could be just wishful thinking; or it could be a malicious
attempt to spread confusion about the CPI(M); or it
could be sheer ignorance about the rudiments of the
CPI(M)’s theoretical understanding among the current
generation of journalists, unlike those of an earlier
generation; but, whatever the reason, the inference
drawn by several of them from a remark of Jyoti Basu
about having to work within the capitalist system,
a remark which in itself was neither novel nor exceptionable,
that the CPI(M) had abandoned socialism, was really
quite breath-taking. But since this remark has given
rise to some confusion even among Party sympathizers
and well-wishers, it is worth making an effort to
clarify certain basic issues.
Those claiming on the basis of the West Bengal government’s
acceptance of private investment (which Jyoti Basu’s
remark had defended) that the CPI(M) has abandoned
socialism, are wrong on at least three counts: they
do not distinguish between socialist and people’s
democratic revolutions; they do not distinguish between
working within a system and working not to transcend
the system; and they do not distinguish between the
Party and Party-led governments. Let us look at each
of these distinctions seriatim.
A Communist Party is founded with the objective of
achieving socialism. Its raison d’etre is to struggle
for the achievement of this objective. But the achievement
of socialism requires a social revolution which entails
the substitution of private ownership of the means
of production by social ownership, and of the bourgeois
State that defends such private ownership by an alternative
proletarian State which is a very different kind of
State from all hitherto existing States, in the sense
that it must “wither away” over a period of time.
Since the conditions for such a social revolution
take time to mature, all Communist Parties must work
within the capitalist system for long stretches of
time, bringing theory to the working class and helping
it through its struggles to prepare itself for the
historic task of leading this revolution.
All this however presupposes that the democratic revolution
which the bourgeoisie had led historically led, has
been more or less completed, so that a socialist revolution
has come on the agenda. But in societies where the
bourgeoisie appears late on the scene, it proves singularly
incapable of completing the democratic revolution
itself, and instead makes common cause with feudal
and pre-bourgeois elements, since it is afraid that
any attack on pre-bourgeois property could well encompass
an attack on bourgeois property as well. This compromise
which was evident in the case of pre-revolutionary
Russia incorporates, in the context of third world
societies, a compromise with imperialism as well.
The anti-feudal and anti-imperialist tasks of the
democratic revolution in such societies therefore
cannot be completed by the bourgeoisie which is historically
unequal to the task, but devolve upon the proletariat
which must carry the democratic revolution to completion.
Its key ally in this democratic revolution is of course
the broad mass of the peasantry. This democratic revolution
led by the working class in alliance with the peasantry
is called the “people’s democratic revolution” which,
according to the CPI(M)’s programme is the historic
task immediately on the agenda.
The people’s democratic revolution is a rich and complex
concept. Since it entails a carrying forward of the
democratic revolution, i.e. a completion by the proletariat
of the task that the bourgeoisie historically had
undertaken, its objective is to remove the fetters
upon the most thorough-going bourgeois development;
it creates therefore the conditions for the most vigorous
and the most broad-based capitalist development. At
the same time, since it is the proletariat that leads
the people’s democratic revolution, it is not content
only to create the conditions for the most thorough-going
capitalist development, and then sit back and watch
capitalism unfold in its full vigour; rather, it unleashes
a historical process where the people’s democratic
revolution leads on to the socialist revolution. Once
the proletariat has acquired a “subject” role, it
does not withdraw from that role; rather it uses that
role to ensure that the people’s democratic revolution
leads on to the socialist revolution over a more or
less protracted period of time.
Two very important points have to be noted here: first,
while the people’s democratic revolution creates conditions
for capitalist development, the nature of this capitalist
development is different from the capitalist development
that would have occurred otherwise. “Capitalist development”
is not a homogeneous term. There is capitalism and
capitalism. What was developing in colonial India
was capitalism; what the bourgeoisie leading the freedom
struggle wanted was capitalism; what the Nehruvian
development strategy promoted was capitalism; what
neo-liberalism is promoting today is capitalism; and
what the working class will create the conditions
for, through the people’s democratic revolution, is
also capitalism. So, to say that the people’s democratic
revolution is meant to create conditions for the development
of capitalism is only a half-truth; it is meant to
create the conditions for the development of capitalism
that is different from the capitalism that would have
developed otherwise; it is meant to develop a capitalism
that is the most thorough-going and broad-based, a
capitalism that is based inter alia on radical land
reforms and a widening of the mass market.
Secondly, the struggle for creating the conditions
for the most thorough-going and
broad-based capitalist development, which the proletariat
has to lead in conditions like ours, does not become
an end in itself; it leads on to the struggle for
socialism. The continuity of this struggle was expressed
by Lenin in his Two Tactics in the following words.
