The Recurring Crisis: Debt in the LICs C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh August 8, 2023 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Problem with “Universal Basic Income” Prabhat Patnaik August 7, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy, slider, Themes
Commercialising Universities Ahilan Kadirgamar August 7, 2023 Commentary, Privatisation, slider, Themes
Government Health Financing for All, Not Insurance Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Nazihah Noor August 3, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Human Development, slider, Themes
The Poverty of UN Poverty Estimates Prabhat Patnaik July 31, 2023 Commentary, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes
The Curious Turn in India’s Exports C. P. Chandrasekhar July 28, 2023 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Industry, slider, Themes, Trade and Payments
A Half-hearted Effort: The G20’s finance track C. P. Chandrasekhar July 27, 2023 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes
Exchange Rate Movements due to Interest Rates, Speculation, not Fundamentals Jomo Kwame Sundaram July 26, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes
Economist Jayati Ghosh Receives Prestigious Galbraith Award for Agricultural Economics July 26, 2023 Agriculture, Announcements, Blogs, Commentary, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes
The Terrible Human Costs of Debt Service C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh July 25, 2023 Articles, Blogs, Economy and Society, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, Human Development, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes
When can there be a Fall in the Rate of Profit? Prabhat Patnaik July 24, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Commodities, Macroeconomic Policy, slider, Themes
Improving Healthcare for All Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Nazihah Noor July 19, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, slider, Themes
Why the Paris Financing Summit failed Jayati Ghosh, Sandrine Dixson-Declève and Johannah Bernstein July 18, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes, World Economy
Third World External Debt in the Light of Simple Economics Prabhat Patnaik July 17, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, Finance, slider, Themes, World Economy
India’s Conglomerates are getting too Big for Comfort C. P. Chandrasekhar July 17, 2023 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes, World Economy
Weak Ringgit Due to Speculation Jomo Kwame Sundaram July 17, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes
‘Shock Therapy’ Sri Lankan-style C. P. Chandrasekhar July 15, 2023 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, slider, Themes, World Economy
Can Carbon Trading stop Global Heating? Sarah Razak and Jomo Kwame Sundaram July 12, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, slider, Themes
Addressing Default: Lessons from an opaque experience C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh July 11, 2023 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Finance, Political Economy, slider, Themes
Is What We have “Crony Capitalism”? Prabhat Patnaik July 10, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Political Economy, slider, Themes
India follows the Neo-Liberal Monetary Norms: Contracting the space for financial inclusion in her economy Sunanda Sen and Zico Dasgupta July 7, 2023 Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes
Financiamiento del desarrollo, deuda y desigualdad Conversatorio Virtual organizado por IDEAs-LAC July 4, 2023 anuncios, Español, slider
The FCI’s Bizarre Logic Prabhat Patnaik July 3, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes
The Social Consequences of Inflation in Developing Countries Jayati Ghosh June 30, 2023 Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes, World Economy
Sri Lankan Central Bank Moots Recast of Pension Funds, haircut on Sovereign Bonds Meera Srinivasan June 30, 2023 Commentary, External Debt Crisis in Developing Countries, Featured Themes, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Political Economy of Remittances: The case of sub-saharan africa Judit Kiss June 28, 2023 Articles, Political Economy, slider, Themes
Countercyclical Policy in the Center and its Impact on the Periphery: A minskyan view Esteban Pérez Caldentey June 28, 2023 Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
What explains High Global Wheat Prices? C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh June 27, 2023 Agriculture, Articles, Blogs, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes
Common Roots or background of the Global Problems? Tamás Szentes June 26, 2023 Articles, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Implications of Dollar Hegemony Prabhat Patnaik June 26, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
Pitfalls of Export-Led Growth Prabhat Patnaik June 19, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Themes, World Economy
Govt.’s Free Market Policy could Push the Economy over the Cliff Ahilan Kadirgamar June 17, 2023 Commentary, Economy and Society, Prices and Inflation, slider, Themes
The Fertilizer Conundrum Jayati Ghosh June 16, 2023 Agriculture, Blogs, Commentary, Commodities, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes
Young Scholars Conference Political Economy of Contemporary South Asia October 13-14, 2023 | Berkeley, United States June 14, 2023 Announcements, Political Economy, slider, Themes
On the FDI Route to Manufacturing Success C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh June 13, 2023 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Finance, Political Economy, slider
The Q4 GDP Estimates for 2022-23 Prabhat Patnaik June 12, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Political Economy, slider, Themes
Time to seek Justice, not hand out the Nobel Prize, for Economic Crimes Walden Bello June 12, 2023 Commentary, Economy and Society, slider, Themes
Crisis Dynamics and Attack on Labour Ahilan Kadirgamar June 6, 2023 Commentary, Industry, slider, Themes, World Economy
Is “De-Globalisation” Occurring? Prabhat Patnaik June 5, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, slider, Themes, World Economy
Is India’s Rural Economy Diversifying? C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh May 30, 2023 Agriculture, Articles, Blogs, Industry, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes
Exchange Rate Depreciation and Real Wages Prabhat Patnaik May 29, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Macroeconomic Policy, slider, Themes
Rebalancing Power Jayati Ghosh (Podcasts) May 24, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, Jayati Ghosh, Poverty and Inequality, slider, Themes
The US Debt Ceiling Debate Prabhat Patnaik May 22, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, slider, Themes, World Economy
Call for Applications for Session 2023–24: Advanced Certificate Programme on Research in Political Economy Applications to be accepted until June 20, 2023, 23.59 UTC May 21, 2023 Activities, Announcements, Certificate Programme, slider
IMF – Doubling the Dose of Austerity C. P. Chandrasekhar and Charles Abugre May 17, 2023 Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Commentary, slider, Themes, World Economy
India’s GST Experience C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh May 16, 2023 Articles, Blogs, C P Chandrasekhar, Finance, slider, Themes
Labour Reforms and Contemporary Slavery Ahilan Kadirgamar May 16, 2023 Commentary, Economy and Society, Human Development, slider, Themes
The Discreet (but dubious) Charm of Tax Treaties Jayati Ghosh May 15, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Finance, Jayati Ghosh, slider, Themes, World Economy
Public Opinion and Imperialism Prabhat Patnailk May 15, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Economy and Society, slider, Themes, World Economy
The Grim Unemployment Scenario Prabhat Patnaik May 8, 2023 Blogs, Commentary, Political Economy, slider, Technology and Employment, Themes