was probably not a surprise that the International
Monetary Fund’s most recent revision of the rules
that guide its surveillance of members’ exchange rate
policies reduces policy space for developing countries.
The striking irony, though, is that the revised guidelines
reduce the policy space needed for developing countries
to successfully grow using a trade- and export-led
model, precisely the type of growth that the Fund
–and its sister institution, the Bank-- has preached
for over twenty years developing countries should
pursue. Even more ironic, is that the preaching of
an export-led model was widely attributed to the influence
of the same Fund member (the US government) at whose
behest these latest surveillance changes are being
Last June, after over one year of review, the Fund
modified its main guidelines on the implementation
of Article IV of its Articles of Agreement[1].
The guidelines, issued originally in 1977, regulated
the Fund’s role in exercising surveillance over the
exchange rate policies of member countries.
The first notable modification is the name of the
new guiding document. The old document was on Bilateral
Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies ("1977
Decision"), while the new one is called Decision
on Bilateral Surveillance over Member Policies ("2007
Decision"). This initial difference may provide
a clue as to why the Group of 24, a group of developing
country members in the IMF, reacted so strongly when
plans for the new language of the decision were unveiled.
In their Communique of last April, G24 Ministers expressed
to be "especially concerned that expanding the
principles for the guidance of members in the Decision
would blur the distinction between surveillance over
exchange rate policies and over domestic policies."
In that same communiqué they essentially demanded
a continuation of the status quo[2].
What the new Decision does on
trade-led development
Although the IMF Board communiqué about the
changes starts by saying that the 2007 decision "Does
not create new obligations for members," the
changes do go beyond a mere adjustment of the title
and are far from inconsequential. This is especially
so for a number of countries that had been able to
establish the necessary exchange rate conditions for
having a shot at harnessing trade for capital accumulation
and development.
The new decision reiterates, "A member shall
avoid manipulating exchange rates for the international
monetary system in order to prevent effective balance
of payments adjustment or to gain an unfair competitive
advantage over other members[3]."
But to the hitherto existing principles that should
guide the Fund’s assessment of what constitutes "manipulation"
it has added one that reads: "A member should
avoid exchange rate policies that result in external
The 1977 Decision also contained a list of developments
that "would require thorough review and might
indicate the need for discussion with a member."
To the 1977 list, the 2007 Decision adds "fundamental
exchange rate misalignment[4]"
and "large and prolonged current account deficits
or surpluses[5]."
As a result, the intent driving an IMF member’s currency
intervention (which was a central element under the
old Decision) is relativized in the new document.
For a member’s policies to become objectionable all
that is needed is that they be detrimental to some
loose notion of "external stability." In
fact, according to the Managing Director, Mr. Rodrigo
Rato, the new guidelines have the intention of putting
external instability at the center of the system of
Official statements, such as those by the IMF Deputy
Managing Director, Mr. Lipsky, hold that the decision
had broad support, including by China and others.
His account, however, contrasts sharply with statements
by the Chinese IMF ED, who claims the guidelines were
passed by "a minority of developed countries
which have a lot of voting rights." News reports
mention at least two more nations that did not support
the changes.
Indeed, the strong direction chosen by the new decision
is seen as a result of the US pressure on the IMF
to take action against China’s undervaluation of the
yuan. The US is known to have been pressing for some
time the Chinese government to revalue the yuan, which
it blames for its growing trade deficit. The very
positive welcome US Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson
gave to the new Decision tends to confirm this perception.
Another hint at the US influence is provided by the
Decision’s "coincidental" use of the expression
"fundamental exchange rate misalignment"
that closely repeats the language being used by a
bill that is being considered in the US Congress and
that would punish trading partners that incurred in
such "misalignments." The bill is widely
seen as a response to rising resent against the US
market penetration by imported goods from China.
The Decision certainly represents a step backward
not only for China, but for a number of developing
countries and, it is not a stretch to say, for any
developing country trying to develop through exports.
In the last few years, and especially as a reaction
to the collapse of 1997, several Asian developing
countries have aimed at increasing their level of
reserves so they would be insured against a speculative
attack, and spared the need to resort to the IMF.
Massive purchases of foreign currency by these countries
had the result of favoring low real exchange rates,
with the mutually reinforcing effects of enhancing
their competitiveness and accumulating sizeable current
account surpluses. As increased export revenues put
pressure on their currencies to appreciate, further
intervention in capital inflows and the exchange market
to keep currencies at that same (low) level were pursued.
The same trend has been followed by some countries
in Latin America, notably in Argentina. Since 2002,
after the collapse of the 1-to-1 dollar-peso parity
peg following the financial crisis, the continued
maintenance of a competitive exchange rate for exports
is one of the keys to the successful growth rates
(between 8 and 9 percent) that the country has managed
to maintain for four consecutive years now[6].
