Portents for the global economy are gloomy at best.
And recent events have already shown that the Indian
economy will be also be affected by adverse developments
in the rest of the world, whether through the impact
of mobile capital flows, or through exports being
dragged down by the recession in Europe and the economic
uncertainty in the US.
How resilient is the Indian economy at present, in
the face of these negative global forces? In terms
of domestic demand, it is certainly possible for the
government to think of ways of rejuvenating the economy,
ideally through more broad-based employment-led growth.
But externally, the recent pattern of growth has been
crucially related to India's greater global integration,
and therefore it has created patterns of dependence
on international markets and international capital.
This makes the economy significantly more vulnerable,
especially because the growth has been reliant on
capital inflows to generate domestic credit-driven
bubbles, rather than trade surpluses.
Chart 1 describes the main elements of India's balance
of payments. (All data in this and the following charts
are from the Reserve Bank of India's online statistical
database, accessed on 6 January 2012.) Several features
of importance emerge from this chart. First, the trade
balance has been negative and progressively worsened
over the course of the decade. Second, in the early
years of the decade, this impact could be kept in
check because remittance inflows and software exports
ensured that the current account was either in surplus
or ran small deficits. But in the second half of this
period, even large remittance inflows could not prevent
a substantial deterioration of the current account.
Third, despite this, external reserves have kept growing,
except for the crisis year 2008-09. Fourth, this was
entirely because of capital inflows, which increased
over the decade except in the crisis year, and the
capital account peaked in 2007-08 with more than $100
billion net inflow.
What this suggests is that India's
external reserves were effectively borrowed rather
than earned, as they were largely growing because
of capital inflows that were dominated by portfolio
inflows and external commercial borrowing. This is
confirmed by Chart 2, which shows that – especially
in the second half of the decade – foreign investment
and external commercial borrowing were dominantly
responsible for the inflows on capital account.
In this context, another recent feature of foreign
investment is worth noting. In the past, it made a
lot of sense to separate portfolio inflows from direct
foreign investment, on the grounds that the former
are typically more short-term in orientation and more
likely to be volatile and therefore exit the country
in periods of downswing. However, the emergence of
private equity, especially after 2000, has changed
this considerably, since this is typically included
in FDI. Private equity is also essentially short term
in orientation, since it seeks to make relatively
rapid capital gains on the acquisition of domestic
assets. A significant proportion of inward FDI into
India in the recent past has been in the form of private
equity. As a result, a significant proportion of inward
FDI is also effectively short term, and cannot be
assumed to be in for the long haul, any more than
explicitly portfolio inflows.
There is a widespread perception
that the rupee has depreciated significantly in recent
times. Certainly, in nominal terms vis-à-vis
the major currencies, there is evidence of substantial
decline in value. Chart 3 shows the rupee relative
to the US dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen. Nominal depreciation
has been particularly evident over much of 2011, which
has not been captured in this chart.
However, it should be noted that this was also a period
in which inflation in India was significantly higher
than in many if not most of its trading partners.
As a result, the real effective exchange rate, shown
in Chart 4, barely changed very much over the entire
course of the decade. The net barter terms of trade
declined until 2007, especially because of high world
oil prices, but then improved, so that even in terms
of this variable there was not much change by the
end of the decade.
Chart 5 describes the indices of
trade in terms of quantum and unit value, separately
for exports and imports. This is an extremely significant
chart, because it highlights that the quantum index
for imports moved up much more rapidly than all the
other indices. Further, it does not seem to have been
at all affected by the global crisis. So it would
be unwise to blame high oil prices alone for the high
and growing total import bill – clearly import liberalisation
has resulted in a significantly increased propensity
to import within the economy.
This also has another implication: the domestic impact
is greater than would be evident from just the total
value of imports, since significantly greater quantities
of imports are entering the country. This has direct
effects on import-competing activities, on employment
and livelihood particularly of small producers. The
slow growth of non-agricultural employment despite
rapid aggregate GDP growth may be at least partly
related to the impact of substantially increased import
volumes of a wide range of manufactured commodities.
In terms of direction of trade,
it is evident from Chart 6 that the European Union
remains an extremely important destination for exports.
This is bad news, given the likely recession in Europe
which is also bound to affect their imports. OPEC
as a group recently overtook the EU in becoming the
grouping to receive the largest amount of India's
exports (in value terms) but it is worth noting that
China and other developing countries in Asia have
become increasingly significant as export markets
for India.
Chart 7 shows that in terms of imports, the global
increases in oil prices propelled OPEC countries dramatically
to the top of the groupings in terms of sources of
imports in the second half of the decade. But once
again, it is important to note that China and other
developing Asia have become major sources of imports,
exhibiting the fastest rate of growth for non-oil
These non-oil imports have in fact
been growing very sharply. Chart 8 makes it clear
that the recent increases in the total import bill
cannot be ascribed to oil prices alone, because non-oil
imports have been growing much faster in value terms.
So recent trends in the external
sector were already cause for concern, even before
the latest impact of the ongoing global economic crisis
can be felt. It is not just high energy dependence
which is a strategic problem for India. The rapid
expansion of non-oil imports suggests an economy that
(despite two decades of liberalising ''reforms'') is
becoming less externally competitive and generating
trade patterns that are likely to continue to have
adverse employment effects. Most of all, a trajectory
of growth based on capital inflows that generate domestic
finance-driven consumption, including significantly
high imports and worsening trade balances, is obviously
not sustainable. We do not need a global crisis to
recognise these danger signals.
*This article was published in
the Business Line on January 9, 2012.
11, 2012.