recently published Human Development Report 2003 (HDR
2003) stresses the need for countries, both developed
and developing, to play their roles in order to meet
the Millennium Development Goals adopted at the UN
Millennium Summit in September 2000 and in the process
end poverty. In fact this report has more credence
than the World Development Report, brought out by
the World Bank. The HDR, an annual ritual of the UNDP,
appears to have a focus oriented towards improving
the condition of the world's population, especially
in developing countries. However, its adherence to
the belief that globalization, the way it is spreading
today, is the panacea of all miseries plaguing the
people of poor countries nips in the bud the possibility
of this report in departing radically from mainstream
economic orthodoxy.
The HDR 2003, titled 'Millennium Development Goals:
A Compact among Nations to end Human Poverty' therefore
flatters only to deceive. The report still bases all
hopes of alleviating miseries of poor countries on
the largesse of the rich. The Millennium Development
Goals on which the HDR 2003 hinges the progress of
poor countries are listed below:
Eradicate extreme poverty and
- Reduce by half the proportion of people living
on less than a dollar a day
- Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer
from hunger
Achieve universal primary education
- Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full
course of primary schooling
Promote gender equality and empower
- Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary
education preferably by 2005, and at all levels
by 2015
Reduce child mortality
- Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among
children under five
Improve maternal health
- Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
- Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
- Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria
and other major diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
- Integrate the principles of sustainable development
into country policies and programmes; reverse loss
of environmental resources
- Reduce by half the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water
- Achieve significant improvement in lives of at
least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020
Develop a global partnership for
- Develop further an open trading and financial
system that is rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
Includes a commitment to good governance, development
and poverty reduction-nationally and internationally
- Address the least developed countries' special
needs. This includes tariff- and quota-free access
for their exports; enhanced debt relief for heavily
indebted poor countries; cancellation of official
bilateral debt; and more generous official development
assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction
- Address the special needs of landlocked and small
island developing States
- Deal comprehensively with developing countries'
debt problems through national and international
measures to make debt sustainable in the long term
- In cooperation with the developing countries,
develop decent and productive work for youth
- In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies,
provide access to affordable essential drugs in
developing countries
- In cooperation with the private sector, make available
the benefits of new technologies-especially
information and communications technologies
What is disturbing in the goals mentioned above
is that while almost all of the first seven targets,
the onus of meeting which is on the countries in crisis,
have specific periods within which they need to be
met, the steps that the rich countries have to take
in order to make the effort a success do not have
any time frame. While the HDR makes a plea to the
advanced countries and the private sector to set their
own time frames, such pleas are bound to fall on deaf
ears. The report itself mentions that the aid target
of 0.7 per cent of the gross national income of developed
countries had been set in 1970, and even today the
aid flow is nowhere near the target. That thirty-three
years later the same target has to be repeated, speaks
volumes about the level of commitment in the North
to fight for eradication of global poverty. Given
this situation, it is useless to have the same set
of goals for the developing world hoping that the
aid necessary to meet these goals would suddenly start
The report, in many places, speaks of the need for
greater resource generation from within the developing
countries themselves. But the report hardly suggests
ways as to how this can be accomplished. The only
thing it suggests is good governance, implying that
lack of governance is the prime cause for inadequate
resource generation. While corruption seems to cause
misery to the poor in the developing world, the scenario
in developed countries is no better. Accounting malpractices
have become the norm rather than the exception. However,
while the donors have always looked at corruption
in public offices and imposed governance related conditionalities
on the borrowing governments, they have let the private
sector go scot-free. The HDR 2003 too exhibits a similar
tendency, under the implicit belief that private players
would be free from corruption.
The report, in several places, contradicts its own
statements. It focuses on increasing democratization
of the economies and of the way in which governments
function in these economies. However, the report seems
to confuse between democratization (and decentralization)
of government activities and reduction of state control.
If anything, the withdrawal of the state, making way
for the private players, will reduce the control that
democratic processes have over policy decisions that
are critical in shaping people's social and material
lives. People across the world will witness disempowerment
with this process, aided and abetted by the forces
of liberalization, deregulation and globalization.
The HDR 2003 also considers the Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers (PRSPs) as a framework that moves
'poverty reduction closer to the centre of development
strategies'. The only criticism the report has for
PRSPs is that they ask the countries to prepare the
papers keeping in mind the various constraints their
economies are faced with. The HDR 2003 argues that
this should not be the case particularly as far as
the financial and market access constraints are concerned,
and the developed world should give more aid and open
their markets to products from developing countries.
While the increased donor assistance and market access
would of course be welcomed by developing countries,
lack of these are not the only deficiencies that the
PRSPs suffer from. The PRSPs are supposed to be produced
by the respective countries in consultation with their
civil societies and ought to reflect the needs of
the countries. However, in reality, the PRSPs look
like documents written to satisfy the demands of donor
agencies and countries, suggesting macroeconomic packages
that are detrimental to the interest of the developing
countries. While these packages are obsessed with
bringing inflation down, for many of the Highly Indebted
Poor Countries (HIPCs), most of them in Africa, inflation
today is hardly a concern. The world today is rather
in a deflationary stage. But because the donors believe
that inflation is the worst thing that may happen,
conservative monetary policy has to be pursued by
African nations. Besides, PRSPs are also obsessed
with the view that controlling public expenditure
is the only route to fiscal discipline. The HDR 2003
does not mention these irrationalities that are widely
prevalent in PRSPs.
