prepared for the Conference "New Ideas on Development
Economics Growth and Distribution Under Financial
Globalization". Rio de Janeiro, January, 28 and
29, 2002)
What distinguishes Brazilian
society today is not only the poverty of 31% of its
population – 54 million inhabitants in 2000
- but the extraordinary income gap between the very
rich and the poor people . According to the World
Bank Indicators for 2001, amongst 152 countries only
5 – Central African Republic, Nicaragua, Sierra
Leone, South Africa, Swaziland – have an income
Gini index higher than Brazil. This economic contrast
in a medium income level economy characterized by
the diversity and sophistication of its markets is
an indisputable source of a high social distress and
growing urban violence. A huge fight against the poverty
and the extreme income concentration is a challenge
for any progressive government in Brazilian society.
Despite the complexity of this challenge there is
nowadays in this country, as well as in most developing
countries, a persistent mantra, strongly diffused
by World Bank studies on poverty. According to this,
investment in education is the most efficient and
adequate structural action to achieve a higher equity
in income distribution and lower poverty levels. In
addition to this policy, the state, runs the dominant
argument, has to provide a safety net to the very
poor redressing its social policies as pensions, aids,
educational and public investments from the richest
to the very needy. Although economic growth is assumed
to be a good thing for reducing the absolute poverty,
it is not considered a central priority. In this approach
economic growth is not a deliberate target for economic
policy and with correct income distribution policies,
higher poverty reduction can be achieved with lower
rate of income growth.
The core theory underlying this message is the human
capital. The strong correlation in the Brazilian labor
market between income levels and formal education
and the low years of schooling of the majority of
employed population is considered an indisputable
confirmation of this assumption. According to this
theory, the high growth that occurred in the seventies
was high-skilled demand biased. In consequence, the
income inequities were increased. After the trade
openness in the nineties and in presence of fast rate
of industry productivity this mismatching in demand
and supply of qualifications has improved.
It is not my purpose in this opportunity to criticize
the inconsistencies of this wage theory based on demand
and supply of labor in a competitive market or its
accuracy in describing the evolution of Brazilian
relative wages. (It is indeed a waste of time for
the people that believe in this neoclassical theory
there is a faith principle in market mechanism, and
no word can challenge it, for the people that don’t
, as I assume to be the case here, there is no need
to say any additional word).
What I would like to stress is some curious coincidences
of this message with some propositions developed from
different perspectives. In fact, amongst the heterodox
thought there is a kind of reasoning that professor
James Galbraith denominated the "supply side
progressives" . From this point of view the
new technologies and globalization forces have sharply
increased the demand for high skilled labors increasing
the polarization in labor market. To acquire a competitive
edge in global economy the country has to develop
and adapt new technologies and unless a massive educational
investment, this possibility can not be achieved or
can result in great differences in economic opportunities
among firms and workers.
Underlying to this same conclusion – although
vested in different arguments- is the assumption that
income distribution is essentially related to labor
market microeconomics and can not be explained by
macroeconomics forces.
From the left-wing political specter, by its turn,
although there is a strong criticism of macroeconomic
policies and growth stagnation that occurred in Brazilian
economy in the last decade, a skeptical hope about
the positive impact of economic growth in income distribution
prevails. The main argument is based in Brazilian
long run performance and assumes that economic growth
and income concentration that took place in Brazil
from the fifties through the eighties were parts of
the same process. Although there is in this reasoning
a defense of a macroeconomics oriented toward an employment
generation, the emphasis is not on speed of the economic
growth but in its quality. Economic growth is considered
harmful or good for the poor people depending on qualitative
and institutional aspects achieved by distributive
Before I go any further along this line of thought
its is important to say that the orthodox thought
on income distribution has imposed an informational
and data basis that is very difficult to escape in
international comparisons. In fact all we discuss
about income distribution is basically based on labor
income, the rule of state on income transference is,
by its turn, confined to the social budget. This suits
very well the main concern of mainstream thought centered
on labor market microeconomics but creates difficulties
for other kind of analysis. In fact if we look for
changes in the labor share or the impact of the real
rate of interest in the income transference from the
state to the asset owners, the data have not the same
quality or can not be used for international comparisons
or for long trends. This, I think is an important
area for a network as IDEAS.
