the year 2000, the UN General assembly adopted the
Millennium Declaration, in which world leaders committed
to achieving a set of 8 goals by 2015. Since then,
these Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, have
become the latest buzzword at different levels of
the international development aid industry, and have
spawned substantial employment generation for what
are now called "development practitioners".
The MDGs are certainly worthy and well-intentioned,
stating goals that no sane person could really object
to. They are: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
to achieve universal primary education; to promote
gender equality and empowerment of women; to reduce
child mortality; to improve maternal health; to combat
HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; to ensure environment
sustainability; and to develop a global partnership
for development.
All this was supposed to happen through a combination
of more international aid and policy changes within
developing countries. The trouble is that the policies
that were suggested typically involved more of the
free-market-obsessed deregulation that has already
created employment stagnation and greater income inequalities
in most of the world. But while there have been several
critiques of the polcy orientation implicit in the
entire exercise (for example by Focus in the Global
South) there has been relatively little in terms of
either assessments on the ground or presentation of
the perceptions of the people who are supposed to
be benefited by it.
That is why a new report by ActionAid International,
entitled "Whose Freedom?" (published in September
2005) is quite an eye-opener. This report is based
on interviews with more than 350,000 people from 5,000
villages in 19 poor developing countries over the
months of June, July and ugust this year. It presents
a stark and graphic picture of the continuing hardship
faced by ordinary people in these countries, more
than 5 years after the MDGs were first adopted. The
countries are: Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Senegal,
Malawi, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Nigeria,
Rwanda, Burundi, Brazil and Guatemala.
The agrarian crisis afflicting most of the developing
world is reflected in the evidence especially from
small and marginal farmers in the survey. With small
and marginal farmers unable to eke out a livelihood
from their plots, there was a widespread pattern to
recourse to casual and insecure wage labour to make
ends meet. Yet there are simply not enough jobs to
meet this growing demand – people in 87 per cent of
the villages reported that work was not available
regularly when needed, and in 50 per cent of the villages
paid work was available for only half the month the
This has affected food intake. Hunger deaths were
reported from 24 per cent of the villages, and people
from 64 per cent of the villages said they were forced
to skip meals, either regularly or in particular seasons.
Public systems of social protection were found to
be minimal: people in 47 per cent of the villages
had no access to any public service in any season.
In fact only 21 per cent of the villages offered a
public distribution system for food. In periods of
drought or shortage, only 15 per cent of villages
reported any form of drought relief, such as food
for work, cash or other transfers.
Aagainst this already depressing background, women
apparently face increasing discrimination and denial
of rights. In nearly half of the villages, no women
owned any land, in villages where they did, they were
recorded as owning land in less than 30 per cent of
cases, mostly, as co-owners with men. Work availability
and wages were found to be substantially lower than
for men. In 77 per cent of villages, there was no
government support for female-headed households, while
there they did get some, coverage was limited to less
than 30 per cent of such households. All the villages
in all the countries reported a high incidence of
violence against women.
Better education and health form an important part
of the MDGs. But in half of the villages, people said
they were dissatisfied with the education services,
and parents from 56 per cent of villages reported
that education was not affordable at all, given the
user fees and loss of children's earnings. A shocking
finding was that people from 71 per cent of the villages
reported that local children worked for wages instead
of attending school. Around 87 per cent of villages
had girls of school-going age who had not enrolled.
The general discrimination faced by girls was reflected
in the fact that schools in 60 per cent of the villages
did not toilets for girls.
Health services were even worse. 80 per cent of the
people interviewed said that health services were
too costly for them to access. 77 per cent of the
villages did not have health centres, and in half
the villages people had to walk more than 3 kilometres
to reach health posts. In any case, even at these
health posts, 76 of respondents reported that medicines
were not available. Access to clean drinking water
was found to be limited, with reports ranging from
scant availability to drought-like conditions.
Clearly, the MDGs are failing. Almost all of the respondents
to this survey felt that over the past five years,
they have either remained where they were or are worse
off in terms of access to food and basic services
and fulfilment of fundamental human rights.
While these results are shocking at one level, they
are not entirely unexpected for those who have been
observing the working out of the mechanisms unleashed
by the processes of national and international deregulation
and withdrawal of governments from fulfilling their
basic social responsibilities. Unfortunately, while
the official aid industry makes much of the MDGs,
they still continue to promote policies that will
prevent their ever being achieved. Until there is
dramatic shift in the policies imposed by most multilateral
institutions and followed by governments, this sorry
state of affairs will continue and even deteriorate
Obviously policies of privatisation of public services
must be discontinued, and there has to be substantial
increase in spending to provide public services, including
for nutrition, health, sanitation and education. Public
spending for agriculture has to be greatly enhanced,
and employment generation schemes must be given top
priority. Most important of all, ordinary people must
be given greater voice in affecting the decisions
hat affect their conditions of life.
December 5, 2005.