Organized by International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) in partnership with Oxfam in Asia and Chulalongkorn…
International Conference titled ‘The Emerging Global Economy: Is there a challenge from the South?’ Organised by: IDEAs; CONICET; MINISTRY OF LABOR, Argentina and UBA , Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 24- 25, 2008.
Site: Salón de Actos
The rise of progressive governments in Latin America reveals a search for alternative ways to overcome the poverty and inequality inherited from the 1990s. This search is taking place in an international scenario characterized by vertiginous technological change, increased competition, and uncertainty about the environmental sustainability of economic growth.
The Doha Round multilateral trade negotiations are far from reaching an agreement that might narrow the huge asymmetries of the international trading system, inherited from the Uruguay Round.
Financial globalization is under threat because of the implications of the mortgage crisis in developed countries. Meanwhile, the world economy still lacks an international lender of last resort and adequate mechanisms for development finance.
The emergence of China and India offers new market opportunities and competitiveness challenges, while it enables new articulations between Southern countries to build international institutions that are more responsive to the needs of the developing world.
This international conference organized by the network IDEAs and the Ministry of Labor of Argentina, with support from the National Research Council of Argentina and the School of Economic Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, gathers researchers, experts and officials from Latin America, Asia and Europe to exchange experiences, share analyses, and discuss their implications for the formulation of strategies and initiatives at the national, regional, interregional and global level, aimed at fostering sustainable development from the social, economic and environmental viewpoints.
September 24
School of Economic Sciences-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ministry of Labor and IDEAs.
Session I: Economic growth and employment creation
India, Jayati Ghosh, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
China, Dic Lo, University of London
Argentina, Bárbara Perrot and Soledad Villafañe, Ministry of Labor of Argentina
Discussant: Diego Herrero, Ministry of the Economy of Argentina/Universidad de Buenos Aires
Coffee break
Session II: Labor market segmentation and income distribution
Overview, Luis Beccaria, ECLAC Santiago
Informal workers, Diego Schleser, Ministry of Labor of Argentina
Unionized workers, David Trajtemberg, Ministry of Labor of Argentina
Discussant: Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Università di Firenze and ILO consultant
Lunch break
Session III: International Finance and Development
Overview, Arturo O‘Connell, Central Bank of the Argentine Republic
Financial Crises, Jan Kregel, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Argentina, Martín Abeles, Secretary of Economic Policy, Ministry of the Economy of Argentina
Bank of the South, Roberto Felleti, Bank of the Argentine Nation
Discussant: Alejandro Vanoli,
Coffee break
Session IV: Trade and development
Overview, Armando Di Fillipo, Institute for International Studies, Universidad de Chile
Doha Round, Néstor Stancanelli, Center for International Economics, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
Argentina, Fernando Porta, Centro Redes, Argentina
Discussant: C. P. Chandrasekhar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
September 25
Site: Salón de Usos Múltiples
Session V: Technology and development
Asia, C. P. Chandrasekhar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Latin America, Andrés López, CENIT/Universidad de Buenos Aires
Argentina, Gustavo Lugones, Centro REDES, Argentina
Discussant: Mario Cimoli, ECLAC Santiago
Coffee break
Session VII: Sustainability of development
Sustainability of development, Gilberto Gallopin, CEPAL Santiago
Economics and sustainability, Martina Chidiak, Universidad Nacional de General san Martín
Structuralism and the environment, Armando Di Filippo, Institute for International Studies, Universidad de Chile
Lunch break
Session VI: The agrarian question under globalization
Peasants, Alejandro Rofman, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Rural wage labor, Susana Aparicio, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Native peoples, Catalina Buliuvasich, Universidad Nacional de Salta
Coffee break
Roundtable: Is there a challenge from the South?
Andong Zhu, Tsinghua University, China
C.P. Chandrasekhar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Saúl Keifman, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Franklin Serrano: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro