investors have imposed their will on the world by
means of a creditors cartel""embodied
in the IMF, the World Bank, the G-7/8, and their creatures
and allies. They have imposed cruel and destructive
policies on the people of debtor countries. The elites
that control most debtor governments have often cooperated
with the foreign investors and enriched themselves.
Now the people of Argentina have said: Enough! As
long as Argentines act alone, the creditors cartel
will have the power to impose further cruelties on
the max "and they're preparing to do so. But
there's a strategy for turning the tables on the moneylenders.
Popular organizations from all over the world are
meeting at the end of January in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
They have the opportunity to fire a (non-violent)
shot that will be heard around the world: The launching
of a global campaign for a debtor's cartel. It is
common knowledge among lender sâ€"but
a secret they keep from borrowers â€"that
creditors are dependent on their major debtors for
their own well-being. If debtors can't or won't service
their debts, creditors are left holding the bag.
But the only way today's debtor countries can take
advantage of such dependence is to break out of the
current framework in which each debtor country approaches
its problems separately, as a matter between it and
the creditors carte .Just as a worker is individually
powerless before a boss but strong in a union with
other workers, so today's debtor countries need to
work together to limit their domination by international
creditors. Once debtor countries begin dealing collectively
with their creditor's" summed up in the phrase
debtors cartel" the result could be a radical
shift in the global power configuration.
The threat of a collective moratorium on debt repayment
provides the implicit equivalent of a strike. It provides
a way to block the kind of reprisals by the debtors
cartel that are now being threatened against Argentina.Of
course debtor governments and the elites that control
them are unlikely to pursue such a strategy on their
own initiative. But the emergence of a global justice
movement, combined with the growing rejection of neoliberalism
among the people of the debtor countries, opens new
possibilities for pressuring them to do so "or
for replacing them with others who will. Here's a
resolution embodying that strategy that anyone is
welcome to borrow or adapt.
1. International investors have cooperated through
a united front " the IMF, the World Bank, the
G-7/8, and their minions. But they have required debtor
countries to negotiate with them one by one.
2. The effect is a drastic imbalance of power that
has devastated both poor countries ( Less
Developed Countries" or LDCs
) and industrializing ones(
Newly Industrialized Countries or "
3. While debtor country governments and elites have
too often cooperated with foreign investors for their
own enrichment, Argentina has shown that popular movements
can force policies to change. But governments that
abandon neoliberal policies face the threat of devastating
reprisals from the creditors cartel. The solution
is debtor solidarity.
4. We demand that the creditors and those who represent
them, including the IMF, the World Bank, and the G-7/8,
agree to bargain with debtor countries collectively.
5. We will campaign for debtor governments to develop
a united front with each other and with popular movements
to press this demand.
6. We will campaign for them to back this demand with
the threat of a joint moratorium on debt payments.
Such a moratorium should continue until the creditors
and their representatives agree to negotiate with
the debtor nations, in consultation with popular representatives,
on an agenda that includes the following:
Capping the percentage of export earnings that can
be required for debt service. This is essentially
a way of refusing to run debtor countries economies
to service their debts rather than to meet the needs
of their people. Eliminating loan conditional ties
that prevent countries from expanding domestic markets,
providing credit for their farmers and businesses,
and using what resources they have to develop their
own economies rather than paying interest to the global
Canceling the debt of the poorest
Providing international support for nationally-imposed
capital controls that limit
the flow of speculative capital into and out of countries.
Reducing the power of the IMF and other international
financial institutions and substituting a system of
overlapping organizations representing particular
regions and particular functions, such as environment
and health, coordinated through the UN system.
Replacing IMF rescue operations with an insolvency mechanism for indebted countries,
with arbitration panels representing both debtors
and creditors, which would take into account the need
for social safety nets to protect a minimum of human
dignity of the poor.
Implementing an international Tobin Tax
on flows of speculative hot
money to reduce international financial
volatility and provide resources for poorer countries.
Such an idea is already in the wind, promoted by groups
like Jubilee South, whose South-South Summit Declaration
stressed and the need for collective action among
the Southern and the formation of a strategic alliance
to unite on issues like a debt repudiation. Similarly,
representatives of popular organizations in 13 African
countries meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, called for collective repudiation of illegitimate foreign
debt payment and linking our
arms across the borders to create pressure
on our leaders to establish a Debtors' Cartel.The
idea has also been widely discussed in the PT, the
Brazilian party whose most visible leader, Lula, is
the current front-runner in the upcoming presidential
Next steps can be as simple as adding such debtor
country cooperation to local and national movement
programs; including it in the demands of mass actions
opposing structural adjustment; and injecting it in
to election campaigns, demanding that parties claiming
to oppose IMF policies pledge such international cooperation.
Such an approach also provides a natural linkage to
workers in the North. IMF conditional ties forced
countries such as South Korea, Brazil, and Russia
to export manufactured goods at rock-bottom prices
based on depression-level wages. This has contributed
substantially to mass layoffs and unemployment, especially
in U.S. manufacturing. A joint attack on structural
adjustment-style policies and support for growth driven
by domestic demand in Third World countries could
serve as the basis for a powerful alliance between
First World labor and a wide range of forces in the
Third World.
Even the threat of a concerted default is a financial
atom bomb; brandishing it might change the entire
dynamics of global financial relations.
Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello, and Brendan Smith are
the authors of Globalization from Below: The Power
of Solidarity (South End Press) and the producers
of the video documentary Global Village or Global
January 24, 2002.
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