Some Ideas on Bank Size, Structure and Remuneration Andrew Cornford July 21, 2014 Alternatives, Finance, World Economy
Charting Ways Out of Europe’s Impasse – A Policy Memorandum WIIW June 27, 2014 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Macroeconomic Policy
The Social Value of Employment and the Redistributive Imperative for Development Andrew M. Fischer June 3, 2014 Alternatives, Human Development, Macroeconomic Policy
Smith, Marx and Alienation Prabhat Patnaik March 26, 2014 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Political Economy
The South: What are the alternatives? The conclusions of the Algiers symposium Samir Amin January 3, 2014 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Political Economy
Why the West Grew Rich and the Rest Did Not Servaas Storm September 20, 2013 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Political Economy
Civilizing Capitalism: “Good” and “bad” greed from the enlightenment to Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929) Erik S. Reinert July 26, 2013 Alternatives, Economy and Society
The Implosion of Global Capitalism: The challenge for the radical left Samir Amin April 25, 2013 Alternatives, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality
Egypt should Say Yes to Emergency Assistance, but No to the Failed Development Model of the Past Rick Rowden April 22, 2013 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Macroeconomic Policy
Human Security and the Next Generation of Comprehensive Human Development Goals Gabriele Koehler, Des Gasper, Richard Jolly and Mara Simane May 22, 2012 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Human Development
Beyond GDP: Measuring our progress Charles Seaford, Sorcha Mahoney, Mathis Wackernagel, Joy Larson and Rene Ramirez Gallegos February 24, 2012 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Human Development
Monetary Union Stability: The need for a government banker and the case for a European public finance authority Thomas I. Palley July 11, 2011 Alternatives, Macroeconomic Policy, Political Economy
Modernizing Russia: Round III Erik S. Reinert and Rainer Kattel May 20, 2011 Alternatives, Industry, Macroeconomic Policy
Rethinking Investment Provisions in Free Trade Agreements Smitha Francis May 9, 2011 Agriculture, Alternatives, Capital Flows, Industry, Trade and Payments
Development Banks: Their role and importance for development C.P. Chandrasekhar April 8, 2011 Alternatives, Finance
Coordination of Innovation Policies in the Catching-up Context: A historical perspective on Estonia and Brazil Erkki Karo and Rainer Kattel March 24, 2011 Alternatives, Technology and Employment
2010 – A Year of Innovations in the Global Poverty Reduction Agenda Timo Voipio and Gabriele Koehler January 3, 2011 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Human Development
Measuring the Progress of Societies: A Mexican perspective Alicia Puyana January 3, 2011 Alternatives, Economy and Society, Human Development
The Cambridge Diagnosis on the State of Economic Science Andrew Cornford August 27, 2010 Alternatives, Economy and Society
The Global Economic Crisis: Challenges and opportunities for public administration S.K. Rao June 17, 2010 Alternatives, Finance, Political Economy, World Economy
Looking to the Future: Examining the dynamics of ALBA Emine Tahsin December 28, 2009 Alternatives, World Economy
Corporate and Cooperative Solutions for the Agrarian Crisis in Developing Countries Sripad Motiram and Vamsi Vakulabharanam January 22, 2009 Agriculture, Alternatives, World Economy
Redistribution and Stability: Beyond the Keynesian / Neo-Liberal Impasse Harry Shutt January 17, 2009 Alternatives, Finance, World Economy
Progressive Program For Economic Recovery & Financial Reconstruction Michael Ash, Radhika Balakrishnan, James Crotty, Edwin Dickens, Gerald Epstein, Thomas Ferguson, Teresa Ghilarducci, Jo-Marie Greisgraber, Stephany Griffith-Jones, Robert Guttmann, Arjun Jayadev, Anush Kapadia, David Kotz, Michael Meerepol, William Milberg, Fred Moseley, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Robert Pollin, Malcolm Sawyer and Martin Wolfson January 7, 2009 Alternatives, Finance, World Economy
Bank of the South & ALBA: Regional Integration within the South as an Alternative to the North based global Hegemony? Outcome of the Technical Workshop on The Bank of the South November 24, 2008 Alternatives
Shaking up Development Finance in Latin America C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh. February 14, 2008 Alternatives
From Development Assistance to Development Solidarity: The Role of Venezuela and ALBA Alejandro Bendaña February 14, 2008 Alternatives
Report of the Commission on Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh Executive Summary Report April 7, 2005 Agriculture, Alternatives
Centre-State Financial Relations: How Wise will a Nation-wide VAT be? Ashok Mitra July 5, 2004 Alternatives, Finance
A Brief Outline of a Critique of the Common Minimum Programme in respect of Public Sector and Public Services K. Ashok Rao July 5, 2004 Alternatives
How Feasible is a Rural Employment Guarantee? Jayati Ghosh and C.P. Chandrasekhar July 5, 2004 Alternatives, Technology and Employment
India: An Economic Agenda for 2004 Organised by the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT) and the journal Social Scientist at New Delhi on 5 July 2004. July 5, 2004 Alternatives
Trade Liberalization and Agriculture: Challenges before India Biswajit Dhar and Murali Kallummal July 5, 2004 Alternatives, Trade and Payments
Expenditure on Education in India: A Short Note Subhanil Chowdhury and Prasenjit Bose July 5, 2004 Alternatives
Better Institutions, Rules and Tools for Full Employment and Social Welfare in Europe Memorandum 2002 December 1, 2002 Alternatives
Zimbabwe’s Plunge: Exhausted Nationalism, Neoliberalism and the Search for Social Justice Patrick Bond and Masimba Manyanya March 15, 2002 Alternatives