We present a framework to assess green climate finance and the pathways to building a…
Neoliberal Diet and its Impact on Obesity Gerardo Otero and Morteza Asadi
This paper argues that the risk of exposure to the high-energy components of industrial diet is enhanced with the globalization of neoliberalism. The former is measured through what is called the neoliberal diet risk (NDR) index. Based on in-depth panel data analysis of data from ten countries, the paper concludes that apart from all the health implications of obesity, its strong association with socio-economic determinants suggests that any “solutions” to this issue can hardly be addressed with an individual-focused approach, which is the most prevalent in the literature. Rather, the larger socio-economic determinants must be addressed by a societal agency like the state.
02_2020 (Download the full text in PDF format)
About the Authors:
Gerardo Otero is Professor of Sociology at School of International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Morteza Asadi is a Retired Faculty Member of the Kharazmi University of Tehran and Ex. Visiting Scholar at SFU, Canada.
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