Responses to the financial crisis
were from the very beginning expected to take three
(i) preventing systemic failure in the financial sector
by rescuing fragile institutions, especially when
they are large and interconnected;
(ii) stalling the real economy downturn and ensuring
a recovery; and
(iii) reforming the financial system to prevent the
future occurrence of similar or related crisis.
Few would disagree that much has been done on the
first two fronts, even though there could be differences
on the adequacy and appropriateness of the measures
adopted in different contexts. As far as the third
of these areas is concerned, while there has been
a spate of proposals advocating reform in different
areas at the national and global levels, agreement
on the appropriate mix of policies has been limited
and progress with implementation has been tardy to
say the least. Moreover, despite a renewed interest
in the work of Minsky and others when it comes to
"explaining" the crisis, there is little
effort to turn to the regulatory solutions implicitly
or explicitly advanced by them.
The proposed conference would attempt to delineate
the proposals that have been made in different quarters
(Turner Review, Geithner Plan, the Stiglitz Commission
Report, etc), assess their adequacy, examine the constraints
that could be faced when attempting to implement them,
and advocate additional or alternative measures that
may be needed. It would also analyse what actually
has been done in the name of reforming the financial
sector and improving the regulatory framework in particular
countries and what the real economy implications of
those actions are. When doing so the emphasis would
be on providing a developing country perspective,
since internal financial liberalisation in most emerging
markets (as opposed to liberalisation of the capital
account, for example) has transformed their financial
structures so that they resemble those typical of
the Anglo-Saxon financial framework as it evolved
since the 1980s. However, given the development context
and the regulatory framework in these countries, their
requirements could be very different, necessitating
post-crisis reform that could be substantially different
from what is required or feasible in the developed
countries. The discussion would examine the kind of
financial reform and regulatory structure that would
be appropriate for these countries and identify ways
through which these proposals can be channelled into
the policy process.
The conference will follow the conventional framework
of paper presentations and panel discussions. While
the intent is not to tie down presenters, panellists
and discussants, it is proposed that the discussions
should, inter alia, cover the following broad themes:
(i) The Nature and Scope of
Banking Reform:
Questions that would be taken up could include: Should
we restore (and if so, to what degree) elements of
earlier framework of structural regulation (such as
were implicit in the Glass-Steagall Act in the US)
rather than the broadly self-regulatory framework
that took its place, involving capital adequacy requirements,
disclosure norms, accounting standards and behavioural
guidelines? If so, what form should such regulation
take? Is interest rate regulation needed? Must banks
be restricted in terms of the nature of their business,
sectors of activity, and levels of exposure? Is it
necessary to limit the size and interconnectedness
of banking institutions? How can this be done effectively?
How can the procyclical aspects of prudential regulation
be reduced, and how can such prudential regulation
be made more relevant to the specific circumstances
of developing countries?
(ii) Regulating the Non-Bank
Financial Sector:
Must we and if so how do we regulate and limit the
size of the so-called "shadow banking" system?
Should non-deposit taking institutions such as hedge
funds and private equity firms be regulated at all
or only lightly regulated? Should there be adequacy
requirements and ceilings on leverage that should
apply to these institutions? Should there be disclosure
requirements with penalties for violation? Should
there be restrictions on cross-sector operations such
as financial firms investing in stock, real estate,
derivatives and commodity markets? Is there need for
specific regulation of commodity futures markets?
(iii) Stock Markets:
What guidelines must apply with regard to reporting
requirements for listed companies and disclosure requirements
for investors and brokers? Should there be measures
such as transaction taxes that limit short-term speculative
trading? Should there be controls on foreign investment
in equity markets?
(iv) Financial Instruments:
Should there be controls on the kinds of financial
instruments that different kinds of financial institutions
can create? Once permitted, can securitisation be
regulated and if so how? Is it possible (and if so
how is it possible) to ensure that financial instruments
are simple, transparent and safe? Do we need a system
of rating instruments and if so what should be the
institutional structure of such a system?
