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Workshop on "Diverse Regional Responses to the Global Crisis: Implications for finance and the real economy", 24-26 January, 2015, Muttukadu, Chennai, India.

The Programme:

DAY 1: January 24, 2015 (Saturday)

3:00 – 6:00
Regional Dimensions of the Global Recovery
Jan Kregel (Download Presentation)
Prabhat Patnaik
(Download Presentation)
Mario Tonveronachi
(Download Note)

Chair/ Discussant: Alicia Puyana

DAY 2: January 25, 2015 (Sunday)

9:00 – 10:30
Transformation of Asian Finance
C.P. Chandrasekhar (Download Presentation)
Jayati Ghosh
(Download Presentation)

Chair/ Discussant: Jan Kregel

10:45 – 12:45
Finance and Democracy
Chris Baker & Pasuk Phongpaichit (Download Presentation)
Rizal Ramli
T.M. Thomas Isaac

Chair/ Discussant: Sashi Kumar

2:00 – 4:00
Deregulation and Fragility: Some examples
Alicia Puyana
(Download Presentation)
Parthapratim Pal
(Download Presentation)
Andong Zhu
(Download Presentation)

Chair/ Discussant: Rizal Ramli

4:15 – 6:15
India and South Asia
Rohit (Download Presentation)
Sushil Khanna
(Download Presentation)
Surajit Das
(Download Presentation)

Chair/ Discussant: Abhijit Sen

DAY 3: January 26, 2015 (Monday)

9:00 – 10:45

Finance and Primitive Accumulation
Utsa Patnaik (Download Presentation)
Smita Gupta
(Download Presentation)

Chair/ Discussant: Venkatesh Athreya

11:00 – 12:30
Finance and Agriculture
Vikas Rawal
(Download Presentation)
(Download Presentation)
Abhijit Sen

Chair/ Discussant: Alicia Puyana

12:45 – 1:15
Closing Discussuion

January 23, 2015.

© International Development Economics Associates 2015