, 2023 Articles, Industry, Resources, slider, Themes
Behind BRICS Expansion Prabhat Patnaik September 4, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Implications of Dollar Hegemony Prabhat Patnaik June 26, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
Beyond the Dollar Creditocracy: A geopolitical economy Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson July 6, 2021 Articles, Finance
Covid Debt and the Tax Paradigm C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh October 20, 2020 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, COVID-19, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, Macroeconomic Policy
Taking Away the Ladder Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury December 19, 2018 Blogs, Commentary, World Economy
How Unequal are World Incomes? C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh March 28, 2018 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy
Democracy in the Crucible: Impeachment or Coup d’État in Brazil? Alfredo Saad Filho January 19, 2016 Commentary, Political Economy, World Economy
Development Finance in BRICS Countries Published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation September 11, 2015 Books
Democracy in Uncertain Times: Globalization, inequality and the prospects for democratic development in the global South Ziya Onis August 21, 2015 Commentary, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality, World Economy
Rising Powers in a Changing Global Order: the political economy of Turkey in the age of BRICS Ziya Önis & Mustafa Kutlay April 6, 2015 Articles, Political Economy, World Economy
The BRICS Bank: Part of a new financial architecture (II) Oscar Ugarteche July 25, 2014 Development Banking, Featured Themes
The BRICS Bank: Part of a new financial architecture (I) Oscar Ugarteche July 25, 2014 Development Banking, Featured Themes
The BRICS Bank: Part of a new financial architecture (1) Oscar Ugarteche July 25, 2014 Commentary, Finance
The BRICS Bank: Part of a new financial architecture (2) Oscar Ugarteche July 25, 2014 Commentary, Finance, Poverty and Inequality
The G20: Overestimated and underperforming Drawing a balance of the G20 achievements four years after the crash Peter Wahl June 15, 2012 Articles, Finance, World Economy
Using the Potential of BRICS Financial Co-operation Jayati Ghosh April 9, 2012 Commentary, World Economy