fact that China has had a remarkable economic performance
over the last two decades or more is absolutely undeniable.
She poses a potential challenge to the hegemony of
the mightiest capitalist economy of our time, the
U.S. This cannot but be welcomed by all progressive
people, since it breaks the unipolarity of the current
power structure in the world, and hence can act as
a restraining force on imperialism.
There is however another side to China's economic
performance which is a source of some disquiet. While
China has experienced rapid economic growth, enormous
improvements in the material productive forces, and
hence has emerged as a big economic power, her achievement
in terms of improving the welfare of the people has
clearly lagged behind. True, she may not have poverty
on the scale we have in India. True, the Chinese population
may not experience absolute deprivation to the extent
that one finds in other third world countries of Africa
and Asia. But, two points can be safely made: first,
her remarkable achievements in terms of economic growth
have not been transformed into anything like commensurate
welfare improvement of the people, as had happened
in the Soviet Union even in the face of enormous strains;
and secondly, considerable deprivation still exists
in China.
It may be thought that the persistence of deprivation
in China is only a temporary affair, something that
would vanish the moment the authorities decide to
use the great material achievements of that economy
for the benefit of the people; that China is at the
moment simply concentrating on growth, and will take
up the issue of distribution in due course; and that
it is all a mere matter of sequencing. This however
is wrong in my view for two reasons: first, in any
growth process, no matter how it is propelled, if
the distribution of the benefits are highly uneven
to start with, then the beneficiaries of this process
become crystallized into a strong vested interest
opposed to any future effort at redistribution; hence
the idea of "growth today and distribution later"
is an untenable idea. Secondly, the nature of Chinese
growth, which relies heavily on external markets,
has an intrinsic tendency to breed social inequality,
and consequently the persistence of deprivation. The
elimination of such deprivation will come in the way
of the sustenance of this growth performance itself
on the basis of the current strategy. Of course this
growth performance on the basis of the current strategy
may collapse for other independent reasons anyway,
such as a slump in the capitalist world economy, on
which China has become so heavily dependent; or the
imposition of protectionist restrictions on Chinese
goods in the markets of the advanced capitalist countries.
But even if none of these factors intervened, and
even if the impressive growth performance of China
continued, nonetheless the deprivation we notice in
China would still continue, since the logic of the
Chinese growth strategy entails the persistence of
such deprivation.
The reason is as follows. While China's growth is
propelled by the growth of manufacturing exports,
China is not the innovator of the technologies used
in these manufacturing sectors. The success of China’s
export drive arises therefore from the fact that she
can produce manufactured goods at much lower prices
than in the West, even while using the same technologies
as are available in the West. In other words, she
is a successful exporter because her effective wage
rate is significantly lower than in the West. If this
gap in wages between China and the West got closed,
or even significantly narrowed, then her growth strategy
will no longer be successful. Now, in the West in
the current epoch of "globalization" the
wage rate of workers has been virtually stagnant.
As a result, Chinese wage rates, which necessarily
have to remain persistently lower than the Western
ones for the success of her export-led strategy, cannot
increase much either. No matter how high the rate
of growth of labour productivity in China in the export
sectors, since this rate of growth of labour productivity
is more or less what obtains in the West (because
China is not an innovator and only adopts technologies
innovated in the West), the growth rate of China's
wage rates cannot move out of sync with that of Western
wage rates. If the latter are stagnant then so must
China’s be, even though labour productivity everywhere
is rising at a fantastic rate.
This is exactly what we find happening. Even though
Chinas manufacturing sector has a growth rate of nearly
12 percent per annum over the last several years,
her rate of growth of manufacturing employment has
been no more than 1 percent over this same period.
The reason is that her rate of growth of labour productivity
in the manufacturing sector has been extremely high,
around 11 percent. And an important contributing factor
towards this is that, whether China likes it or not,
she has to keep adopting technological innovations
introduced in the West, which typically tend to be
labour-productivity-augmenting (as Marx had argued),
if she is to remain a successful exporter, and that
these innovations, once introduced in the export sector
then spread to the rest of the economy. In short,
once China has opened herself up to unrestricted international
trade, she has little control over the pace of structural-cum-technological
change in her economy. But this implies, first, that
she continues to be afflicted by unemployment, under-employment
and the existence of huge unabsorbed labour reserves,
notwithstanding her extremely high growth rate (unlike
the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries
which, by cutting themselves off from the world economy,
had succeeded in absorbing their labour reserves and
had even experienced labour scarcity); and secondly,
that she continues to have low and relatively stagnant
wages, notwithstanding the high labour productivity
growth, since wages in the competing sectors are also
stagnant in the West.
