There is a sense of panic gripping financial markets in India. The immediate causes are…
SPS Measures and Possible Market Access Implications for Agricultural Trade in the Doha Round: An analysis of systemic issues Murali Kallummal
As the Doha Round seeks to address tariff liberalization issues alone, the huge imbalance in the market access outcome for developing country exporters will remain because of the increasing use of non-tariff barriers such as SPS measures. Based on an analysis of the SPS notifications made by WTO Member countries during 1995-2010, this paper argues that the adoption of differing national standards as well as systemic issues in the SPS Agreement and its implementation, bias its outcome against developing and least developed countries.
Doha_Round (Download the full text in PDF format)
(This is the modified version of a paper that was published as ARTNeT Working Paper No. 116, Bangkok, ESCAP, and is available from <>.)