International Development Economics
Associates (IDEAs) organised a two day conference on ‘The Value of Money
in Contemporary Capitalism’ in New Delhi on 12th and 13th of September.
The conference was meant to address issues around the role of money in
contemporary capitalism, in both national and international contexts.
The starting point was a new book by Prof. Prabhat Patnaik (Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi), a renowned Marxist macroeconomist, entitled
Value of Money” (Tulika Books and Columbia University Press
2008) which was released around the same time. This book provides a logical
critique of monetarism, which has become the dominant stream of contemporary
macroeconomics. However, it is a critique along lines very different from
what is generally advanced. As against the monetarist view that the value
of money vis-à-vis commodities is determined by demand and supply
of money, it argues that the value of money is given from outside the
realm of demand and supply.
The first part of the conference focused on a consideration and assessment
of the arguments made in the book, at both theoretical and empirical levels.
The second part of the conference was devoted to analyses of recent tendencies
in money, finance and real economies in particular countries and in the
world economy.
About 170 participants from India and around the world took part in the
conference. The group included academicians, policymakers and students.
Many members of the civil society were also present. Apart from the formal
discussion, informal exchanges among the large number of participants
during the course of these two days were passionate and productive.
DAY 1, 12th September 2008
Opening Session
The two-day long conference begun with opening remarks from the Chair,
Pasuk Phongpaichit, Chairperson, IDEAs and Professor, Department of Economics,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. She opened the discussion
saying a few words about the network IDEAS and its growing reach among
heterogeneous economists from all over the world. Talking about the conference
Pasuk Phongpaichit said that the conference is about scrutinising the
role and determinants of money and capitalism with USA as a hegemonic
Jayat Ghosh, Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU,
New Delhi and Executive Secretary, IDEAs, introduced Prabhat Patnaik’s
book ‘The Value of Money’ by listing out the various challenges posed
by the book to existing mainstream economics. Jayati Ghosh pointed out
that the central theme of the book is to analyse the determinants of money
and then it goes on to critique the exogeneity aspect of the determinants.
The book challenges the different concepts of money, specifically the
monetarist view on money and discusses ‘money’ in the Marx-Keynes-Kalecki
Prabhat Patnaik, Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning,
JNU, India, outlined the main themes developed in this book. Prof. Patnaik
highlighted the difference between monetarist and ‘propertyist’ traditions
on the question of the determinants of value of money. In the monetarist
tradition, Prof. Patnaik argued, money is viewed as a medium of circulation
and its value is determined by its excess demand. In the propertyist tradition,
that includes the views of both Marx and Keynes, money is also viewed
as a form of property or a form of holding wealth. Prof. Patnaik argued
that the medium of circulation role of money cannot be separated from
its role as a form of holding wealth. Money cannot act as a medium of
circulation if it is also not a form of holding wealth. However, once
the role of money as a form in which wealth is held is recognised, the
possibility of realisation or effective demand problem also has to be
Prof. Patnaik further argued that the propertyist tradition is incomplete
because it does not explain why, in spite of its inherent tendency towards
the realisation problem, capitalism has operated in a viable and stable
manner over long stretches of time. Patnaik contended that it is the existence
of a pre-capitalist sector, which provides both cheap inputs and markets
to the capitalist core that provides stability to the system. He argued
that the pre capitalist sector provides cheap inputs to ensure stability
of the value of the currency used internationally, namely dollars. This
theory of the value of money in capitalism therefore logically leads to
a theory of imperialism. This leads Patnaik to a discussion of the international
monetary system. He argues that even while the world economy may appear
to have done away with commodity money by de-linking the US dollar from
gold, in fact it can never actually do so. The value of money, even paper/credit
money, arises because of its link to commodities. Stability in the international
monetary system requires the persistence of the confidence of the capitalist
world’s wealth-holders in the leading economy’s currency as a stable medium
for holding wealth, and this depends on the continued perception of global
hegemony of the leading economy. Patnaik refers to the current international
monetary regime as the oil-dollar standard, and provides an explanation
for the Iraq war in terms of the need to stabilise the oil-dollar standard.
This explains the present drive by the US to establish control over oil.
The control over oil by US instils confidence among international investors
over the value of dollar.
