reading List :
1. The Politcal Economy
of Global Macroeconomic Imbalances by C.P.Chandrasekhar
Suggested Readings:
The Global Saving Glut and the U.S. Current Account
Deficit. . Remarks by Governor Ben S. BernankeAt the
Sandridge Lecture, Virginia Association of Economics,
Richmond, Virginia, April 14, 2005. (bernanke
Breaking up is hard to do: Global Codependency,
Collective action , and the challenges of global adjustment
by CATHERINE L.MANN,* CESI Forum 1/2005. (Catherine
Economic Interdependence and Instability in the
Global Economy by C.P. Chandrasekhar 2005. (cpc2005)
The End of Large Current Account Deficits, 1970-2002:
Are there Lessons for United States? By Sebastian
11669 , also available at
September 2005. (Edwards
The Economics of The New Phase of Imperialism by
Prabhat Patnaik. (patnaik
2. " Can Macroeconomic
Policy Reduce Poverty?" by Giovanni Andrea Cornia
Suggested Readings:
G.A.Cornia (2006). Overview and Poverty Impact of
Main Macroeconomic Policies (Chapter
01 (Cornia) [1]).
Adam, C. and D. Bevan. 2001. Non-linear Effects
of Fiscal Deficits on Growth in Developing Countries.
Working Paper, Department of Economics, Oxford University,
Oxford. (
Bhaduri, A. 2005. Macroeconomic Policies for Higher
Employment in the Era of Globalisation. Employment
Strategy Papers No. 2005/11, Employment Analysis Unit,
Employment Strategy Department, International Labour
Organization, Geneva. (
R. Burgess (2006),"Investment Climate and the
Regional Impact of Liberalisation", paper presented
at the Workshop on Microeconomics of Institutions",Meeting
hosted at the Venice Summer Institute 2006, by Bread
and Cesifo, Venice 19-20 July 2006.
G.A.Cornia (2006)."Pro-Poor Macroeconomics:
Potential and Limitations", Palgrave, September
2006 .
Helleiner, G.K. 1997. 'Capital account regimes and
the developing countries.' In International Monetary
and Financial Issues for the 1990s, Vol. VIII. UNCTAD,
New York and Geneva.
Klasen, S. 2004. 'In search of the Holy Grail: How
to achieve pro-poor growth.' In B. Tungodden, N. Stern
and I. Kolstad (eds.), Towards Pro-poor Policies:
Aid, Institutions, and Globalization. Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Krugman, P. and L. Taylor. 1978. 'Contractionary
effects of devaluation.' Journal of International
Economics, Vol. 8, pp. 445456.
Lustig, N. 2000. 'Crises and the poor: Socially
responsible macroeconomics.' Economia, Fall, pp. 119.
Prasad, E., K. Rogoff, S.J. Wei and M.A. Kose. 2003.
Effects of Financial Globalisation on Developing Countries:
Some Empirical Evidence. Working Papers, IMF, Washington,
Taylor, L. 2004. 'External liberalisation, economic
performance and distribution in Latin America and
elsewhere.' In G.A.Cornia (ed.), Inequality, Growth
and Poverty in an Era of Liberalisation and Globalisation.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Wee Chong Hui and Jomo K. S. 2006, Macroeconomic
Policy, Growth, Redistribution and Poverty Reduction:
the case of Malaysia in G. A. Cornia (ed.) 'Pro Poor
Macroeconomics: Potential and Limitations', Palgrave,
London .
3.."Growth and inequality
in the Neoliberal Era and three unsustainable trends
in the world economy " by Andong Zhu
Avramidis, Soula. Famines are an Advertisement for
Chang, Ha-Joon, 2002, Kicking Away the LadderDevelopment
Strategy in Historical Perspective (Anthem Press).
[If you can not find the book, you can find an article
from internet.
Chossudovsky, Michel. 1998. The Globalisation of
Poverty. London and New Jersey: Zed Books Ltd.
Crotty, James. 2000a. Trading State-Led Prosperity
for Market-Led Stagnation: from the Golden Age to
Global Neoliberalism. The Political Economy Research
Institute of University of Massachusetts Amherst,
Published Study 7. Website:
Crotty, James. 2000b. "Structural contradictions
of the global neoliberal regime ."Review of Radical
Political Economics 32 (3): 361-368
Crotty, James, Gerald Epstein, and Patricia Kelly.
1998. Multinational Corporations in the Neo-Liberal
Regime. In Dean Baker, Gerald Epstein, and Robert
Pollin (eds.), Globalization and Progressive Economic
Policy, pp. 117-143. Cambridge: Cambridge University
King, Lawrence P., 2002, The Emperor Exposed: Neoliberal
Theory and De-modernization in Postcommunist Society
Kotz, David M. 1997. Revolution from Above: the
Demise of the Soviet System. London and New York:
2004, The Role of the State in Economic Transformation:
Comparing the Transition Experiences of Russia and
China, Working Paper, Economics Department, Nanjing
Li, Minqi, 2004, After Neoliberalism: Empire, Social
Democracy, or Socialism? Monthly Review, Jan. 2004.
