thoughts dominate in the global financial press in
these uncertain times. The first is the growing concern,
even fear, about immediate economic prospects, with
the almost certain likelihood of another major financial
crisis looming if, not already upon us. The Euro area
is apparently unable to resolve the problems of imbalance
and debt in the peripheral countries, which now threaten
the profitability and even viability of major banks
in the core countries. The United States is so hamstrung
by its complex political process that the government
is unable to take any meaningful measures to prevent
the economy from falling into recession or even depression.
The contagion effects in the rest of the world will
probably be more pronounced that they were in 2008
and 2009, since many economies that withstood that
crisis are more financially vulnerable then they were
The second perception, which is expressed in gloomy
or resentful terms in the North and in excessively
confident terms in the South, relates to the shift
in global economic power, which has been occurring
especially over the past decade and is widely seen
to have been accelerated by the crisis. All the major
global publications, whether from the IMF or the World
Bank or the OECD or UNCTAD, take note of this tendency
and see it as possibly the dominant process in the
future. Some further argue that the downturn in the
North will be effectively counterbalanced by continued
growth in emerging markets, particularly from the
BRICS countries.
In some recent publications, the impression is given
that the shift has already occurred. The IMF's World
Economic Outlook for September 2011, for example,
suggests that developing countries now account for
nearly half (48 per cent) of world output, more than
double the share of two decades ago. According to
their estimates, in 2010 the US economy accounted
for less than one fifth of global output and the Euro
area less than 15 per cent. Developing Asia, by contrast,
accounts for 24 per cent.
Described in this way, it certainly appears as if
the fulcrum of global economic power is on the verge
of changing or has already done so. But a closer look
reveals that these estimates are all based on ''Purchasing
Power Parity'' (PPP) rates, instead of actual exchange
rates, to deflate incomes and thereby compare across
The economic theory behind the use of PPP measures
is that exchange rate comparisons of less-developed
economies consistently undervalue the non-traded goods
sector, especially labour-intensive and relatively
cheap services, and therefore underestimate real incomes
in these developing economies.
In some cases this can be quite significant. For example,
according to the Penn World Tables, which provide
the most widely-used source of information on incomes
deflated by PPP, total incomes in countries with large
poor populations like India or China increased by
multiples of around 2.5 with the PPP estimate, compared
to the nominal exchange rate estimate in 2005. (In
India, for example, the World Bank's latest PPP estimate
is 19 rupees per US dollar, compared to the actual
exchange rate of more than 48 rupees per dollar.)
The use of PPP rates led to the grandiose statements
of China becoming the second largest economy in the
world or India even reaching sixth position in the
global economic ladder, based on the assessment that
our currencies command several times more goods and
services than are reflected in the actual exchange
However, there are some major problems with the estimates
of income using exchange rates based on PPP. The most
significant is that of deriving the actual price comparisons.
Obviously, PPP calculations should be based on comparing
the prices of identical (or at best very similar goods)
in different countries, and these should in turn be
the goods that are most commonly represented in total
expenditure. But this is easier said than done. It
is almost impossible to find identical goods across
different countries, which dominate consumption and
So the first question is how to choose comparable
baskets of goods in the different countries. Currently,
a ''representative'' basket of US consumption is taken
as the norm, which is highly problematic because of
enormous differences in consumption that stem not
only from cultural patterns but also from per capita
income itself. It is also worth noting that in recent
years, the process of goods consumed in greater proportion
by the better off (such a consumer durables) have
been falling, especially relative to the prices of
essential like food. So this too would not adequate
reflect actual purchasing power across different income
The second – and even more daunting – problem is how
to find the actual prices of such goods and services,
and what to take as the representative price of each.
This obviously has to use either existing price data
or data from surveys that are constantly updated.
But this is also very difficult especially in most
developing countries, including very large ones.
There are real concerns about the poor and often outdated
quality of the data on actual prices prevailing in
different countries (including large developing countries
such as China and India) that are used in such studies,
which affect the reliability of such calculations.
Thus, until recently there had been no major survey
or even careful estimate of prevailing prices in India
and China, so that the PPP estimates before 2005 have
been based on very outdated evidence on prices of
goods and services in these two countries.
When they were finally revised based on recent surveys
and fresh evidence on actually prevailing prices in
the two countries, the PPP estimates in these two
countries changed dramatically. The 2005 PPP-adjusted
per capita income for China in US $ terms, for example,
shows a 40 per cent decline compared to the 2000 estimate!
This is because the new PPP for China is estimated
to be around half the nominal rate, whereas the previous
estimate (dating from 1993) had suggested it was only
around one fourth of the nominal rate. This downward
revision of per capita income in China also adds significantly
to the estimate of poverty using the standard US dollar
per day definition, more than doubling the estimated
number of poor people in China.
But then there is a further problem in using a single
PPP indicator over a long period. The PPPs reflect
the relative costs for a pattern of consumption prevailing
at only one moment in time, but this pattern is actually
constantly changing. So a snapshot of relative prices
across countries at a point in time can give a misleading
idea of time trends.
There is a less talked about but possibly even more
significant conceptual problem with using PPP estimates.
In general, countries that have high PPP, that is
where the actual purchasing power of the currency
is deemed to be much higher than the nominal value,
are typically low-income countries with low average
wages. It is precisely because there is a significant
section of the workforce that receives very low remuneration,
that goods and services are available more cheaply
than in countries where the majority of workers receive
higher wages. Therefore, using PPP-modified GDP data
may miss the point, by seeing as an advantage the
very feature that reflects greater poverty of the
majority of wage earners in an economy.
In other words, a country's exchange rate tends to
be ''low'' - or the disparity between the nominal value
of the currency and its ''purchasing power'' tends to
be greater - because the wages of most workers are
low. A low currency economy is a low wage economy,
which is hardly something that should be celebrated.
And that in turn gives a misleading picture of income
levels across countries, by making countries with
low per capita incomes at actual (or nominal) exchange
rates suddenly appear to be much less poor in terms
of PPP.
Suppose, instead, we actually look at the share of
incomes across different country groupings in terms
of actual exchange rates. This makes sense for several
reasons: for all the reasons mentioned above, and
also because of the fundamental point that global
trade and investment flows actually take place in
nominal exchange rates, not in some imaginary ''PPPs''.
So if relative economic power is to be assessed, it
must be looked at in terms of the actual size of economies
in terms of the rates that are used for cross-border
The chart shows that if this is
done, the shift in relative economic strengths, while
still visible, is nowhere near as significant or major
as is generally presented. The share of developed
countries has certainly declined in the past two decades,
by nearly 15 percentage points, but they still account
for more than 70 per cent of global income. And while
developing countries have more than doubled their
share in the same period, they still have achieved
less than 30 per cent share. This is certainly not
as stark in terms of presenting an imminent handover
of global power.
When individual countries are considered,
the US still accounts for nearly a quarter of global
output, and the Euro area is nearly one-fifth. China
is still less than 10 per cent, and India is less
than 3 per cent.
This is not to deny the clear direction of change,
but simply to point out that the process still has
a very long way to go before it can become really
significant. This is certainly worth pointing out
to those in the North who are currently obsessed with
the fear of the Southern takeover. But it may be even
more important to remember in the South, especially
among people whose gung ho optimism in this regard
is not always tempered by reality. Especially in South
Asia, our development project remains woefully incomplete
– but so also, our income levels are also still really
* This article was originally
published in the Frontline, Volume 28 - Issue 22:
Oct. 22-Nov. 04, 2011.
19, 2011.