The tragic and
untimely departure of Sam Moyo from amidst us creates
a void that can be filled only through an uncompromising
commitment towards the poor and an unflinching solidarity
with struggles of historically oppressed people. Passionate
as he was about correcting the past injustices faced
by the ‘South’ through long and variegated histories
of imperialism, Sam made his arguments based on crisp
logic and hard evidence. Till his last day, he was
an inspiring and untiring soldier against injustices
and inequality, both historical and of contemporary
The enormous span of Sam’s scholarship covering issues
like the land question, agrarian development, food
sovereignty and rural development, to name a few,
comes across as an integrated and comprehensive critique
of imperialism, in its evolving forms, including neo-liberalism
as the recent most form. The deep engagement with
the exploitative processes of imperialism, often transgressing
the boundaries of traditional disciplines in his treatment
of the subject, has been an inseparable part of Sam’s
academic writings. He has also been truly exceptional
in recognizing the necessity of creating indigenous
knowledge and understanding from the ‘South’ and devoting
his energies to building solidarity between scholars
and activists from various ex-colonies.
Through his numerous papers, monographs and books,
Sam Moyo has developed and presented a colossal understanding
of the land question in his own country, Zimbabwe,
and in the larger landscape of Southern Africa. As
part of the Lancaster House Agreement which assisted
Zimbabwe’s transition to independence, the land question
was attempted to be addressed within the neo-classical,
market-based ‘willing buyer-willing seller model',
focussing on questions of efficiency and bereft of
any recognition of past land alienation faced by the
“natives”. In contrast, Sam’s analysis of the land
question was always anchored on the long, historical
land expropriation from the native black population,
through territorial and legal segregation policies,
under white-settler colonialism in Zimbabwe, like
in other parts of Southern Africa.
He pointed out that such sustained land expropriations
meant that at the time of Zimbabwean independence
in 1980, 6000 farmers from the white, agrarian bourgeoisie
controlled 15.5 million hectares or nearly 50 per
cent of agricultural land in the country, while one
million black households were confined to the rest
of the land. The typical mode of production that such
settler-colonialism produced made possible the super-exploitation
of a land-short, semi-proletarian black labour, whether
in the settler-farms or in the mines, heavily inter-twined
with race, gender and ethnic relations. In Sam's own
'…white-settler capitalism, organised
the labour process such that white capital exercised
both 'direct' and 'indirect' power over the
indigenous black population…The labour process
in colonial Zimbabwe came to be characterised
by an enduring contradiction between proletarianisation
and a politically-engineered functional dualism,
by which petty-commodity production in the communal
areas, and especially unwaged female labour,
would subsidise the social reproduction of male
labour-power on mines and farms. This contradiction
would produce neither a settled industrial proletariat
nor a viable peasantry, but a workforce in motion,
straddling communal lands, white farms, mines,
and industrial workplaces. (‘The Land and
Agrarian Question in Zimbabwe’, Sam Moyo, 2004)[1]
Armed with a
Marxian Political Economy framework and a careful
analysis of history, Sam was at a distinct advantage
to give superior insights when the radicalization
of the land reforms agenda in Zimbabwe occurred in
the late nineties leading to the introduction of the
Fast Track land Reforms Programme (FTLRP) in 2000.
As the head of the Land Reform Technical Advisory
Team of the Government of Zimbabwe, he remained a
close observer of the FTLRP.
Amidst the political furore over FTLRP, mainly from
the 'North', which also led to an economic isolation
of Zimbabwe, a considerable academic literature (mostly
from the North) put forward the argument that the
Zimbabwean land reforms was nothing but ‘land grabbing’
by the black elites and the ruling ZANU-PF cronies;
and that such cronyism led to a culture of violence,
chaos and disorder, and destroyed the productivity
of Zimbabwean agriculture leading to a food crisis.
Questioning this narrative, Sam pointed out the dangers
of dubbing the FTLRP as mere 'land grabbing' by the
local elites. In an international context, from the
nineties, one witnessed a renewed scramble for land
in Africa (and other parts of the developing world)
by international agri-business capital in the name
of raising agricultural productivity and producing
'clean' agro-fuels. Under the pressure of neo-liberalism,
most African governments reformed their National Land
Policies to allow privatisation and the appropriation
of extensive land tracts by foreign capital. According
to him, to equate the Zimbabwean FTLRP to a similar
‘chaotic land grab’ was to obfuscate the critique
of neo-liberalism and to ignore the question of agency.
With exceptional clarity about the politics of this
discourse, he wrote in 2011:
'The language of 'land grabbing' creates
a moral and political equivalence between the
restitutive appropriation of colonially dispossessed
lands for state-led land redistribution and
the recent externally inspired land grabs in
Africa, despite the latter’s neoliberal roots.