Li, Minqi and Andong Zhu, Neoliberalism, Global
Imbalances, and Stages of Capitalist Development,
Working Paper, PERI, Umass, Amherst.
Maddison, Augus. (2001). The World Economy: A Millennial
Perspective, OECD: Paris
McKinley, Terry, The Monopoly of Global Capital
Flows: Who Needs Structural Adjustment Now?
Oxfam, "Eight Broken Promises", 2001.
Palast, Gregory, IMF's four steps to damnation:
How crises, failures, and suffering finally drove
a Presidential adviser to the wrong side of the barricades,
Sunday April 29, 2001 Guardian.,4273,4177445,00.html
Perkins, John, 2005, Confessions of an Economic
Hitman, Plume.
Pollin, Robert, Contours of Descent: U.S. Economic
Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity (Verso
Poznanski, Kazimierz, "Negative Globalization:
Expropriation of Eastern Europe From National Capital"
(Introduction and two chapters, I will send them to
you.) [Now it only has a Chinese edition, but will
have an English Edition published.]
Stiglitz, Joseph, 2001, Globalization and Its Discontents
(W.W. Norton, Washington, DC.)
2003, The Roaring Nineties (W.W. Norton, Washington
Sutcliffe, Bob. 2003. A More or Less Unequal World?
World Income Distribution in the 20th Century. The
Political Economy Research Institute, University of
Massachusetts Amherst, Working Paper 54. Website:
Wade, Robert Hunter. 2003. Poverty and Income Distribution:
What Is the Evidence? In Ann Pettifor (ed.), Real
World Economic Outlook, pp. 138-151. New York: Palgrave
World Bank, "Transition: the First Ten YearsAnalysis
and Lessons for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet
Union", 2002.
4. "Globalization,
World Inequality and Asian Growth" by Jomo K.S
Suggested Readings:
Jomo .Globalization, world inequality and Asian growth,
IDEAs Shanghai abstract.(IDEAs
Shanghai abstract 060822).
David Woodward and Andrew Simms .Growth is Failing
the Poor: The Unbalanced Distribution of the Benefi
ts and Costs of Global Economic Growth.. DESA Working
Paper No. 20, March 2006. (20
Woodward Simms).
Bob Sutcliffe. 2005. A Converging or Diverging
World? DESA Working Paper No. 2. October 2005. (02
Sutcliffe 0511).
Albert Berry and John Serieux. Riding the Elephants:
The Evolution of World Economic Growth and Income
Distribution at the End of the Twentieth Century (1980-2000).
5. "Global
trade patterns and their implications" by Franklin
Suggested Readings
C.P. Chandrasekhar & Jayati Ghosh (2005) "THE
Alex Izurieta (2005) "Hazardous
Inertia of Imbalances in the U.S. and World Economies",
Economic and Political Weekly, august 30, 2005.
Franklin Serrano (2003) "The US Current Account
Deficit under the Floating Dollar Standard",
available at
Franklin Serrano 2004 "Power
Relations and American Macroeconomic Policy, from
Bretton Woods to the Floating Dollar Standard",
mimeo, IE-UFRJ, 2004 [section "The stabilisation
of the floating dollar standard (1985-2004)"].
Michael Dooley, David Folkerts-Landau & Peter
Garber (2005)
"International Finanacial Stability: Asia, Interest
Rates, and the Dollar", Deutsche Bank, October,
2005 [ chapters I, III, V, VIII and IX ].
Ronald Mckinnon (2005a) "Trapped
by the International Dollar Standard", mimeo,
Stanford University, 2005.
Ronald McKinnon (2005b) "Exchange
Rates, Wages, and International Adjustment: Japan
and China versus the United States", mimeo,
Stanford University, 2005.
Thomas I. Palley (2006) "The
Fallacy of the Revised Bretton Woods Hypothesis: Why
Today's System is Unsustainable and Suggestions for
a Replacement", February 2006 , available
Carlos Medeiros & Franklin Serrano 2006 "Capital
Flows to Developing Countries: A critical view base
don the Brazilian Experience" in M. Vernengo
Monetary Integration And Dollarization : No Panacea,Edward
Elgar [p.218-228 only].
Carlos Medeiros (2004) "The
Political Economy of U.S. Led Internationalization:
Germany, Japan and China", mimeo, IE-UFRJ,
2004 [especially the section "The Centralization
of Asia in China, Exchange Rate Policy, and Trade
Flows" ].
2005 Trade and Development Report, UNTAD, Geneva,2005
[especially chapters I and III].
C.P. Chandrasekhar & Jayati Ghosh (2006) "Oil
and The Tenuous Global Balance", available at
. Industrialization and Economic Growth in Mexico
6. "Employment Generation
under Globalisation" By Jayati Ghosh
Jayati Ghosh. 2003, "Exporting Jobs or watching
them disappear? Relocation, Employment and Accumulation
in the World Economy" in C.P.Chandrasekhar and
Jayati Ghosh (ed.) 'Work and well-being in the age
of Finance', Muttukadu Papers 1, Tulika Books.