Before we go to Brazilian experience let us address
our attention to the relationship between growth,
poverty and income distribution. A change in poverty
levels can be split in two components: a growth component,
depicting the effect of a change in the income mean
while the distribution (a Lorenz or Gini) remained
constant; and a redistribution component when the
change in poverty is due to a change in redistribution
while keeping the mean income constant. When in an
influential paper published by World Bank, David Dollar
and Kraay (2000) argued that "Growth is Good
for the Poor" they assumed a direct relation
between the mean and the poorer income strata. Centered
in a long span of time – 20 years- they considered
a homogeneity in distribution along all the period
sustaining the conclusion that the growth in lower
income recipients is not very different from the mean
This conclusion is very difficult to be sustained
empirically or theoretically. Comparing the Brazilian
and Indian experience during the eighties, Datt and
Ravallion (1992) found that in Brazil’s case
"The headcount index of poverty would have fallen
by a 4.5% points over the period if only growth had
been distributionally neutral. By contrast, distributional
effects contributed to the alleviation of poverty
in India between 1977 and 1988, though growth accounted
for the bulk of the improvement."(291)
Recently, Pedro Sainz and Mario
la Fuente from ECLA showed (2001) that in the last
two decades the low growth in Latin America was strongly
uneven; during the eighties and the nineties, the
poor household had a much lower income progress than
the median income growth. Its is interesting to observe
that if in the eighties the collapse of income growth
affected badly the poor households, in the nineties,
with the low growth that occurred in many countries,
the poorer households did not recuperate what they
have lost. As put by the authors, "there was
an asymmetry in Latin America between crisis and growth:
income concentration in the former and rigidity in
the later" (170).
The evidences seem to show that there is no systematic
relationship between the evolution of inequality and
growth performance. This is true and if we are considering
the wage share, this is what we expect from the classical
political economy. In Smith, Ricardo or Marx, the
rate of economic growth affects indirectly the income
distribution through a positive influence on working
class bargain power. But in the Brazilian economy
as well as many populous developing countries, we
have to consider the presence of a surplus labor as
a distinguished aspect of our economic reality. This
point of departure for income distribution studies
was strongly developed in Latin-American structuralist
school in sharp contrast with the mainstream analysis
based on full employment assumptions. From this perspective
decreasing structural unemployment was strongly necessary
for a sustained and more equal growth.
In Brazilian society the poor people are major formed
by working poor, the rate of activity of the poor
households are not different from the richer ones.
For the majority of people, to remain unemployed is
a luxury living position. Because the poverty is much
more intense in informal sector, the expansion of
formal sector resulting from economic growth, has
a direct and not only indirect effect on household
income distribution. The faster is the rate of economic
growth the faster will be this structural change.
In presence of a large surplus labor, a sustained
high rate of economic growth can bring about a better
income distribution provided that the demographic
expansion does not compensate this contraction on
surplus labor.
How much growth is necessary to create enough jobs
and which kind of jobs benefited more the poor people?
As we have seen, one critical point from Brazilian
contemporary reality is the hypothesis that globalization
and new technologies have increased the demand for
high skilled workers, so, say neoclassical economists
or "supply side progressives", economic
growth will be accompanied by a income concentration
unless a strong supply of new skilled workers occurs.
Other criticism comes from empirical studies in Brazil
during the nineties. The conclusion is that employment
elasticity to income growth has declined thanks to
labor saving techniques of modern activities. The
two arguments say that the aggregate employment creation
associated to this modern trend in economic growth
will be low in comparison with the past and will be
skill intensive and biased to the rich.
To answer to this last objection
I would like to say that I strongly agree with Professor
Galbraith when he said that "We should not be
surprised to see a relationship between technological
change, unemployment, economic growth and inequality.
In the slump, when unemployment rises, the wages of
the lowest-paid workers suffer because they are the
least well protected by their employer’s monopolistic
positions. Inequality rises. As the recovery starts,
moreover, the first new jobs fall to highly paid workers
...and inequality rises again." Only when "Existing
capital is exploited more intensively, so additional
employment come, not mainly in the investment sectors,
but in the production of consumption goods and services.
It is at such times that we should expect to observe
decreasing inequality in the structure of wages"
(pg. 63).
