This book
attempts to bring together, both theoretically
and empirically, a variety of contributions
on the ideology of neoliberal globalization
as a new phase of global capitalism-cum-imperialism.
Trumpeted with the rhetoric of TINA (There Is
No Alternative) the neo-liberal orthodoxy has
become the dominant ideology today in restructuring
the periphery of global capitalism. This book
addresses the diverse economic structures of
the global periphery and tries to deduce lessons
on the current global crisis conjuncture of
global capital in governing the world.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Net Resource Transfers and Dependency:
Some Recent Changes in the World Economy
(Korkut Boratav)
- The Level of Activity in an Economy with
Free Capital Mobility
(Prabhat Patnaik and Vikas Rawal)
- Globalization as the Hegemonic Concept
of Neoliberal Ideology
(Erinc Yeldan)
- Imbalances in the World Economy and Congestion
in the Periphery
(Ahmet Hasim Köse and Ahmet Öncü)
- Surplus Allocation and Development under
Global Capitalism?
(Cem Somel)
- Does Economic Growth Mean the Rise of the
Wealth of Nations?
(E. Ahmet Tonak)
- Economic Policy Regimes and the Profitability:
The Turkish Economy, 1968-2000 (Benan Eres)
- A "Hot" Debate: Financial Crises
in Turkey, Mexico and South Korea
(Nilgün Erdem)
- Globalization, Inequality and the Labour
(Yilmaz Akyüz, Heiner Flassbeck and Richard
- Life after Crisis for Labor and Capital
in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization
(Özlem Onaran)
- Socioeconomic Effects of Economic Crises:
A Comparative Analysis of the Experiences
of Indonesia, Argentina and Turkey
(Fikret Senses and Murat Koyuncu)
- Rethinking the Nature of the Beast: The
Turkish State and the Process of Europeanization
(Galip L. Yalman)
- The Neo-Liberal Paradigm and Small Enterprises:
Accumulation by Dispossession in the Case
of Turkey
(Semsa Ozar)
- Index
October 9, 2007.