Just like in Asia, capital controls to manage sudden
inflows of capital have been one of the policy tools
used to manage the exchange rate. It is worth noting
that Argentina could not have maintained this regime
had it not been able to make early repayment of its
outstanding loans from the IMF, which was insisting
on uncontrolled flotation of the exchange rate as
a condition for renewing its loan agreement.
There is nothing wrong with the utilization of the
exchange rate as an instrument to enhance trade performance
of domestic producers. Such a use of the exchange
rate is based on a solid assessment of historical
experiences of developing countries that successfully
developed through trade. In the view of some economists,
all countries that have done this were able to "maintain
exchange rates that are attractive to exporters over
long periods of time[7]."
On the other hand, the revaluation of exchange rates
has frequently impacted negatively on competitiveness
and growth prospects[8].
Moreover, as pointed out by UNCTAD, the exchange rate
is an important policy instrument to provide domestic
producers profit incentives to invest in non-traditional
export sectors[9]. Thus,
a low real currency price can help not merely the
volume of exports, but also diversify their composition.
Some, like Rodrik, go as far as saying that "a
credible, sustained real exchange rate depreciation
may constitute the most effective industrial policy
there is[10]." Roberto
Frenkel states that "central bank intervention
in the exchange market should be oriented to signaling
the long-run stability of a competitive real exchange
rate in order to give proper incentives to tradable
industries, reduce the uncertainty of investment and
employment decisions, and prevent unsustainable balance
of payments and debt trends[11]."
In particular, Frenkel highlights the positive impacts
on exports lead to higher levels of output and employment,
positive externalities these export activities generate
for other sectors, and higher labor intensity. The
competitive real exchange rate level leads to higher
job generation, not only in the tradable, but also
in the non-tradable sector[12].
It should be underscored that the growth of export
revenue inevitably leads to current account surpluses,
which will put pressure on the exchange rate to appreciate.
Then, by definition, the type of "sustained"
and "stable" exchange rate required for
the success of the export- based development strategy
is going to require a degree of government exchange
rate and monetary policy intervention. This is, as
explained above, exactly the type of intervention
that the IMF is trying to ban with its new Decision
on Surveillance, with the identification of "large
and prolonged current account surpluses" as a
factor that should trigger pressure from the IMF to
correct (in the case, revalue) the exchange rate.
What the new Decision fails
to do on trade-led development
The Decision deserves to be criticized also on the
basis of what it lacks. Just as a stable and competitive
exchange rate helps countries improve trade performance,
the short-term volatility of exchange rates is harmful
to such performance, as it hinders any efforts to
sustained and predictable investments in economic
activities oriented to export. In fact, providing
adequate signals in this area might account for much
more improvements in supply-side capacities than all
the Aid for Trade agenda together can muster (certainly
more than it has mustered to date).
As it is well documented, the exchange rate misalignments
among countries that issue hard currency are an underlying
motivation for frequent episodes of exchange rate
overshooting in developing countries. Overshooting
that, in turn, is associated to pronounced cycles
of over and undervaluation, boom and busts cycles
that hurt even countries whose "fundamentals"
are in the best of shapes. In this regard, the financial
system presents a large asymmetry insofar as the monetary
policies of countries issuing hard currency are the
ones the Fund does not have the power to address.
In the words of the aforementioned G24 Communique,
"if the IMF has not been more effective in its
surveillance . . . it is mainly because systemically
important economies have not felt the need to follow
the Fund’s policy advice[13]."
As mentioned by several civil society organizations
in a Statement to the WTO Working Group on Debt, Trade
and Finance: "Since the fall of the par value
Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, instability and
misalignments of currency exchange rates have distorted
real comparative advantages and the value of concessions
on tariff and price-based trade liberalization measures
agreed to in successive trade negotiations. The IMF,
having lost its leverage over countries whose currencies
are held as international reserves, has proved to
be an inefficient instrument for exercising surveillance
over the monetary policies of those countries[14]."
This same idea is squarely reflected in the complaint
by the Chinese Executive Director who, in criticizing
the new Decision, mentioned that the IMF’s supervision
of "reserve currency-issuing countries"
had been inadequate and that "the issue of fairness
is not addressed." There is certainly no willingness
in the IMF’s major shareholders to vest the IMF with
prerogatives that may allow it to play an effective
role as coordinator or "umpire" of the exchange
rates for leading hard currency-issuers[15],
even though some analysts say that would be desirable[16].
Strengthening the IMF: So it
can take on the weakest countries?
