Should the World Emulate US Crop Insurance? Jomo Kwame Sundaram November 30, 2015 Agriculture, Commentary, Industry
The Bursting of China’s Housing Bubble C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh April 28, 2015 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Ever Expanding Debt Bubbles in China and India C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh March 3, 2015 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Ukraine’s Economy: Which way forward? Rainer Kattel December 23, 2014 Commentary, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy
Alice Amsden’s Impact on Latin America Helen Shapiro & Juan Carls Moreno Brid May 16, 2014 Articles, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
The Tragedy of Soma Mine-Workers: A crime of peripheral capitalism unleashed A. Erinc Yeldan May 16, 2014 Commentary, Industry
The US Economy Needs an Exports-Led Boost Dimitri Papadimitriou December 3, 2013 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
Open Access vs Academic Power C.P. Chandrasekhar September 18, 2013 Commentary, Economy and Society, Industry
The Looming Banking Crisis C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh September 4, 2013 Commentary, Finance, Industry
The Business of News in the Age of the Internet C.P. Chandrasekhar May 7, 2013 Articles, Economy and Society, Industry
Labour Market Regulations and Economic Outcomes: Some capital lessons and minor messages Praveen Jha, Sakti Golder and Swayamsiddha Panda August 7, 2012 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
Can Africa and China Learn from Each Other? Lim Mah-Hui August 3, 2012 Commentary, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
Employment shifts after the Global Crisis C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh October 4, 2011 Commentary, Industry, Technology and Employment, World Economy
Should ‘‘Open innovation’’ Change Innovation Policy Thinking in Catching-up Economies? Considerations for policy analyses Erkki Karo and Rainer Kattel August 3, 2011 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
Modernizing Russia: Round III Erik S. Reinert and Rainer Kattel May 20, 2011 Alternatives, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy
Rethinking Investment Provisions in Free Trade Agreements Smitha Francis May 9, 2011 Agriculture, Alternatives, Capital Flows, Industry, Trade and Payments
The Impact of Trade Liberalization and the Global Economic Crisis on the Productive Sectors, Employment and Incomes in Mexico Alicia Puyana January 14, 2011 Agriculture, Articles, Industry, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Employment, Trade and Payments, World Economy
Combining Bad Economics with Proto-geography Sumanasiri Liyanage August 31, 2010 Commentary, Industry, Poverty and Inequality
South –South Regionalism and Trade Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region Mehdi Shafaeddin October 3, 2008 Articles, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy, Trade and Payments
WTO: One more failure C.P. Chandrasekhar August 7, 2008 Agriculture, Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
NAMA: Developed Countries as the Donors? Malini Chakravarty July 24, 2008 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
The Dead-End Formula of Neo-Liberal Economics Sumanasiri Liyanage July 7, 2008 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
Oil and Challenges of Trade Policy Making In Sudan in a Globalizing Arena Mehdi Shafaeddin May 14, 2008 Articles, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
Knowledge Economies in India and China: Challenges and prospects in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology Jayan Jose Thomas March 2, 2007 Agriculture, Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
NAMA Negotiations under the WTO: The real concerns Murali Kallummal January 20, 2007 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
Does Trade Openness Favour or Hinder Industrialization and Development? Mehdi Shafaeddin August 22, 2006 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
Watch out NAMA : You are on a Slippery Sip Road of De-industrialization and Backwardness Mehdi Shafaeddin May 24, 2006 Commentary, Industry, Trade and Payments
Competitiveness and Production Networks: The case of the Argentine automotive sector Facundo Albornoz and Gabriel Yoguel March 20, 2006 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
Sir Hans Singer: Advocating a Fair Distribution of the Fruits of Progress Kunibert Raffer March 8, 2006 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
A Latin American Perspective on Trade Policies Marta Bekerman and Santiago Rodríguez March 7, 2006 Articles, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy, Trade and Payments
Knowledge and Information: The diffusion of ICT in the argentinean manufacturing industry Gabriel Yoguel, Marta Novick, Darío Milesi, Sonia Roitter, and José Borello February 27, 2006 Articles, Industry, Technology and Employment
How Large is China’s Private Sector? C.P. Chandrasekhar September 29, 2005 Commentary, Industry, Political Economy
Policy Space in Historical Perspective: With special reference to trade and industrial policies Ha-Joon Chang September 5, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
EU: Status quo on Software Patents C.P. Chandrasekhar August 24, 2005 Commentary, Industry, Technology and Employment
Trade Liberalization and Economic Reform in Developing Countries: Structural change or de-industrialization? S.M. Shafaeddin August 2, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at stake for developing countries? Yilmaz Akyuz June 17, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
Development and Social Goals: Balancing aid and development to prevent ‘welfare colonialism’ Erik S. Reinert March 18, 2005 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments, World Economy
Free Trade or Fair Trade? How conducive is the present international trade system to development? Mehdi Shafaeddin October 31, 2003 Articles, Industry, Trade and Payments
Privatisation, Healthcare and Social Movement in El Salvador: Solidarity brings victory Ranja Sengupta August 13, 2003 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Media Imperialism: The cost of consolidation C.P. Chandrasekhar May 22, 2003 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Third World Water Forum: An agenda for public (risk) and private (profit) partnership!!! Mohan G Francis May 21, 2003 Commentary, Industry, Privatisation
USA-Iraq Conflict: The oil angle Parthapratim Pal September 24, 2002 Commentary, Industry, World Economy
Chinese Textile Workers face a lose-lose situation as China joins the WTO Sabyasachi Mitra July 11, 2002 Commentary, Industry, World Economy