“The proletariat must carry the democratic revolution
to completion, allying to itself the mass of the peasantry
in order to crush the autocracy’s resistance by force
and paralyse the bourgeoisie’s instability. The proletariat
must accomplish the socialist revolution, allying
to itself the mass of the semi-proletarian elements
of the population, so as to crush the bourgeoisie’s
resistance by force and paralyse the instability of
the peasantry and the petty bourgeoisie.” Precisely
because the consummation of the democratic revolution,
the most thorough-going attempt at building capitalism,
cannot occur in societies like ours under the aegis
of the bourgeoisie, precisely because it can be carried
out only under the aegis of the proletariat, the struggle
for such development becomes integrated with the struggle
for socialism, leads on to the struggle for socialism.
It follows then that the conception of a Communist
Party being always concerned exclusively and immediately
with the ushering in of socialism is theoretically
erroneous. Let us now move to the second error of
those claiming that the CPI(M) has abandoned socialism.
While the people’s democratic revolution is on the
historic agenda in our country, in the sense that
in its absence the democratic revolution would not
only not be carried forward, but would actually witness
retrogression (such as for instance the reversal of
land reforms, the attenuation of bourgeois democracy,
and an even greater integration with imperialism),
it is by no means imminent. The Communists in other
words have to work within the capitalist system even
as they work for the maturing of the conditions for
the people’s democratic revolution, let alone a socialist
revolution. And this work involves not just work in
trade unions, among the peasantry, on the various
mass fronts, and in the parliamentary opposition,
but also as leaders of state governments in the three
states where the Party is powerful.
Work in the state governments is no different from
work elsewhere, though the terrain of work is novel
and the conditions of work constrained by explicit
and specific provisions of the Constitution: its aim
must also be to change the correlation of class forces,
to prepare the conditions for the people’s democratic
revolution by fighting to carry forward the democratic
advance of the people and against all slide-backs,
retrogression, and counter-revolutionary rolling back
of this advance.
In the case of the state governments led by the Party,
this requires a correct policy towards the development
of the productive forces. This policy too must be
informed by the objective of creating the conditions
for the people’s democratic revolution, forging the
class alliance required for it, raising the level
of class consciousness, and strengthening the proletariat
as a revolutionary force. Stagnation in the development
of the productive forces in the Left-ruled states
in comparison to others, i.e. stagnation that is not
systemic but specific to such states, can damage this
objective by restricting employment generation, and
alienating the people from the Party (which indeed
is one reason why the capitalists used deliberately
to avoid investing in these states earlier); on the
other hand, any development that, even while creating
employment in some sectors, destroys employment in
others, including in agriculture through the alteration
of the land-use pattern, can also have a damaging
Likewise, while boycott by capitalists, which amounts
to an economic blockade of Left-ruled states, can
damage the Party and hence the cause of the democratic
revolution, any acceding to the demands of the capitalists
that results in a hiatus between the basic classes
(i.e. workers and peasants) and the Party can have
an equally deleterious effect. Avoiding these deleterious
consequences, striking a correct path based on an
all-round appreciation of the situation, making use
of investments by capitalists even while not succumbing
to their excessive demands, by taking advantage of
competition among them, and by building up the countervailing
force of government investment, is not always easy.
The exact strategy in each case has to be specifically
determined. But the basic criterion for deciding on
the correct course of action must be: does it contribute
towards an advance of the democratic revolution?
While applying this criterion however it is clear
that there is no reason for shunning capitalist investment,
since within the capitalist system in which the Party-led
governments are functioning, the investible resources
are by definition concentrated in the hands of the
capitalists. Of course, such capitalist investment
must be treated with circumspection; it must not be
allowed to thwart the advance towards a people’s democratic
revolution; and for that purpose the Party-led state
governments must have a counterweight against the
excessive demands of capital; but shunning such investment
altogether can also be equally damaging.
Such an understanding clearly does not entail an abandonment
of socialism, or an acceptance of capitalism. It only
recognizes the fact that the struggle for carrying
forward the democratic revolution, towards its ultimate
goal of socialism, has to be fought on many fronts,
in complex terrains, and in conditions not of our
choosing. While it is true that in coping with this
complexity, the ultimate objective must not be lost
sight of, a lack of recognition of this complexity
makes the ultimate objective even more elusive in
The critics of the Party are also wrong on a third
count, quite apart from their lack of understanding
of the concept of the people’s democratic revolution,
and also of the complexity of the work needed to create
the conditions for it. And this relates to a lack
of distinction between the government and the Party.
Party-led governments are not identical with the Party.
The Party embodies a theory; a government per se does
not, even when led by the Party. The Party works for
a revolution; it works through many channels including
through heading state governments. But just as there
is a difference between the Party and its front organizations,
there is a difference between the Party and the governments
it leads, as indeed between these governments and
the Party’s front organizations. These governments
are formed in accordance with the provisions of a
Constitution which in turn was framed as a scaffolding
for the structure of a State led by the bourgeoisie.
Their practical positions on a number of issues cannot
always be expected to be co-terminus with what the
Party’s theoretical understanding dictates. To infer
from the practical policies of the state governments
which are an empirical matter, the theoretical positions
of the Party, is an inversion of reason.
Negotiating the complexities of the Indian revolution
requires serious and intense debates and discussions,
but a precondition for that is to get certain basic
issues out of the way.
January 30,
2008. |