Trade on Human Terms Transforming Trade for Human
Development in Asia and the Pacific", published
for the United Nations Development Programme(chapter
on trade and employment)
Jayati Ghosh, 2004. " Movement of service suppliers:
trade agreements and human development" (DraftChapter
for Report on Trade and Human Development in Asia).
rev Aug 04).
Jayati Ghosh, 2003. "Changes in the world of
work", Keynote Paper for Indian Society of Labour
Economics Annual Conference Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
December 2003. (isle
changes in world of work).
Jayati Ghosh, 2005. "Economic insecurity in
South Asia", Chapter for HDRSA on Human Security.
insecurity in South Asia revised).
Jayati Ghosh , 2006. "Labour regulation and
employment growth" Ganashakti.(unemployment
in ICs)
Shipra Nigam, 2006. " Trade
and Employment : Trade Integration and Employment:
A Theoretical and Empirical Overview".
7."Growth, poverty
and distribution: the Latin American experience"
by Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid.
Suggested Readings:
Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Jesu' s Santamari' a and
Juan Carlos Rivas Valdivia (2005). "Industrialization
and Economic Growth in Mexico after NAFTA: The RoadTravelled".
Development and Change 36(6): 10951119 (2005). #
Institute of Social Studies Blackwell Publishing,
2005. (Economic
growth and trade liberalization in MEXICO)
"Old Wine In New Bottles? Economic Policymaking
by Left-of-center Governments in Latin America"
By Juan Carlos Moreno- Brid And Igor Paunovic. Re
Vista- Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring/Summer
2006. (Harvard
Review JCMB-IP)
José Antonio Ocampo. "LIGHTS AND SHADOWS
version of a paper prepared for the Conference on
"Social and Economic Impacts of Liberalization
and Globalization: Effects on Labor Markets and Income
Distribution", organized by the Centre for International
Studies of the University of Toronto, in Honor of
Professor Albert Berry, 2003. (Lights
and Shadows of Reform in Latin America)
8. "Growth and Distribution
in the World Economy" by Francis Cripps
Izurieta A. and T. McKinley. 2006. 'World Macroeconomic
Imbalances and Developing Regions: Risks and Responses',
Working Paper, International Poverty Centre, Brasilia.
Godley W. 1999. 'Seven Unsustainable Processes.
Medium-Term Prospects and Policies for the United
States and the World'. Levy Economics Institute Strategic
Analysis Series, September.
Izurieta, A. 2005. 'Hazardous Inertia of Imbalances
in the US and World Economy', Economic and Political
Weekly, August.
Mukherjee C., H. White and M. Wuyts.1998. 'Econometrics
and Data Analysis for Developing Countries'. Routledge.
Taylor, L. and R. von Arnim. 2006. 'Modelling the
Impact of Trade Liberalisation. A Critique of Computable
General Equilibrium Models'. Oxfam.
Vos, R. 1994. 'Debt and Adjustment in the World
Economy: Structural Asymmetries in North-South Interactions',
London: Macmillan; in association with the Institute
of Social Studies, Netherlands.
9. "On the Political
Economy of Monetary Policy" by Saul Kiefman
Suggested readings:
Barro, R. and D. Gordon (1983) "A
Positive Theory of Monetary Policy in a Natural Rate
Model", Journal of Political Economy, vol.
91, no. 4.
Buchanan, J. (1987) "Constitutional economics",
J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (ed.) The New
Palgrave, Mcmillan.
Eichengreen, B. (1996) Globalizing Capital: a history
of the international monetary system, Princeton University
Press.(1991) "The Origin and Nature of the Great
Slump, Revisited", Working Paper No. 91-156,
University of California, Berkeley, March.(1985) "Editors
introduction", in B. Eichengreen (ed.) The Gold
Standard in Theory and History, Methuen.
Eichengreen, B. and P. Temin (2001) "Counterfactual
Histories of the Great Depression", Epilogue
to T. Theobald (ed.) The World Economy and National
Economies Between the Wars.
Giavazzi, F. y M. Pagano (1988) "The
Advantage of Tying Ones Hands: EMS Discipline and
Central Bank Credibility", European Economic
Review, 32.
Kydland, F. y E. Prescott (1977) "Rules
Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal
Plans", Journal of Political Economy, vol.
85, no. 3.
Polanyi, Karl (1957) [1944] The Great Transformation,
Rinehart, Nueva York.
Strotz, R. (1956) "Myopia and Inconsistency
in Dynamic Utility Maximization", Review of Economic
Studies, 23.
Temin, P. (1989) Lessons from the Great Depression,
MIT Press.
Triffin, R. (1968) "Myths and realities of
the Gold Standard: 1815-1913", in Our International
Monetary System: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Random
September 14, 2006. |