decades ago, Teresa Hayter wrote a book called "Aid
as Imperialism", which outlined how foreign aid
was used by rich countries to further the interests
of big businesses based in their own countries, and
served to destroy productive capacities in the recipient
countries. Since then, the world has changed greatly.
Foreign aid has become an insignificant part of international
capital flows; developing countries as a group are
now exporters of capital to the developed world; even
the World Bank and IMF receive more from developing
countries as repayment of past loans than they are
currently giving out in new loans; imperialism has
taken on new even more devastating attributes which
make its earlier use of aid as instrument seem like
childs play.
But then, the more things change, the more they remain
the same. While foreign aid may have dwindled into
insignificance in quantitative terms, it is still
being used in the same cynical ways. But now the packaging
is more slick and effective, and there is tremendous
media hype surrounding even the smallest and most
conditional transfers of aid resources.
Thus the recent G-8 package of debt relief for highly-indebted
African countries was presented as a major act of
generosity by the governments of core capitalist countries,
even though it was only a partial forgiveness of debt
that had multiplied over the years not because of
any fresh aid, but simply by piling on interest. And
the package forced poor African countries to open
up their economies even more to capital from the North,
by privatising utilities and essential services such
as water and sanitation.
Now there is fresh evidence of the cynical and exploitative
attitudes surrounding the provision of supposedly
humanitarian aid, in the controversy around food
aid from the United States to famine stricken regions
in Africa. Parts of sub-Saharan Africa have experienced
very severe drought this year, which has destroyed
harvests and rendered populations in countries in
Malawi extremely vulnerable to potential starvation.
The problem is more acute because these same countries
have been forced by the World Bank to dismantle their
own food buffer stock programmes, so they have no
internal mechanism to protect their people and feed
the hungry in times of shortage.
The current law in the US stipulates that all food
aid provided by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) has to be grown by American farmers
and mostly shipped on United States-flag vessels
and therefore handled by American agribusiness companies.
This massively increases costs and delays the provision
of food to needy areas, since the food has to be shipped
long distances. Some rich country governments, such
as Canada, have already taken the decision to buy
at least some of the food aid locally, so as to reduce
costs, be able to buy more food for the aid programme
and also provide some help to local African farmers.
A similar proposal has been made by some within the
USAID programme, faced with growing evidence of long
delays in the provision of food aid in emergencies.
The US government proposed to provide one-fourth of
the food aid through locally purchased supplies, which
would dramatically increase the speed of response,
the most critical variable for effective famine relief.
This meant that that most of the food aid would still
be procured from US farmers and companies, but at
least some would be provided quickly and more cheaply
at times of urgent need.
This proposal has met with immediate opposition, from
both expected and unexpected sources. According to
a recent article in the New York Times (12 October
2005), the administration's proposal has run into
opposition from three interests some critics call
the Iron Triangle of food aid: agribusiness, the shipping
industry and charitable organisations.
The opposition from business interests is very predictable.
Although local purchase of food aid is meant to help
American farmers, in reality the benefits go to the
large agribusinesses that control the trade. US government
records show that only four companies and their subsidiaries,
led by Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill, sold more
than half the $700 million in food commodities provided
through the USAIDs food aid programme in 2004. The
shipping industry is also a major beneficiary: just
five shipping companies received over half the more
than $300 million spent to ship the food aid exported
in that year.
But the real surprise is the opposition from NGOs
dealing in aid after all, surely charitable organisation
concerned with helping the poor should be the most
concerned about getting the food to the affected people
as quickly and cheaply as possible?
Not so, apparently. A recent book on the political
economy of food aid established the often unsavoury
role played by supposedly well-intentioned NGOs. In
their book, "Food Aid After Fifty Years: Recasting
its Role," Christopher B. Barrett and Daniel
Maxwell show how at least seven major US-based international
NGOs, including Catholic Relief Services and CARE
i, depend on food aid as a major source of not just
relief activity but also income. Food aid accounted
for between one-fourth and half of their budgets in
While these NGOS distribute food in poor countries,
it is less well known that they have also become grain
traders, selling substantial amounts of the donated
food at a profit in local markets in poor countries,
in order to generate funds for their anti-poverty
programs. This is obviously a very inefficient way
to finance anti-poverty or development programmes,
given that at least 50 per cent of the cost of such
food aid is spent on transport, storage and administrative
costs. Yet because of this process, such NGOs now
have a major vested interest in perpetuating this
inefficient and unduly expensive system.
This is why the Coalition for Food Aid, which represents
16 non-profit groups, has also opposed the proposal,
and is not even willing to allow 10 per cent of US
food aid to be purchased locally. The most they will
agree to is a small pilot project, paid for only with
additional appropriations, not money from USAIDs
core budget.
It is a strange world indeed, when even those "charitable"
organisations ostensibly oriented towards helping
the poor are involved in a nexus that clearly damages
the interests of the recipients. Clearly, the aid
world is as murky as ever, with just as much bad news
for the citizens of developing countries.
October 15, 2005.