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INET Webinar: COVID-19 and the developing world Webinar with Dr. Jayati Ghosh
Developing countries, many of which appear not to have felt the health effects of COVID to the same extent as Europe and the US, are nonetheless facing severe economic effects as the pandemic pushes the global economy into a recession.
Countries like India, which have rigorously enforced shelter-in-place orders without adequate protection of those losing livelihood, have seen massive disruptions in informal activities and attempts by millions of migrant workers to return to their homes. Many other governments, already burdened with significant debt and facing foreign exchange constraints, are not in the position to carry out the fiscal and monetary emergency measures available to developed countries. Dr. Ghosh will discuss the impact of the crisis on these already fragile economies and their populations.
Dr. Jayati Ghosh is one of the world’s leading development economists. She is Professor of Economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, in New Delhi, India and the executive secretary of International Development Economics Associates. She is a regular columnist for several blogs and newspapers, was a member of the National Knowledge Commission advising the prime minister of India a decade ago, and is closely involved with a range of progressive organizations and social movements. She is co-recipient of the International Labor Organization’s 2010 Decent Work Research prize. She is also member of INETs Commission on Global Economic Transformation.