The report has also repeatedly cited the International
Conference on Financing for Development held at Monterrey
in March 2002 as some sort of a milestone that 'reaffirmed
the world's commitment to the Millennium Declaration
and its development targets'. The HDR has said:
The conference advanced new terms for a global partnership
based on mutual responsibilities between developing
and rich countries. It also reaffirmed the primary
responsibility of national governments for mobilizing
domestic resources and improving governance-including
sound economic policies and solid democratic institutions.
And it reaffirmed commitments by rich countries to
work towards a supportive international environment
and increased financing for development. (p. 41)
However, the 'Monterrey Consensus' will hardly mitigate
the miseries of those reeling under poverty. The Consensus
expressed intentions to reduce poverty, but hardly
included quantifiable goals or deadlines for the same.
It focused more on the issue of how much aid rich
countries should give to poor countries, that too
only if the aid seekers exhibit 'good governance',
solid economic policies and legal structures needed
to encourage free trade, etc. Issues like debt relief,
historically generated structural constraints on development
and global policies in areas like health and education
were hardly addressed. If this consensus is considered
to be a landmark then the millennium goals cannot
ever be achieved.
The HDR 2003 comments that globalization has bypassed
several countries and regions and hence these regions
and countries have remained poor or their economic
conditions have deteriorated. Many small countries,
despite opening up, have found out that no international
firm has shown any interest to invest in production
for small domestic markets. The report says, 'But
just as globalization has systematically benefited
some of the world's regions, it has bypassed others
as well as many groups within countries' (p 29). However,
nothing can be further away from truth. More often
than not, countries that are in crisis today would
have been better off had globalization, in reality,
bypassed them. Globalization has caused massive flights
of capital and resources from one country to the other.
As a result, countries that have benefited from the
process of globalization have done so entirely at
the expense of the economies of adversely affected
The HDR 2003 has listed countries where hunger and
child mortality have risen during the 1990s. The report
mostly attributes such failure to economic stagnation
and non-performance of the countries concerned. However,
in many countries these increases have been caused
to a great extent by the economic and other sanctions
imposed by the UN (in Iraq), or the US (in Cuba).
But such causation finds no mention in the report.
Overall the HDR 2003 turns out to be a huge disappointment.
It fails to condemn the market forces for the miseries
that they have thrust upon the masses in poor developing
countries. Rather it states that the way these developing
countries can benefit is through the spread of globalization
in these countries as well. While agreeing that the
causation is not automatic, the report argues that
economic growth is essential for reducing poverty.
Seldom if ever is income poverty reduced in a stagnant
economy, and the regions growing fastest economically
are also the ones that have reduced income poverty
most. That provides a clear message: economic growth
is essential for reducing income poverty. (p 40)
However, things can easily work better the other way
in economies that face a demand constraint. Redistribution-through
taxing the rich and giving it to the poor-can
in fact generate more demand for goods and services
than if the money remained with the rich. This is
a phenomenon accepted even by mainstream economists,
as marginal propensity to consume is lower at higher
levels of income. Also goods and services demanded
by the poor are more likely to be locally produced
than the ones demanded by the rich that mostly have
a high, if not absolute, import content. Demand for
locally producible goods and services does not stretch
the need for foreign exchange, creates employment,
and generates additional demand from those newly recruited.
Thus more money in the hands of the poor has a greater
multiplier effect on the domestic economy. But the
HDR 2003 overlooks this fact. It states that almost
no country has seen a reduction in poverty preceding
a rise in growth rates. However, it is simply because
the economic orthodoxy of the donors in today's world
does not leave any space for the receiving countries
to go in for income redistribution.
What is regrettable is the fact that even the HDR
2003 fails to challenge this orthodoxy in economic
thinking. Rather, this orthodoxy and the devotion
to supply-side economics run through the report till
the end. In the last paragraph the report states,
'The global economic slowdown also threatens to undermine
rich country action for development as their own economies
come under pressure to reduce budget deficits and
press home their own trading advantages' (p. 162).
However, it is actually during slowdowns that economies
need to boost spending and a reduction in budget deficit
is not desirable at that point of time. And indeed
the US, the preacher of these orthodox policies worldwide,
itself seems not to practise what it preaches. It
is another matter that the US, instead of increasing
government expenditure, gives tax sops to the rich
hoping that this will lead to an increase in demand.
A better way of ensuring an economic reversal would
have been to use the taxes to raise government expenditure
in sectors that would have a greater multiplier effect
in boosting demand and employment, and to ensure similar
expansion outside the US through increased aid flows
and imports.
As long as the economists involved in the preparation
of the HDR do not give up their faith in neo-liberal
policies, nothing substantial that might alleviate
the miseries of the poor countries is going to come
out of such reports. It might initially generate hopes
for a better future in the developing world but such
hopes are not going to last long. One can therefore
say, as in previous years, this year too the HDR has
flattered to deceive.
August 04, 2003. |