The main conclusion is: what is important for the
low skilled workers is the persistence of high economic
growth and not a short sequence of bust and boom that
characterized the Brazilian and Latin-American economies
in the nineties. This volatility in economic growth
due to macroeconomic forces is the basis of what Pedro
Sainz from ECLA has said about the asymmetric growth
in Latin America and seems to play a much more important
influence on income distribution than a skill intensive
Up to now, all we have said about the influence of
economic growth on income distribution was confined
to relative wages. A structural change in employment
appeared in this analysis as a route of wage increases
through worker mobility from low productivity to high
productivity activities. But what distinguished the
classical and macro structuralist analysis of income
distribution was the assumption that the real wage
rate is institutionally formed.
Given the existence of a surplus labor, the relevance
of institutional minimum wage for income distribution
is really effective and in Brazil, as well as in developing
countries the living wages are strongly dependent
on food prices. The influence of the institutional
minimum wage on poverty levels is no more in dispute
in Brazil, even the mainstream labor economists agree,
based on empirically studies of the nineties, that
increases in real minimum wage diminish the poverty
and vice-versa. For non neoclassical labor economists
there is not only an effect on poverty but in wage
distribution as well: the range of wages is wider
and the gap of skilled and non skilled wage is bigger
when the minimum wage is low and vice-versa.
One important fact of Brazilian industrialization,
a key aspect for the persistence of high income inequality,
was the low real salary paid to non qualified labor.
To understand this is necessary bring to the picture
the unbalance growth between industry and agriculture,
and the institutional and macroeconomic aspects that
through relative prices shape our distributive reality.
Those factors, in my point of view, are essential
to explain the frustration in economic growth to provide
a better income distribution as occurred in our "developmental"
years. Let us now consider briefly the Brazilian experience.
As we said, most of criticism of the positive influence
of economic growth on income distribution in Brazil
between the fifties and eighties, was based in is
fact: there was enough job creation, the informal
sector diminished, despite that, a sharp income concentration
took place along these decades. The point I would
like to emphasize is that the years of high economic
growth in Brazil do not fail to provide a huge fall
in absolute poverty through a high labor mobility.
A high speed of urbanization that occurred along these
years was not, however , only the consequence of fast
industrialization but the mixed result of demographic
explosion with huge migration of millions of poor
people from the countryside and small villages expelled
from a miserable and low productivity agriculture.
During this phase the modern agriculture was essentially
export driven centered in few commodities employing
relatively few (and underpaid) people, and land proprietory
was highly concentrated . The macroeconomic regime
of high growth was achieved by a stable but chronic
rate of inflation, a high indexed rate of exchange
and under indexed minimum wage. Thus our "golden
age" of economic growth was accompanied by high
rural poverty, intense migratory flux, permanent increases
in food prices, declining minimum wages and labor
class political repression in the big cities. In this
context the wages paid to skilled labor, the rate
of profits in modern industry and land rents in rural
and urban propriety shaped a high concentrated income
The effects of income growth
and the distributive effect associated to structural
change were positive on reducing poverty but the evolution
of relative prices and wage policies avoided a real
income growth of urban and rural low skilled labors.
During the seventies some structural changes start
to transform this perverse style of growth. In fact,
the persistent industrial growth brought about a modern
labor class with growing economic strength, a better
wage policy created in the middle of this decade,
provided a real gain in minimum wage. As a response
of a steady urban food demand, new private investments
in food production were realized and new public infra-structure
was built. The trend on income concentration was halted
and the wage share increased. All this facts signalized
that Brazil was on the threshold of another pattern
of growth.
The macroeconomic crisis of the eighties and the unstable
and low growth of the nineties aborted this inflection
in our unequal model of growth. From the beginning
of the eighties until 1995, the high rate of inflation
had powerful distributive effect over the real income
of first deciles of the household income distribution.
Besides this effect, caused by large swings in relative
prices, the high volatility in economic growth and
stagnation of per capita income was accompanied by
a large change in labor market affecting mainly the
formal sector, specially the low skilled workers.
In the short economic upswing occurred during these
fifteen years, as was showed in many studies, the
employment fell to most skilled labors. This second
effect amplified the observed income concentration.
But there was something more: the owner of better
protected assets from the ravage of high inflation
as the indexed bank accounts, public bonds, and land
had huge capital gains. Naturally its consequences
on income concentration was undervalued in standard
household statistical survey.
