has been eroded. It has been eroded by international
trade rules and conditionalities imposed by
international financial institutions and bilateral
donors which have, in turn, been influenced
to a large extent by the prevailing neo-liberal
orthodoxy.The neo-liberals advocate that industrial
policy has no place in economic development;
trade and industrial development should be left
to the operation of market forces.
This study contends that the neo-liberal approach
is seriously flawed. The policies of universal,
across-the-board and premature trade liberalization
dictated under this approach suffer from several
theoretical shortcomings, which have been borne
out in the actual experience of developing countries
in recent years. Neither does the experience
of successful early industrializers support
the neo-liberal hypothesis on trade liberalization.
In light of the failure of the neo-liberal approach,
the author advances an alternative framework
of trade and industrial policy aimed at spurring
industrialization and development in developing
countries. Eschewing a "one size fits all"
and pure market orientation, his proposed policy
framework envisages dynamic and flexible trade
and industrial policies. In such a framework,
he allows mixed roles for the market, firms
and the state in industrialization and in coordinating
economic activities in different countries at
different levels of development and in each
specific country over time. Further, he strongly
advocates changes in the World Trade Organization
(WTO) rules in order to allow what he calls
a "bottom-up" approach.
About the Author
Mehdi Shafaeddin is a development economist
with a D.Phil. degree from Oxford University,
UK; and Director of Global Vision Training and
Consultancy (Industrial Capacity Building and
Management of Competitiveness). He is currently
affiliated to the Institut de recherches economiques
(IRENE), Universite de Neuchatel (Institute
of Economic Research, University of Neuchatel,
Switzerland). A former Head of the Macroeconomics
and Development Policies Branch, United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),
he is the author of Trade Policy at the Crossroads:
The Recent Experience of Developing Countries
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) and many articles
in international journals on development issues
related to trade and industrial policies, WTO
issues, economic reform, diversification of
oil-exporting countries, China, Africa, etc.
He has also developed a training course in "Industrial
Capacity Building and Management of Competitiveness
in a Globalizing Era" in cooperation with
the University of Neuchatel. He can be contacted
at M.Shafaeddin@Gmail.com.
1. Introduction
2. Main Features of the World Economy and Their
Implications for Industrialization
3. Different Approaches to Industrial Policy
4. Contradictions and Double Standards in GATT/WTO
5. Shortcomings of the Theory Behind the "Trade
Liberalization Hypothesis"
6. The World Bank's Evaluation of the Economic
Performance of the MENA Region
7. Evidence from History and the Experience
of Developing Countries
8. A Framework for Development-Oriented Trade
and Industrial Policies
9. Conclusions
May 28, 2008..