Call for papers
Within the framework of the third phase of the Africa,
Asia and Latin America Scholarly Collaborative Programme,
the Council for the Development of Social Science
Research in Africa (CODESRIA), the International Development
Economics Associates (IDEAs), and the Latin American
Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), are pleased to
announce the next Comparative Research Workshop on
Inequality and Climate Change: Perspectives from the
South. The Workshop will be held in Dakar, Senegal,
from 24th and 25th of July 2014.
The comparative research workshop is one of the main
activities of the South-South programme, where senior
and mid-career social scientists can participate and
discuss their work on some of the major global challenges
or on challenges that the Global South, more specifically,
is facing. It is intended to increase the relevance
and use of Southern perspectives for addressing critical
historical and contemporary issues of theory and practice.
It is hoped that this workshop will contribute towards
the advancement of comparative thinking and cross-regional
networking among different generations of Southern
scholars. Participants, who will be drawn from Africa,
Asia and Latin America, will be exposed to the socio-historical
contexts of other regions of the South. These contexts
will, in turn, serve as an input in broadening analytical
perspectives and improving the overall quality of
scientific engagements by scholars from the South.
Eligibility for Participation
Scholars resident in countries of the South and who
are pursuing active academic careers are eligible
to take part in the workshop. Considering these seminars
and workshops as essential tools for theoretical and
empirical debate, it is also proposed that a number
of participants be from countries with relatively
less-developed social sciences and preferably have
a demonstrable involvement in NGOs, social movements
or public institutions. The criteria for the selection
of participants will focus on academic quality, innovative
nature of the arguments made, gender and country of
origin. These criteria will be developed and implemented
by a selection panel.
Application Procedures and Deadlines
All scholars who are interested in presenting papers
on any of the themes that are stated in the concept
note of the workshop (or related issues; see below)
are invited to send their abstracts to CLACSO, IDEAs
or CODESRIA, not later than 15th of April 2014. Shortly
thereafter, applicants will be notified of the status
of their abstracts. Full papers of the abstracts that
are accepted for presentation must be received by
the respective institutions not later than the 15th
of May 2014 for assessment before confirmation of
final selection.
Applicants are asked to send in full versions of their
Curriculum Vitae, including nationality, the scientific
discipline (s) in which they are working, a list of
recent publications, a summary of the ongoing research
activities in which they are involved, and the names
of two professional/personal referees.
Applicants from Latin America
should send their applications electronically to:
CLACSO - 2014 South-South Research Workshop
Applicants from Asia
should send their applications electronically to:
IDEAs - 2014 South-South Research Workshop
Applicants from Africa
should send their applications electronically to:
CODESRIA 2014 South-South Research Workshop
(Please use the subject "South-South conference"
when sending your email)
concept paper >>
Closing Date: 15th April 2014.
February 25, 2014.