Session 2: Responses 1
Chair: Utsa Patnaik, Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning,
JNU, New Delhi, India
Speakers: Jan Kregel, Anjan Mukherjee, Robert Pollin
Opening remarks on his book by Prabhat Patnaik were followed by responses
from Jan Kregel, Anjan Mukherjee and Robert Pollin.
Jan Kregel, Senior Scholar, Levy Economics
Institute of Bard College, USA, in his note: “The
Value of Money in Contemporary Capitalism: Draft of Remarks”
argued that while Patnaik’s book is presented as a book on monetary theory,
it is a book about economic policy as well. In this regard, he highlighted
the role of Employer of Last Resort (ELR) programmes. He argued that such
programmes, by offering employment to anyone who is willing and able to
work at a given wage, not only solve the problem of unemployment but by
fixing a base for the wage also set the base for the price system. Prof.
Kregel, however differed with Prof. Patnaik on the latter’s assertion
that at the international level we are still employing a commodity money
standard or what Patnaik called the oil-dollar standard. Prof. Kregel
argued that the recent increase in oil prices has been due to increased
financial speculation and not due to increase in demand caused by greater
industrialisation in parts of Asia. This, according to Kregel, suggested
that US financial interests, who should have a clear interest in supporting
the value of the US dollars and international currency, did not recognize
that their actions would eventually undermine their position according
to Prof. Patnaik's interpretation.
Prof Mukherji talked about chapter
2 and chapter 4 of Prof. Patnaik’s book. He argued that in a single period
three sector model, the important thing to look at is the existence of
the equilibrium rather than the stability of equilibrium. He further argues
that in such a model if equilibrium exists it will in all likelihood be
unique. Due to ambiguity in the sign of the excess demand function, the
assumption of gross substitution cannot be made. Prof Patnaik makes this
assumption. He contends that without this assumption also, lot can be
said about the stability of the equilibrium. Since the trace of the matrix
that one gets after double differentiating the excess demand function
is negative so the equilibrium will be locally stable. But to study the
global stability of the equilibrium, he argues, one needs to study phase
diagrams. He further argues that in all cases it can be shown that if
equilibrium exists then it is bounded and bounded away from zero. It is
true for the case of saddle point also. Therefore, according to him, the
endeavor should be to look for the existence of the equilibrium in this
kind of model. Suppose equilibrium does not exist then two possibilities
arises, one in which the prices converge to zero, that is the value of
money goes to infinity. The other is the value of money going to zero.
These are the two possible cases discussed by Prof Patnaik in his book.
These cases arise because of the non existence of the equilibrium so the
question of stability does not arise. If we want to study the value of
money, Prof Patnaik’s model in Chapter 2 is not appropriate; rather one
should take an inter-temporal model.
In his paper “Considerations
on Interest Rate Exogeneity”, Robert
Pollin, Co-director, Department of Economics and Political Economy
Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts-Amherst, said that
he agreed with most of the conclusions reached by Prabhat Patnaik. However,
he also had some points on which he differed with Patnaik. First, he pointed
out that the book ignores the role of central banks and financial innovation
in driving the money supply process. Second, he argued that the role of
the pre-capitalist sector in Prof. Patnaik’s book is perhaps exaggerated.
Processes internal to capitalism, such as the maintenance of the reserve
army of labour can keep prices stable. He also argued that aggregate demand
can be boosted through government expenditure, bourgeoisie’s consumption
etc. Hence, pre-capitalist sector is not a logical requirement for capitalism
to ensure stability and growth. Finally, he stressed the importance of
overcoming the realisation crisis through clean energy investments, in
the context of threats posed by climate change.
Session 3: Responses 2
Chair: Jan Kregel, Distinguished Research Professor, Centre for Full Employment
& Price Stability, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA and Senior
Scholar, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA
Amiya Bagchi, Director, Institute of
Development Studies, Kolkata, India, in his paper “Money
under Capitalism: Domestic, Universal”, argued that much of
the theorizing of money under capitalism relates to a developed economy.
Thus, he argued that there is no history of finance and money from the
point of view of the poor. Even in systems where there is more than one
type of commodity money, the one used by the poor is the one which has
the least amount of acceptability. However that money cannot work beyond
the domestic sphere. One can have domestic money entirely based on trust
but cannot have a similar form of international money because an international
money requires an acceptance beyond the domestic circuits of trust. Therefore
throughout the period of development of capitalism, the competing capitalist
states have sought to control the form of money which has the largest
degree of acceptability in the arena of international exchange. The power
seeking hegemony has always sought to make its domestically acceptable
currency the hegemonic currency in the world. Therefore the money used
by the weaker economies has also been made the weaker currencies.
