imposition of tariffs on imported steel has been greeted
with a howl of protest around the world. But harsh
words have not been followed by a strong counter-attack.
Now is the time to confront America's hypocrisy, not
to bluster.
The global financial crisis of 1997/1998 - mismanaged
by the IMF, largely at the direction of the US Treasury
- led to an increased flow of steel imports. But that
is part of the market adjustment process the US trumpets
so loudly at other times.
The argument put forward by the US, that it was entitled
to safeguard against a surge of imports - utilizing
safeguard measures that are part of the WTO - is unlikely
to past muster with a WTO panel when one is eventually
convened, but the argument itself is disingenuous.
Europe pushed to restructure its steel industry in
the 1980s and early 1990s, and succeeded mostly. In
America, many efficient new firms (mini-mills) were
indeed created, but yesterday's lumbering giants stood
still. They cannot compete with efficient steel mills
elsewhere - including (perish the thought) Korea's
state-owned steel company.
Many of America's problems are made in the USA. America's
deteriorating fiscal position is leading to a strong
dollar, just as the deteriorating fiscal position
of the US after Reagan's irresponsible tax cut of
two decades ago did. While countries may pride themselves
on a strong currency, a strong dollar is bad for exports
and good for imports.
In a dynamic economy, if jobs are lost in one sector,
new jobs are being created in another. Government's
role is to facilitate the movement of labor from one
to the other. It is a primary responsibility of government
to maintain full employment. Both in assisting shifts
in employment and in maintaining full employment,
the Bush Administration has failed.
President Bush recognized that a fiscal stimulus was
needed when he arrived in office, but rather than
pushing for genuine stimulus, it pushed for regressive
tax changes under the name of a fiscal stimulus. Aid
to old economy firms that spent more on avoiding taxes
than in restructuring took the form of a repeal of
the alternative minimum tax, a tax provision designed
to limit the extent to which firms could make use
of loopholes in the tax code.
Lowering taxes for the rich: under the Bush administration's
original proposal, a family of four earning $50,000
would have received zero - yes zero - benefits over
four years, while a $5 million dollar a year family
of four "struggling to make ends meet" would
have received a whopping $500,000! The Democrats rightly
resisted; the number of jobs that would have been
created was miniscule. But the weaknesses in the economy
as a result of this economic mismanagement mean that
those who lose their jobs will face a tougher time.
While America loses, Europe loses, many in the developing
world lose, and much more is at stake. Globalization,
well and equitably managed, can benefit all countries.
But under globalization, as currently managed, many
have not gained; and some of the poorest have lost
out. Instead, globalization is an unfair game, with
the rules written by rich advanced industrial countries
for rich industrial countries.
But the US believes that even this is not enough:
it will interpret these rules in ways which suit its
political interests, bending and breaking them at
will, challenging those who do not like it to do something
about it. The motto of the Bush Administration seems
to be, "Trade is good, but imports are bad! "
Think of the lessons that poor developing countries
learn. Lowering import duties lead to a surge of imports.
So, under the "new" US rules, that country
is entitled to reinstate tariffs as "safeguards."
If the US needs to worry about unemployment with an
unemployment rate of less than 6%, what is a poor
country with unemployment at 10% or 20% to say?
The US pleads for understanding; elections are coming
in November, and voters in West Virginia and other
states must be "bribed" to accept a new
round of trade negotiations. But democracies exist
across the developing world, and their voters have
even more legitimate concerns about the jobs that
result from liberalization. The IMF - in which the
US is the only country with veto power - shows little
sympathy with such political concerns in the developing
world. Why the double standard?
If the increase in steel tariffs were an isolated
incident it would be bad enough. But, while preaching
free market doctrines abroad, the US bails out its
airlines and increases agricultural subsidies at home.
Even before these increases, subsidies to agriculture
by the advanced industrial countries were enormous
- exceeding the total incomes of sub-Saharan Africa.
The rich effectively close their markets to many goods
that represent the comparative advantage of the poor.
Argentina's economic position today, indeed, would
be vastly different if America and Europe opened their
markets to its agricultural goods. The same can be
said for country after country in the developing world.
Globalization entails increasing interdependence.
Given the volatility in the global economy, this entails
bearing some risks. Rich countries - like the US -
are in the best position to bear those risks.
Much discussion has taken place of late of the advantages
to be gained by the world adopting global standards,
e.g. in banking. Inevitably globalization will entail
adopting such standards. America's actions over steel
seem to suggest that the US embraces a double standard.
This cannot be allowed. Countries, particularly in
Europe, that are capable of standing up to the US
must oppose it here. Taking strong measures will be
in their interests, will be in America's interest
(even if it is not in the interests of particular
special interests, or President Bush's political interests),
and will be in the broader interests of the world.
May 17, 2002.
[Source : Project Syndicate, April