What magnifies this asymmetry is that the smaller
and less diversified the economy of a developing country
is, the higher the impact from misalignments among
major currency issuers on its economy. It is precisely
the absence of a response to such asymmetry in the
current financial system what more compellingly justifies
leaving ample room for developing countries to manage
their exchange rates and capital flows at the national
and regional level. But the Fund’s Decision represents
a movement in exactly the opposite direction, creeping
into the hitherto available space for developing countries’
monetary and exchange rate policy.
For instance, notions about the adequate amount of
reserve accumulation (a usual consequence of maintaining
low real exchange rates) may change dramatically in
the face of the fact that countries know there is
no effective safety net against a speculative attack.
It may also represent a legitimate judgment about
the convenience of having to resort to a formally
existing safety net, as the Fund itself.
The Decision also raises a number of issues regarding
the practical difficulties in interpreting the degree
of discretion it accords to the IMF authorities, which
is likely to expand significantly. A main difficulty
is assessing what constitutes "manipulation."
Indeed, there is no general agreement, in the economics
profession (let alone politically) on what constitutes
a currency misalignment or, for that matter, to what
extent a misalignment should be tolerated. The 1977
Decision’s emphasis on the existence of an intent
to "gain an unfair competitive advantage"
throughout all these years had left space open for
developing countries to pursue some degree of intervention
guided by development priorities. The interpretation
of newly-added expressions such as "result[ing]
external stability" or "currency misalignment",
as if they were objective situations whose existence
anybody can easily determine, potentially leaves their
judgment to the IMF. That the IMF is the same institution
where the 2007 Decision was apparently approved "by
a minority of developing countries with a lot of voting
rights" is certainly not reassuring.
IMF credibility’s poor shape:
the silver lining
The review of surveillance was a key part of the IMF
Medium-Term Strategy that Mr. De Rato masterminded
in an effort to reinvigorate the shattered credibility
and relevance of the institution in the global economy.
The IMF authorities, consistent with this, have gone
to great lengths to explain that the 2007 Decision
should not be read as a statement about China, and
that it is "a triumph for multilateralism."
But it is hard to believe the credibility of the Fund
as a multilateral institution will be anything but
harmed by the outcome of the review. On the contrary,
if there were any hopes of the IMF playing a credible
role in overseeing multilateral exchange rate coordination
it is all gone in the sheer face of the extreme similarity
between the US government’s objectives and the outcome
of the decision. Moreover, the blatant way the Decision
disregarded the will expressed by the Ministers of
the G24 confirms, once again, how little the voice
of developing countries matters at the Fund.
The impact that this Decision will undoubtedly have
on the credibility of the Fund leads, however, to
what may be a silver lining. A stream of early repayments
continues to flow into the International Monetary
Fund (reportedly, the last large IMF borrower that
is left, Turkey, is analyzing doing it soon). Absent
the "power of the purse", credibility and
quality are all the IMF has left to get the attention
of developing country governments, so the number of
countries that actually have to pay attention to IMF
surveillance will continue to decline. It is, however,
a sad thing that developing countries have good reason
to celebrate the irrelevance of an organization that
should have been helping them overcome one of the
greatest asymmetries they face in developing through
February 26, 2008.
[1] The Public Information Notice regarding the new
Decision can be found at
[2] G24 Communique, 2007, April 13 (“[The Ministers]
remain doubtful that the revision of the 1977 Decision
Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies is necessary
to pursue the objective of more focused and effective
[3] IMF, Bilateral Surveillance over Members’ Policies,
June 15 2007 (2007 Decision), Part II, 14.D
[4] IMF 2007 Decision, Part II, 15.v
[5] IMF 2007 Decision, Part II,
[6] Frenkel, Roberto 2007. Argentina’s Monetary and
Exchange Rate Policies after the Convertibility Regime
[7] Agosin and Tussie, 2003. Trade and Growth: New
Dilemmas in Trade Policy.
[8] UNCTAD 2004, Trade and Development Report
[9] Ib.
[10] Rodrik, Dani 2004. Growth Strategies. Harvard
[11] Frenkel, Roberto 2004. “Right” Prices for Interest
and Exchange Rates, in Diversity in Development –
the Washington Consensus, FONDAD
[12] Frenkel 2007
[13] G24 Communique, 2007
[14] Letter to the WTO Working Group on Debt, Trade
and Finance, signed by 30 NGOs and Networks, 2003
(available at
[15] For expansion on this statement, see Caliari,
2007 “The IMF’s Multilateral Consultations: Were the
Skeptics Right ?”, available
[16] E.g., Goldstein, M. “Exchange rates, fair play
and the 'grand bargain'”, in Financial Times, April
21 2006