S. L. Shetty, Director, EPW Research
Foundation, Mumbai, India, in his response to the theme put across the
point that finance capital is one of the important ways of establishing
strategic infringement of imperialism. In the context of India his paper
Economic Structure and Financial Architecture: A Growing Mismatch”
makes the point that over time the financial infrastructure of the economy
has not moved in consonance with the changing economic structure of the
economy. A comparative analysis of pre-reform and post-reform periods
in India shows that changing public policies themselves have been the
main source of stress in the financial system.
In the discussion on his paper, “The
Value of Money and the Theory of Imperialism”, Dr. Prasenjit
Bose, Convenor, Research Unit, CPI (M), New Delhi, India, said
that the book by Prof. Patnaik opens up new vistas for understanding the
nature of development of capitalism. At the same time, he felt, the two
main problem of Prof. Patnaik’s analysis was that, first, the role of
the state has been analyzed solely in terms of demand management and second,
military expenditure as an important expenditure of the state has been
glossed over in the book. Also, the theory of imperialism, as proposed
by Prof. Patnaik in the book, should be put to the test of praxis. For
that, Dr. Bose said, it is essential to explore the nature of the relationship
between different exploited classes.
Session 4: Panel Discussion
Chair: Anil Bhatti, Professor, Centre of German Studies, School of Language,
Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Speakers: Abhijit Sen, Charles Abugre, Chris Baker, Patan Khasnabis
Opening the discussion Abhijit Sen, Member, Central Planning Commission,
India and Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU, New
Delhi raised three main issues. The first is a discomfort with the idea
that there cannot be a closed capitalist system, a discomfort that has
been borne out of the fact that we have been subjected to models of closed
systems. A great deal of money is used to finance wars, aid, etc. which
is actually state spending, signifying some kind of fiscal policy. As
long as we can allow the state to do these, there is no need for pre-capitalist
economies. Therefore the capitalist state can take care of its own crisis
while working as a closed system without any intervention from outside.
Second, seen in terms of the world economy today, the idea of money as
commodity money, specifically as oil money, though attractive, seems to
be somewhat inconsequential to the current behaviour of the world economy.
The approach taken by Prof. Patnaik therefore does not help in demystifying
things for the following three reasons:
(i) After the neoliberal takeover, a huge rise of finance capital happened
through successive bubbles in various assets. The relationship between
money and these asset markets need to be spelt out.
(ii) The present capitalist leader is in debt, predominantly to countries
that sell goods to it. It allows other countries to run current account
surpluses. In this context, it is important to consider the question of
the undervalued exchange rate of its trading partners, especially China,
which refuses to let its currency to appreciate.
(iii) The immediate past has seen a huge commodity boom, with finance
moving from one set of assets to another. The past 18 months’ events cannot
be termed as any long term tendency. Even as the oil-dollar pedestal is
the building block of Prof. Patnaik’s ideas, the US does not think of
oil as that important except on the supply side.
Third, he made some remarks about the Indian case:
The Raghuram Rajan Committee report on financial reforms talks about “growth
and inclusiveness”. Too many people are excluded from the financial system.
How do we bring them into the financial system? For the Indian capitalist
class, this could be thought of as necessary. But that’s not it. The discourse
within peripheral capitalism does not seem to recognize any relationship
on which Prof. Patnaik puts so much emphasis.
Is it not the case that governments have moved away from fiscal policy
Moreover, today wages are very sticky. Real wages in the capitalist sector
have hardly increased. BPOs, etc cannot be seen as safety valves as Patnaik
would have it. These merely utilise existing reserve armies. In this context,
how should we blend the idea of imperialism to the idea of the closed
capitalist economy which is what capitalism is all about?
Charles Abugre, Head, Policy and Advocacy, Christian Aid, London, UK,
was of the opinion that Prabhat Patnaik’s argument that stability of the
capitalist economy lies in the degradation of the pre-capitalist economy
that resides together with capitalist economic structures was particularly
interesting. But he questioned whether and to what extent questions it
is possible to make a clear demarcation between capitalist and non-capitalist
economy in reality. Abugre pointed out that such a demarcation may be
plausible in case of a country like India, which has faced a rapid economic
transformation. This is, however, not true for countries in West and East
Asia. Those economies stand testimony to continuous decay and diffusion
of new modes. As a result, there arise intermediate class structures.
