World Bank has today2
released what it refers to as 'updated' global poverty
estimates. These new numbers are based on a new worldwide
price survey and a new benchmark international poverty
line of $1.25 2005 PPP which replaces earlier benchmark
poverty lines (of $1.08 1993 PPP and $1.00 1985 PPP,
both widely referred to as "$1 per day")
corresponding to earlier base years. The revised figures
purport to estimate world poverty figures for a range
of years since 1981, and thus crucially affect our
understanding of the world over the last quarter century
of globalization.
Many aspects of the global order, such as the movement
toward freer trade, as well as national institutions
and policies, are defended by referring to their effect
on the poor. The Bank's poverty estimates are thus
central to their assessment. Moreover, the Millennium
Development Goals are defined in terms of these estimates,
making this revision of great importance for determining
whether the world is on track to reduce poverty by
the amount required by the Goals.
Can the Bank’s new estimates be trusted? Can they
be trusted more than its own earlier greatly lower
poverty estimates, which they are intended to replace?
Unfortunately, the Bank’s new estimates are based
on the same methods it used earlier and are undermined
by the same problems as the earlier estimates.
Two problems are foremost, as noted in a widely cited
critique by Sanjay Reddy and Thomas Pogge3.
The first is that the Bank’s chosen international
poverty line is far too low to cover the cost of purchasing
basic necessities. A human being could not live in
the US on $1.25 a day in 2005 (or $1.40 in 2008),
nor therefore on an equivalent amount elsewhere, contrary
to the Bank's claims. Indeed, it appears to be far
too low in many countries to account for the cost
of purchasing basic necessities. That this is so is
self-evident in the case of the United States—the
base country in whose units the international poverty
line is defined. One’s daily income can be a great
deal higher than $1.25 and still leave one unable
to fulfill basic nutritional requirements, let alone
the other requirements of a minimally decent life.
Since the international poverty line is defined in
purchasing power adjusted units, meant to capture
a constant level of purchasing power across countries,
this incoherence is not easy to overcome.
The Bank's claim that its poverty line is sufficient
in other countries, despite being insufficient in
the United States, implicitly acknowledges the second
problem: that the Bank uses inappropriate purchasing
power parities (PPPs) to convert its poverty line
across currencies. Consider the question of how many
rupiahs are needed in Jakarta to possess the purchasing
power of a dollar in Washington, D.C.: the question
cannot be answered without first establishing the
purpose to which the money is to be put. If the purpose
is to purchase the goods needed to escape severe poverty
(such as staple foodstuffs, which are internationally
tradable and the prices of which tend more closely
to reflect market exchange rates) the rate of equivalence
may be different than if the purpose is to buy domestic
services (which are typically relatively cheaper in
poor countries as labor is not similarly internationally
mobile). We argue that the rates of equivalence used
by the Bank typically understate substantially the
relative cost of purchasing in poor countries the
goods which are needed to escape poverty. In addition,
the PPPs calculated for each country inappropriately
reflect irrelevant information about the pattern of
consumption in third countries other than the country
in which the price level is being assessed and the
base country with which prices are compared (the United
States). This is because the worldwide pattern of
consumption determines the weights placed on different
commodities when assessing the price level in each
country. The resulting problem of country irrelevance
compounds the problem of commodity irrelevance just
noted. The Bank’s new $1.25 poverty line is itself
based on an average of poverty lines allegedly used
in poor countries. However, as before many of these
poverty lines have been defined by the Bank itself
and they are translated into common units using the
very PPPs the application of which is in question.
The claim that the international poverty line (whether
the new or the old one) is representative of standards
prevailing in poor countries is untenable.
Within the Bank's current approach, these problems
can be mitigated but not overcome. The underlying
source of the problems is the lack of a clear criterion
for identifying the poor, and that basic deficiency
remains unaddressed. The features that supposedly
constitute improvements in the Bank’s estimates lead
only to increased confusion. We have no basis to conclude
that the new set of PPPs employed by the Bank generate
poverty estimates which are closer to the ‘truth’,
despite the Bank’s rhetoric to this effect. Rather,
we can only conclude that they are differently distorted
than the earlier ones. The direction and extent of
the new distortion likely varies from country to country,
making it all but impossible to determine which set
of estimates is more accurate. The Bank's declarations
mask the fact that it has been building castles with
sand. The new PPPs produced by the International Comparison
Program do indeed incorporate certain methodological
improvements - but these are largely improvements
which have little benefit for poverty assessment.
