century to the present. Eminent historians from
the South provide insightful surveys of the
transformation of Latin America, Africa, Middle
East, Southeast Asia, and India in this period.
These regional surveys show the continuing significance
of economic hegemony, as well as its implications
for economic development and performance during
a period when the North-South economic gap grew.
Other essays challenge received wisdom about
the notion of the mode of production in the
analysis of imperialism as well as Lenin's treatment
of the subject. For its panoramic grasp of issues
relevant to the history of colonialism, this
remarkable collection will attract students
of economics, history, development studies,
and world politics.
1. Introduction
Jomo K. S.
2. The Concept Of The Mode Of Production And
The Theory Of Imperialism
Prabhat Patnaik
3. Latin America And The World Economy In The
Long Twentieth Century
Jose Antonio Ocampo
4. Africa: The Long Twentieth Century
Bill Freund
5. Imperialism In Africa
Lance van Sittert
6. The Middle East In The Long Twentieth Century
Faruk Tabak
7. Southeast Asia: Imperial Possession and Dispossession
in the Long
Twentieth Century
Maria Serena Diokno
8. India In The Long Twentieth Century
Sumit Sarkar
9. Lenin's Theory Of Imperialism Today
Prabhat Patnaik |