Secondly, he argued that Patnaik’s book has suggested socialism as the
necessary solution to the present problem but the solution does not emerge
as an inevitable outcome of the theorization of the same.
Chris Baker, Independent Researcher and Writer, Bangkok, Thailand, made
the point that it is not possible to talk about the global economy without
talking about practice. He raised the question whether it is realistic
to make a stark division between capitalist and pre-capitalist economy
in today’s world. Patnaik’s theory, Dr. Baker opined, does not incorporate
the diffusion of capitalism. Capitalism degrades the precapitalist economies,
but not till the point until the whole system fails. If we look at the
examples of economies in Latin America, Africa and Asia, both degradation
and diffusion have been going on in parallel.
Patnaik produces socialism out of the hat, as essential but not inevitable.
Does this ambitious re-casting of the ideas about world capitalism give
us any idea about the political organization required to put this into
Ratan Khasnabis, Professor, Department of Economics, and Dean, School
of Business and Management Studies, University of Kolkata, West Bengal,
India, began by saying that he agrees with Patnaik’s critique of neoliberal
economic theory. Patnaik’s world is the world of sticky prices of Marx,
Keynes and Kalecki. To Khasnabis, the Marxian stand is more convincing,
as it does not bind the model to the short term. It can be used to build
a model keeping in mind long term consequences.
Maintenance of a minimum rate of profit is required for the sustenance
of capitalism. For the viability of the system, pre-capitalist sectors
are needed to provide stimulus to investment and as a repository of labour
But the stimulus to investment might come from within. The Schumpeterian
innovation ‘creative destruction’ fits well with the Marxian model of
capitalism. Marx had argued that competition among capitalists leads to
concentration and centralization of capital. The process is facilitated
by innovation. Innovators eliminate the competitors, which is achieved
by reducing the cost of production. Hence profitable lines of production
can be maintained to an extent.
Lenin had pointed out that underconsumption is a reality, and that it
could be the cause of crisis. The motive of capitalists is to increase
the organic composition of capital. A way out of crisis is to take up
investment in Department II, though it may lead to dis-proportionality
crisis. There is a big differential between wages of workers in capitalist
economies and the third world. Within a capitalist economy itself, there
are low-valued products (with low organic composition of capital, for
instance, agricultural products) and high-valued products (with high organic
composition of capital, such as infotech), which explains the wage differentials
within the capitalist system.
The welfare loss of the above-mentioned strategy will be high. But interventions
from the other side, namely labour, reset the agenda. The system inflicts
tremendous welfare loss on society. Socialism as such does not come naturally
from within.
DAY 2, 13th September 2008
Session 1: Money and Monetary Policies in Capitalist
Chair: S K Thorat, Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi,
Speakers: Erinc Yeldan, Sunanda Sen and Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya
Erinc Yeldan, Professor, Department
of Economics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, in his paper titled,
“Beyond Inflation Targeting: Accessing the Impacts
and Policy Alternatives for Employment Creation and Economic Development”,
highlighted the effects of the orthodoxy’s obsession with inflation targeting
at the cost of macroeconomic variables such as employment. The economics
behind inflation targeting which explicitly commits itself to attain price
stability is in fact nothing but the management of expectations, where
the market participants are like Roman gods and goddesses who need to
be kept happy at all times.
The obsession with maintaining price stability in the absence of nominal
anchors has compelled the Central Bank to concern itself solely with inflation
targeting under the pretext that the latter cannot influence the real
side hence it would be best to return to monetary economics. Even while
the ILO statistics suggest that more than 186 million people across the
world are unemployed, 22 percent of the developing world’s workers earn
less than a dollar a day and 90 percent of the labour employed in merchandise
trade suffer from informalisation, the mainstream’s dogma of inflation
targeting has replaced employment creation on the direct agenda of almost
all countries.
The role of financial globalization which merely redistributes investible
funds rather than accelerate accumulation as a source of instability cannot
be ignored and merely targeting price stability will be insufficient.
He argued that what we really need is macroeconomic stability.