All this is not to say that there is no scope for
any increase in wages, but that the constraints of
an export-oriented economy restrict this scope. There
is however one other obvious way that the welfare
of the Chinese people could be increased without impinging
on her international competitiveness. And this is
by increasing not the wage rate paid to workers by
the enterprises, but by increasing the social wage,
through for instance the provision of collective consumption
facilities. China, as is well-known, has accumulated
huge foreign exchange reserves. Unlike the foreign
exchange reserves of India which have been built up
primarily through the inflow of foreign finance, China’s
reserves have come mainly from her own enormous current
account surpluses. China in short is lending huge
sums of money to the advanced capitalist countries,
especially the U.S. If instead of handing over a part
of output each year to the advanced capitalist economies
of the world, and holding their IOUs in the form of
reserves, China could use her resources for enhancing
transfer payments to the working people and for public
investment for enhancing collective consumption (both
these avenues together enhance the social wage), then
there could be substantial improvement in the quality
of life of the people. But this will entail a reduction
in her export surplus, and hence possibly in her exports.
China’s export-orientation makes her persist in adding
to her reserves instead of enhancing the social wage.
China is not the first country to do this. Earlier
when Germany and Japan used to run huge export surpluses
vis-à-vis the United States, they too were
averse to enhancing domestic demand instead of piling
up foreign exchange reserves. This represents a neo-mercantilist
outlook, which goes with a desire for economic strength
in preference to an improvement in the welfare of
the people. China too is afflicted by the same desire,
born perhaps out of a strong sense of nationalism,
but clearly distinct from a socialist outlook.
Unlike what the Indian neo-liberals suggest, what
characterizes China’s strategy is not neo-liberalism
but neo-mercantilism. Not only is there, contrary
to neo-liberal tenets, no significant opening up as
yet to international financial flows (as distinct
from FDI), which enables the State to retain its autonomy
vis-à-vis international finance capital; but
there is an emphasis on export surpluses reminiscent
of mercantilism of yore.
Of course, all this may change. There is no one single
strategy that one can identify as China's "reform"
strategy. Even within the post-Mao period, China’s
"reforms" have gone through several changes.
First, it was a case of expanding agricultural production
through breaking up the communes, even while retaining
communal ownership over land and communal control
over water-works. This was a period when industrial
growth was essentially home-market-based, and hence
agriculture-based. Subsequently there was a shift
of emphasis towards Township and Village Enterprises
which catered to the export market but on the basis
of local production with relatively simple technology.
In the later period there has been greater emphasis
on the special economic zones and somewhat more sophisticated
production technologies. Indeed in contrast to the
first phase of post-Mao reforms, when the peasantry
was a beneficiary, we now have a situation where China’s
economic strategy has led to peasant resistance. (There
were 79000 incidents of clashes between the militia
and the peasantry last year, which made the Communist
Party of China adopt its policy of building a "socialist
countryside", entailing larger expenditure in
the countryside). Likewise there have been significant
changes between the Jiang Zemin era and the Hu Jintao
era. So, whether China’s growth strategy continues
to be neo-mercantilist remains to be seen. But neo-mercantilism
necessarily implies in the current context, i.e. in
the context of high unemployment and stagnating wages
in the advanced capitalist world, a persistence of
deprivation among the people.
The clearest evidence of such deprivation is to be
found among the workers. The condition of miners working
in the numerous private mines that have mushroomed
all over China, encouraged by local governments, is
well-known. It is only recent intervention by the
central government that has succeeded, according to
Chinese official sources, in bringing down somewhat
the very large number of mining deaths. The migrant
workers constitute another significant site of deprivation.
There are 180 million migrant workers in China who
work in the cities but have not permanently severed
their ties to the countryside. They work in extremely
difficult circumstances, have dwellings that are 3metres
by 3 metres per capita, and are without much social
security or trade union rights. The migrant construction
workers were not even paid for a long time by unscrupulous
private employers, but the State is now taking some
steps to make the employers pay both current wages
and the arrears.
There is a view within China that if land is made
a saleable commodity, through the transfer of ownership
rights to individual households, then the migrant
workers can sever their ties from the countryside
by selling off their land, and can become a permanent
urban-dwelling proletariat, which would improve their
social position and bargaining strength. Others disagree,
and argue that this would remove whatever social security
that access to land-use still provides the Chinese
rural population, and hence even the migrant workers,
as a legacy of the Chinese Revolution; they see it
as a measure of counter-revolution which would lead
to large-scale expropriation of peasant property by
a new segment of urban rich, keen on benefiting from
the construction boom and from real estate speculation.
What course China takes in the months to come remains
to be seen. But those who talk of a "Chinese
model" and eulogize it, usually as a means of
pushing neo-liberal policies in our own country, are
way off the mark. China herself is engaged in an intense
debate about her development trajectory, which perhaps
is the most positive aspect of contemporary China,
much more so than her growth rates.
January 31, 2007.