Preoccupation with a 'chaos' perspective conceals
the structure and agency that evolved during
the FTLRP…' ('Land Concentration and Accumulation
after Redistributive Reform in Post-Settler
Zimbabwe, Sam Moyo, Review of African Political
Economy, 2011)
Backed by extensive
field-work, Sam argued that though a few black elites
captured land with the help of government agents,
the majority (70 per cent) of 1,65,000 beneficiary
households were settled in the small-scale farming
sector, with new access to pieces of farmland crucial
for their survival. In fact, he underscores that in
terms of scale, agency and discourse, the FTLRP was
a radical land reform, benefitting people who have
been historically evicted from land; and this redistributive
reform stood directly pitted against the contemporary
and hegemonic neo-liberal logic of capitalist accumulation
by dispossession for purposes of export-oriented large-scale
food and agro-fuel production.
Despite his strong defence of the FTLRP at a time
when his country and government was internationally
isolated, it would still be difficult for those who
disagreed with Sam to place him in the camp of the
Zimbabwean ruling establishment. Even as he reiterated
the radical nature of the Zimbabwean land reforms,
in the same breath, he criticized his government for
making neo-liberal concessions due to pressure from
the ‘West’. In a cautionary spirit, he drew attention
to the fact that the radical land struggle had still
not led to the social democracy that it promised.
He observed that most of the farm workers did not
benefit from the FTLRP and practices of ‘compound
farm labour tenancy’ and low wages continued to reproduce
cheap labour as in the past, even when the land monopoly
had been broken. Sam’s discourse never abandoned the
In more recent years, Sam had devoted his scholarship
to bringing back the ‘national question’ within the
development discourse. Along with his comrades and
colleagues from the South, Praveen Jha and Paris Yeros,
he explains how the ‘emancipation of peasantries’
from colonial oppression was a central question of
the national liberation struggles of colonies and
why the peasant question continues to remain relevant
under neo-liberal globalization. He saw the latter
as a process of re-colonization of the Third World
peasantries and natural resources, and peasant resistance
to these neo-liberal processes as the ‘primary component’
of the agrarian question in the South presently.
Inspired by the views of Franz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral,
Sam argued that the peasantry in colonies emerged
as a truly revolutionary force under colonialism,
channelizing their energies towards the national liberation
struggles, and that the latter was a ‘process of self-becoming
of a people denied of history by colonial rule and
racial doctrine’ (quoted from ‘The Classical Agrarian
Question: Myth, Reality and Relevance Today, Sam Moyo, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy,
2013). According to him, under contemporary globalization,
the new agrarian question is defined by the resistance
that the peasantry builds up, in defence of its gains
from national liberation, against the neo-colonial
systems of domination that have emerged under the
aegis of international finance capital.
For Sam, neither the peasantry is ‘dead’, nor is the
agrarian question irrelevant. Rather the peasantry
was the ‘wretched of the earth’ (to use the term he
borrowed from Fanon) carrying all the hopes of resistance
to injustice and progressive transformations, both
in the colonial period and under imperialist globalization
Along with his comrades, Sam tirelessly gave leadership
to the project of developing the conception of the
agrarian question from the ‘South’, including the
publishing of the Agrarian South: Journal of Political
Economy. He was, however, not satisfied merely by
making his own point convincingly but placed equal
importance in creating future generations of scholars
who would engage with the peasant question and imperialism.
As head of the African Institute of Agrarian Studies
(AIAS), he ensured that scores of young scholars
from various countries of the South would interact
with each other in the annual training workshops
in Harare.
On the few occasions that I had the privilege of
interacting with him, I always found him inspiring
in his own warm and exceptional way. Of these interactions,
two need mention. Once when I met him at the South-South
Forum for Sustainability, at Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, upon knowing that I teach a course on
colonialism, he inquired whether I have included
African colonial history in the syllabus. Later
in the evening, when the sessions were over, he
caught hold of me in the corridor and over tea,
started a conversation on the colonial past of Africa.
By the end of the fairly long conversation, I found
myself greatly enriched in my knowledge. I also
realized that bringing Africa into the discourse
on colonialism, no matter in which corner of the
world such a discourse may be developing, was extremely
important for Sam!
On the other occasion, when he visited the Ambedkar
University in Delhi for a lecture to research students
and faculty members on agrarian development, he
asked the organizers (who were a bit intrigued by
the request) to project a map of Africa on the screens.
Using the map, he spoke to the audience for more
than an hour, delineating the geography and history
of agrarian relations in colonial Africa. During
Sam’s lecture, the map came to life as he traversed
through the various facets of colonial history and
the struggles of the African peasantry. Truly, Africa,
its people and the history of their subjugation
cannot be comprehended without recognizing the contributions
of Sam Moyo. Needless to say, struggles to change
that history of exploitation, not only in Africa
but in the larger developing world, for a better
future where the oppressed are emancipated, will
be the noblest tribute to his memory.
* Arindam Banerjee is at the
Department of Economics of the Ambedkar University,
[1] Quoted from the draft of
this paper presented at the Conference on ‘The Agrarian
Constraint and Poverty Reduction: Macroeconomic
lessons for Africa’, Addis Ababa, 17-18 December,
December 14, 2015.