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Musical Expressions Jayati Ghosh

For many listeners, the string quartet provides at once the most intimate and the most expansive of musical possibilities. The combination of two violins, a viola and a cello playing together was first developed and then nearly perfected by Joseph Haydn in 18th century Austria. Since then its popularity has never waned, and it has remained an important vehicle for musical expression even for composers in the 21st century. Because it requires musicians to play together and listen together, it creates bonds that can almost be palpably felt by listeners. So there is something about these four string voices heard…

Capital Bleeds from Emerging Asia C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh

Capital flight, in 2015, from the emerging markets, especially those in Asia, was much worse than has been previously estimated. This augurs ill for the coming year. Emerging_Asia (Download the full text in PDF format) (This article was originally published in the Business Line print edition dated February 2, 2016.)  

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