(iv) Global Governance:
Do we need global guidelines given the differential
structures and levels of development of markets and
countries? How do we discourage regulatory arbitrage?
What institutions are appropriate locations to decide
on global guidelines and what should the decision-making
process in those institutions be?
(v) The Macro-Prudential Framework:
What kinds of guidelines, if any, can be formulated
to prevent monetary and fiscal policy from encouraging
speculative financial activity? Should/can there be
consensus on the responses of governments and central
banks to asset price bubbles in stock and real estate
markets? Do developing countries need to regulate
capital flows to ensure environments that permit appropriate
financial regulation? What are the different capital
management techniques that are possible?
These and other questions would be discussed over
8 sessions.
Background papers are available in the section
25 January
Session 1: 9-11 am
Is it Possible to Regulate
Finance Now?
- Inherent instabilities and cycles
in financial markets
- Path dependence and limits to reversal of financial
- Political economy issues
and Chair: C.P. Chandrasekhar
Lead Speakers: Jan Kregel
, Abhijit Sen, Seeraj Mohammad (Presentation),
Leonardo Burlamaqui (Presentation)
Session 2: 11.30
am to 1.00 pm
Banking Regulation: Glass-Steagall
vs. Basel norms
- Limiting bank competition
- Wall between banking and non-bank activities
- Exposure limits
- Size and the prevention of systemic risk
Venkatesh Athreya
Lead Speakers: Y. V.
Reddy, Arturo O’Connell (Note),
C.P. Chandrasekhar (Note)
Sesssion 3: 4.00 – 6.30 pm
Finance and the Real Economy
- 1
- Implications of easy credit and
low interest rates as strategy for inducing growth
- Macro prudential regulation
- Can global surveillance work?
Carlo Panico (Note)
Lead Speakers: Prabhat
Patnaik (Note),
Saul Keifman (Presentation)
Rainer Kattel (Note)
Gabriel Palma
26 January
Session 1: 9-11 am
Finance and the Real Economy
– 2
- Inflation potential of future
- Crisis and financial speculation in energy and
commodity markets
- Trade-finance linkages
- Implications for developing countries
Sushil Khanna
Lead Speakers: Terry
McKinley (Presentation),
Rizal Ramli, Anisuzzaman Chowdhury (Presentation)
(Note), Jayati Ghosh (Presentation)
Session 2: 11.30 am to 1.00
The Proliferation of Finance
- Stock and other asset markets
- Controlling ''innovation''
- Does shadow banking have a role
- Regulating institutions like hedge funds, private
equity firms, insurance companies
- Dealing with ''unsafe'' instruments like derivatives,
CDOs, etc.
S.K. Rao
Lead Speakers: Gerald
Epstein (Presentation),
Mario Tonveronachi (Note),
D. M Nachane (Presentation)
Sesssion 3: 4.00 – 6.30 pm
Global Imbalances
- Are these the result of mercantilist
strategies or flow of finance to emerging markets?
- The role of exchange rates
Rammanohar Reddy
Lead Speakers: Dmitri
Papadimitriou (Presentation),
Andrew Fischer (Presentation),
Rohit (Note),
K. S. Jomo (Presentation)
27 January
Session 1: 9-11 am
Restructuring Finance for
- Internal financial regulations
- Capital controls
- Public banking
Rolph van der Hoeven
Lead Speakers: Ilene
Grabel (Note),
Filomeno Sta Anna (Presentation),
Sudip Chaudhuri (Presentation),
Session 2: 11.30 am to 1.30
Freedom from Finance:
Rethinking development strategy
Chair: Nirmal Chandra
Lead Speakers: Luis Bresser
Pereira, Amiya Bagchi (Note),
Chang Kyung-Sup (Presentation),
Surajit Mazumdar
February 9, 2010. |