This inequity in income could be worst if some new
social transference were not in action. By far the
most important was the extension of pension funds
to the rural labors and the increase of the retirement
minimum payment. The effect of this progressive policy
enacted in 1988 on poverty alleviation is above any
The 1994 Stabilization Plan that followed the large
influx of external capital and financial and trade
openness brought about different movements. First,
the sharp fall in the rate of inflation ended the
main previous income distributive factor. The faster
drop in food prices than in other prices was in fact
a "green anchor" of the Plano Real . This
price fall as we will see in more detail, was due
to structural and macroeconomic forces and had a positive
effect in income distribution through a sharp reduction
in absolute poverty. But, the unstable and low growth
that succeeded the stabilization plan, exerted a contrary
distributive effect. In fact, pressed by external
competition and an unfriendly economic policy, the
industrial sector suffered a huge employment contraction.
This crisis in industrial jobs was accompanied by
a stagnation in civil service employment. In less
than two years the positive influence of the relative
prices on income distribution was more than compensated
in S. Paulo by a negative distributive effect caused
by a systematic growth in unemployment and low wage
occupations. Besides this fact, the high and stable
real interest rate gave to the owners of financial
assets large capital gains. Naturally this last trend
was strongly underreported in statistical household
data, but accordingly to National Accounts, the wage
share sharply contracted in this decade.
The real question underlying this no job economic
model was the extreme volatility in growth rate and
stagnation over the last ten years, a straight consequence
of a macroeconomics based on volatile capitals, financial
deepening and external vulnerability. In Brazil as
well in Latin America, the business cycle in the last
ten years was governed by net financial external influx.
In countryside two different and opposite forces were
in action. Thanks to the huge investments in infra-structure
of the late seventies and technical innovations that
open new agricultural lands in the last twenty years,
the Brazilian agriculture suffered an intense modernization,
specially in crops directed to food production for
internal markets. This transformation decreased the
huge structural heterogeneity that characterized the
Brazilian economic development. The main positive
consequence of this, were the cheapening of food benefiting
the urban and rural wage earners and an increase in
rural income in large areas of the country. The other
side of this technical change was a vast rural unemployment
and productivity polarization in agriculture sector.
The rural unemployment was not only the consequence
of technical progress but the result of low growth
in the real income of urban poor. In this circumstance
and without new technologies, credit and good prices,
the agricultural land contracted in the last years
and thousands of small producers downfallen .
In addition to this new phenomena we have the other
specter of our agriculture. Millions of small establishments
remained attached to subsistence activities, mainly
located in Northeast countryside and small villages
forming nowadays, as well as in the past, the hard
nucleus of absolute poverty in the country. A nucleus
excluded from any positive effect of economic growth
and badly dependent on poverty alleviating policies.
As we said before the most effective change that reached
this very poor group was the inclusion of the old
rural labor in a retirement public plan.
The low rate of growth, the stagnation of employment
in the formal sector and the expansion of unemployment
rate, exerted a negative and countervailing tendency
over positive changes in relative prices brought about
by the decline in food prices.
More than ever we can not exaggerate the importance
of a high and sustained rate of growth for a betterment
in income distribution. The unbalanced growth that
characterized our years of high industrial growth
has changed, the price of food has lowered accordingly,
the path for a sustained increase in real minimum
wages is open. Unfortunately, there is not enough
jobs, the vulnerability to poverty has sharply increased
in big cities. The demand for safety nets and income
policies that are presently in debate on Brazilian
society can not circumvent the necessity of a new
model of development based on sustained rate of growth
with steady expansion of the real minimum wage.
Given the pattern of consumption of the lower wage
earners, intensive in food and mass production industrial
products, and the present under utilization of productive
capacity, this pattern can be led by household and
government consumption and if not interrupted by external
shocks and internal contractionary measures, can expand
low skill jobs in a rate much more faster than the
experience of the nineties. Investments in structures
and on public utilities not only in big cities but
on small villages can spread a more labor intense
and regional balanced growth. Thanks to demographic
forces, the rate of dependency in Brazil has declined
steadily, lower rate of job creation generates today
a higher household per capita income than in the years
of high growth of the sixties and seventies.
In order to achieve a sustained rate of growth is
necessary smaller dependency on financial capital
and more capacity to export, and for this I don’t
see any trade-off in the long run with the expansion
of internal markets, but this is not our point in
this session.
January 28, 2002.
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