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Big Five Quake as Andersen Faces Doomsday Scenario
Conal Walsh

Pity Joseph Berardino, chief executive of Andersen. This month, he should have been celebrating one year at the helm of one of the world's pre-eminent accountancy firms. Instead, he is presiding over the greatest crisis his profession has ever seen. In another 12 months, Andersen may be no more.
Many will feel no sympathy at all for Berardino - among them 5,000 now-former Enron employees, and thousands of Enron pensioners whose retirement funds evaporated when the energy trading giant collapsed last month.
The biggest bankruptcy in US history has already entangled a motley mix of worthies: hundreds of Enron executives, who received big payouts on the eve of the company's collapse; scores of US politicians who benefited from Enron's largesse, including President Bush himself; and even Lord Wakeham, Britain's erstwhile Energy Secretary, who sat on Enron's board.
But Andersen, accused of negligently failing to spot the debts that brought Enron down - a charge it strenuously denies - is first in the firing line. As well as investigations by the US Congress and regulators, the firm faces a $1 billion legal action brought by shareholders.
It also faces a potential doomsday scenario, in which prosecutors prove there was fraud at Enron and Andersen knew about it. If that happens, Andersen could become liable for the amount wiped off Enron's stock market value since it restated its accounts: a figure running into tens of billions.
Until last month, the idea of a 'Big Five' accounting firm meeting with such a fate had seemed remote. They had, after all, weathered such audit failures as Barings, Polly Peck and BCCI. But Senator Joseph Lieberman, who will chair a US Senate investigation, has put the profession on notice: 'Andersen is a great company with a great name. That name is being sullied and ultimately this Enron episode may end this company's history.'
A senior British regulator agrees. 'Enron will dwarf BCCI in its consequences for the accounting profession,' he says. 'It is a scandal that has hit America, and American politics, right in its heartland. If the investigations conclude that Andersen was at fault, the reputational damage alone will be enough to wipe it out. Clients won't want to be associated with Andersen.'
In the end, the firm could be taken over by one of its rivals - Price water house Cooper, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young or KPMG (the most likely buyer). Andersen has 85,000 employees in 84 countries, but even before the Enron crisis was seen as the weakest of the Big Five, with the smallest number of audit clients.
In Britain, the Financial Services Authority and the Institute of Chartered Accountants do not expect to discover evidence of abuse relating to Enron. But the scandal's reverberations will be felt in Andersen's London office, where the mood is described as 'very gloomy'. Unlike other big accounting firms, Andersen is an 'international partnership', so its UK bosses may not be well insulated from the fallout in America.
It is not even a foregone conclusion that any suitor will be allowed to rescue Andersen. Accounting practices are now under unprecedented scrutiny and the whole profession may have to pay a price for the Enron disaster.
Figures emerged last week suggesting that Enron may have overstated profits by as much as £2bn; so, too, did evidence that has fuelled concern about Andersen's audit role at the Texan gas group.
Andersen strongly denies it knew of anything 'illegal' at Enron. At its world headquarters in Chicago, the firm's senior management has distanced itself from the actions of its Houston bureau, which shredded thousands of documents relating to its work for Enron.
The shredding is extremely embarrassing for Andersen - especially as it appears to have taken place after the firm was notified that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US watchdog, was looking into Enron. Some papers may even have been destroyed after a formal SEC subpoena reached Andersen on 8 November.
Last Tuesday, Andersen disciplined top Houston staff and sacked David Duncan, the partner who led the Enron audit. But Duncan has refused to take the blame, telling congressional investigators he was obeying orders.
US regulators are determined to learn from what happened at Enron, and one lesson they may draw is that Andersen had too cosy a relationship with Enron's directors, several of whom were ex-Andersen themselves.
Andersen refutes the suggestion that it forgot it had a duty to protect shareholders. Even so, the SEC may make it compulsory in future for listed companies to change auditors every few years.
In Britain, a similar move is under consideration. The FSA is conducting a root-and-branch review of UK listing rules and is considering a requirement that would force public companies to rotate auditors at regular intervals.
'The big firms have always opposed the idea,' says the senior regulator. 'But auditors are going to be more careful if they know another firm is going to review their work in a couple of years' time, and hold them accountable if there are any discrepancies.'
Regulators may also clamp down on firms taking lucrative consultancy work from the same companies they are auditing. Andersen was paid $25 million by Enron for its audit in 2000, and almost the same amount again for non-audit work, although it strongly denies this caused its scrutiny of Enron's accounts to be less rigorous.
There are even rumours that the US Justice Department will move to address another persistent criticism: that the Big Five stranglehold on the auditing industry has caused standards to slip.
Andersen will be hoping this idea is not pursued: if the US government wants to break up the big firms, it is unlikely to allow Andersen to merge with anyone.
For now, Andersen is fighting. Berardino took out full-page ads in US newspapers last week declaring that the firm is devising 'comprehensive changes in our practices and policies' to win back confidence. But for Andersen, and perhaps for its rivals, it may be too late.


January 22, 2002.

[Source: Observer January 20 ,2002]


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