This workshop, held jointly with Action Aid
International, was part of IDEAs’ efforts to regulate
developing country finances, especially new forms
of finances in accordance with broad based development
needs and to make the budget process more understandable,
people friendly and participatory. While Action Aid
provided the larger participation and infrastructure
for the event, IDEAs’ involvement included providing
support in designing the workshop and in providing
part of the academic input by inviting speakers from
its members. The workshop aimed at enabling participants,
who were largely from the civil society organizations
but also academics, to deal with expanding discussions
on development and inputs from a political economy
perspective. The issues highlighted were the questions
of financial flows, the provision of finance for development
and national development questions. Apart from these
issues, specific modules were aimed to be developed
on methodologies, tools and instruments. IDEAs, The
workshop was designed to enable, both ActionAid and
IDEAs to take the process of economic democratisation
further, through promoting capacities and collective
action on the ground.
7 , 2008.