Yeldan pointed out that although inflation needs to be controlled we need
to focus on income redistribution. The focus on inflation targeting which
is primarily situated in a world where inflation is solely attributed
to wage push fails to take note of the phenomenon of imported inflation
and takes away powers from the powers of the Central Bank. When control
over other instruments such as exchange rates is taken away, targets then
become difficult to achieve.
Yeldan suggested alternatives such as the use of the Pasinetti Rule which
implies setting the interest rate to the rate of growth of labour productivity.
Taking from a study by Pollin and Zhu which found out that higher inflation
rates are associated with moderate gains in GDP growth upto a roughly
10 to 15 percent inflation threshold, he stresses the need to have case
specific thresholds for different kinds of inflations.
In her paper titled “On
Trade-Off and the Impossibility”, Sundanda
Sen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, Jamia Millia
Islamia and Professor (retired), Centre for Economic Studies and Planning,
JNU, India, stated that in a globalized world, where there is capital
account convertibility and exchange rates are subject to market forces,
monetary policy which is subject to the changes in capital inflow and
exchange rates becomes an inffective instrument in the hands of the Central
To spell out the course of action, with CAC, the import of capital leads
to capital appreciation. Where the exchange rate is not allowed to appreciate
too much, there is some capital absorption which leads to a rise in prices
and increase in interest rates. As interest obligations have to be met
and fiscal deficit increases are not acceptable, the axe falls on the
primary deficit or in other words expenditure cuts are enforced. CAC is
an integral part of deregulated finance where the Bank of International
Settlement Rules makes it compulsory to comply with Capital Adequacy Ratio
(CAR) and CRPR which reduces lending to sectors like agriculture and small
sectors. Where financial securities are considered more profitable than
industrial securities in a world where a range of assets are available
and corporates prefer to invest in financial assets due to the presence
of ESOPs and the need to show better balance sheets, inflation targeting
is resorted to only to protect the interests of finance capital.
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor,
IIM, Kozhikode, in his paper on “Oil
Shocks: How Destabilising are they for a contemporary Capitalist Economy?"
begun by arguing that reaction of the world economy to oil shocks has
changed significantly in the last two decades. He pointed out that inflation
due to oil shocks in the seventies was higher and even led to stagflation
as compared to the nineties where the impact on inflation has been more
muted. Neo classical models do a very bad job of explaining this differential
response of inflation to oil shocks in the two different decades.
At a time when money is not fiat and is linked to oil in what is called
the Oil-Dollar Price and it has been argued that oil price increases have
been mainly due to speculation, the relatively reduced impact of oil shocks
in the 90s on inflation in the developed world has been due to the availability
of cheap imports from China and the access to the cheap labour reserves
of the developing world. Notwithstanding the fact that imperialist powers
have a need to control oil to ensure price stability, Bhattacharya establishes
that price stability due to fluctuations in oil may not be as crisis causing
as before.
Session 2: Finance and the Real Economy
Chair: Robert Pollin, Co-director, Political Economy Research Institute
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Speakers: Esteban Perez Caldentey, Nirmal Chandra
Esteban Perez Caldentey, Economic Affairs
Officer at ECLAC, Santiago, Chile, began the presentation of his paper
“Trade Openness, Financial Liberalisation and Volatility” by
discussing the limitations of neoclassical economics in dealing with money.
The neo-classical theory cannot function with money as a medium of exchange.
But it is difficult to conceive the functioning of an economy of exchange
with a great number of goods and of private property owners, without an
efficient exchange system. An exchange economy presupposes ‘something’
to record and settle transactions with. Intertemporal models made ‘that
implicit something to settle transactions’ an explicit component of their
models by introducing money as a medium of exchange from ‘outside’. This
was achieved by appending a quantity theory equation to the ‘real equations’
of general equilibrium. While people starting with Patinkin (1956), Clower
(1965, 1967) and Wallace (1980) did this, introducing money as a means
of exchange negates the very purpose of intertemporal equilibrium. Esteban
then offered an analysis of the last part of Prabhat Patnaik’s book by
incorporating a discussion on the inter-temporal approach to open economy
macroeconomics. Intertemporal approach in essence transfers the intertemporal
utility maximisation of households onto the sphere of countries. The current
account balance is thus ‘a facet of the market for intertemporal trade
in goods and services’. The capital account exists to ‘support’ the gains
from trade in goods and services. The prediction of this theory is that
capital should flow from capital abundant developed countries to developing
countries. However, based on empirical evidence from the Latin American
countries, Esteban Perez showed that net resource flow is moving from
the South to the North. He argued that this has been happening due to
repatriation of profits and incomes. He concluded by arguing that it is
not trade that drives finance as in intertemporal models rather the causality
is in the reverse direction.
