global financial and economic crisis has
cast serious doubts about the paradigm
of market deregulation that dominated
the last three decades. Although many
developing countries, especially in Asia,
became cautious following the Asian financial
crisis, international financial institutions
continued to advise developing countries
to deregulate, albeit at a slower pace.
However, this paper argues for re-regulating
the financial sector with a view to preventing
system-wide failures and fulfilling development
needs. It highlights the importance of
segregating different parts of the financial
sector as well as controls over both deposit
and lending rates, and the role of government-owned
banks, especially for agriculture and
Key Words: financial
sector, re-regulating finance, economic
regulation, prudential regulation, crisis,
Anis Chowdhury
JEL classification:
G01, G21, G28
24, 2010.