For instance, the better measurement of the quality
of government services, which is an important source
of the discrepancies between the most recent PPPs
and the last, is quite important for assessing real
national incomes but largely irrelevant for determining
the number of poor.
Even if the latest PPPs present a better picture of
relative prices in 2005, that does not make them a
better basis to judge poverty across countries in
the previous years in which poverty must also be estimated
to assess trends. In fact, as we have shown in our
work, the relative extent of poverty in different
countries and years, and the estimated trend, is so
dependent on the base year chosen for the exercise
that there is no convincing basis to pick the estimates
corresponding to one base year over those corresponding
to another.
These fluctuations are inherent in the way that present
PPPs are constructed, because PPPs reflect the relative
costs for a worldwide pattern of consumption prevailing
at only one moment in time, and this pattern is constantly
changing. The notion that the new PPPs constitute
merely an “update” which better captures the reality
over the entire period being assessed is badly mistaken.
Rather, they merely present a snapshot of relative
prices across countries at a point in time which is
no more authoritative for intervening years than similar
snapshots of the relative prices across countries
taken at points closer to those years. The use of
national consumer price indices to identify the local
equivalent of the international poverty line in years
other than the base year further diminishes comparability
across country-years as each such index refers to
the price of a basket of goods with a composition
entirely different from the pattern of world consumption
which is used to calculate price differences across
countries in the base year. The discrepancies can
be substantial. The Bank implicitly admits this by
substituting the new $1.25 international poverty line
for the 2005 U.S. equivalent of its earlier $1.08
1993 poverty line (which is close to $1.45 in 2005
prices). Estimates of the level of poverty in each
country and of the relative extent of poverty in different
countries depend greatly on the choice of base year
(and associated international poverty line).
The new estimates of the proportion of the world’s
population in poverty suggest that the number of poor
is almost fifty percent more than the Bank had previously
proposed. Although the rate of poverty reduction since
1990 is almost the same under the new estimates as
the old, this appears to be a fluke and plausibly
attributable to data errors. If the final year of
the comparison is moved backward by just three years
to 2002, for instance, the rate of reduction of world
poverty appears notably less favorable under the new
estimates. The only region that appears to have had
a faster rate of poverty reduction under the new estimates,
regardless of whether the period is taken to begin
in 1980 or in 1991, is Latin America. Europe and Central
Asia as well as the Middle East and North Africa have
much lower rates of estimated poverty reduction according
to the new estimates than they did previously. The
estimated proportion of the population that is currently
poor in Latin America has barely changed under the
new estimates, whereas it has risen by between twenty
and thirty percent in sub-Saharan Africa and in South
Asia and by multiples elsewhere (by a factor greater
than four in Europe and Central Asia, greater than
three in the Middle East and North Africa and almost
two in East Asia).
The enormous fluctuations in the Bank’s poverty estimates,
of a kind which would be unacceptable for most economic
statistics, make them unfit for use. The Bank has
already undertaken two revisions of base year (and
associated international poverty line) and wreaked
havoc to its poverty estimates each time. Does it
intend to continue on the same path? The next global
price survey which will necessitate such a revision
is scheduled for 2011. The Bank can at that point
choose between pulling the rug from underneath itself
again as it has done today, continuing to use PPPs
from an earlier base year despite their growing apparent
irrelevance, or admitting that it is wrong.
The Bank's failure to take criticisms seriously and
to develop new poverty estimates in a transparent
manner mean that the excuse that it is doing the best
that can be done is increasingly flimsy. There exist
feasible alternative methods These involve careful
coordination of household surveys and poverty line
construction across countries, ensuring comparability
from the first and invalidating the need to use ever
shifting PPPs for the purpose. Such an effort would
be along the lines of the coordination of national
accounts -- a previous crowning achievement of the
United Nations and its member countries. The subject
is too important for the world to defer to unscrutinized
claims of expertise.
August 28, 2008.
. I would like to thank Thomas Pogge for his invaluable
comments and suggestions
[2] August 26th, 2008
[3] "How
Not to Count the Poor", forthcoming in Stiglitz,
J., Anand, S. and Segal, P. ed., Debates on the Measurement
of Global Poverty, Oxford: Oxford University Press.