Nirmal Chandra, Professor Emeritus,
IIM, Kolkata, India, in his paper "Is
Inclusive Growth Feasible in Neoliberal India? Some Preliminary Notes
on Fiscal and Credit Policy", spoke on the changing fiscal
situation In India in recent years. He noted that there has been an improvement
in tax to GDP ratio in recent years. Prof. Chandra argued that improvement
in the tax to GDP ratio cannot be attributed to the fiscal policy stance
adopted by the government but has taken place due to sudden rise in world
oil prices. He also pointed out that there has been no increase in the
ratio of tax to non-agricultural GDP. He argued that the indirect taxes
have fallen due to reduction in import duties. The corporate income tax
has increased moderately, but at the same time because of a number of
tax-exemption provided to the corporate sector, the effective tax rate
in the profit share of the corporate sector has gone far below the statutory
rate. He also drew attention to large number of tax sops given to the
corporate sector. Different tax sops provided by the Centre and the States
not only lead to a loss in potential tax revenue but also give rise to
high economic inequality in the society. The low tax base of the government
and its adherence to neoliberal FRBM act has greatly reduced the scope
of undertaking developmental expenditure in the economy. The speaker ended
his speech by raising an important aspect of the recent high growth phase
in India. According to him, one of the main driving forces of achieving
higher growth rate is the increase in the luxury consumption by the high
income groups and different tax sops given by government to promote such
consumption which means that while this can work for a short time, there
is a natural limit to this process.
Session 3: Open Forum
Chair: C.P. Chandrasekhar, Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and
Planning, JNU, New Delhi and Member, IDEAs’ Executive Committee
In the open forum, Prof. Chandrasekhar summarized some of the issues
that came up for discussion in previous sessions. Prof. Chandrasekhar
argued that the issue that was intensely debated was the logical necessity
of the pre-capitalist sector in closing demand constrained capitalist
system. In this regard, he himself proposes that in recent times finance
may also have provided exogenous stimuli to the system. He draws attention
to the credit financed expenditure booms in stimulating aggregate demand.
He also argued that oil-dollar standard proposed by Prof. Patnaik was
also much debated. He argued that the fact that high rates of growth are
experienced only by few developing countries can be brought into the analysis
in explaining the continuing confidence in dollar. He argued that China
was holding large idle dollar reserves that it can use to stimulate domestic
growth. But it is holding these large reserves at rates of growth that
are already very high.
Next, Prof. J. Kregel explained the Keynesian approach to money. According
to him, anything for which liquidity premium exceeds carrying cost can
serve the role of money. Money, in this approach does not have a concrete
referent; a worthless piece of paper can also serve the role of money.
Therefore, Prof. Kregel differs with Prof. Patnaik who pegs the value
of international money to a commodity viz oil. In explaining the current
US drive for gaining control over world’s oil resources, Prof. Kregel
argued that it was mainly driven by the personal interests of those who
run the US administration rather than by the desire to ensure stability
to dollar. He also argued that the recent increase in oil prices has been
on account of financial speculation. It is not clear why financial speculators
in US will undermine the stability of dollar by raising the price of oil.
Besides Prof Kregel, Prof. Bagchi and Prof. Pollin also made important
interventions. Prof. Bagchi reiterated the role of pre-capitalist markets
in ensuring stability and growth in capitalist world. Prof. Pollin highlighted
the importance of green investments. Such investments will not only insure
the world against threats posed by climate change but will also boost
demand in the economy.
In his response, Prof. Patnaik once again emphasized the role of pre capitalist
sector. He drew attention to the role played by colonies in fostering
growth in capitalism in the nineteenth century. He also argued that demand
supply conditions played an important role in determining the price of
oil. He contended that control over non-renewable resources is essential
for maintaining the value of dollar and in the present scenario, oil is
the most important non-renewable resource.
September 22, 2008.