The changes,
the author argues, have been particularly marked
in developing Asia, which has become both the
most “globalised” and the most economically
dynamic region of the world. And women in Asia
have taken the brunt of the changes. With respect
to women’s work, there have been four
apparently contradictory trends in the recent
period: simultaneous increases in the incidence
of paid labour, underpaid labour, unpaid labour,
and the open unemployment of women. This is
a paradox, since it is generally expected that
when employment increases, then unemployment
comes down; or when paid labour increases, then
unpaid labour decreases. This book attempts
to explain this paradox by describing, analysing
and unravelling these tendencies and situating
them in the context of wider economic processes.
About the Author
Jayati Ghosh is Professor of economics at the
Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School
of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi. She has taught at several universities
in India and abroad, and has served as part-time
adviser and consultant to many governmental
and international originations.
She has many books to her name and was the principal
author of the West Bengal Human Development
Report, 2004 which received the UNDP 2005 award
for excellence in analysis. She can be contacted
#. Preface and Acknowledgements.
1. The International Context of Women’s
2. Recent Economic Growth and Employment Patterns
in India.
3. Conceptual Issues in Assessing Women’s
4. Working for Wages.
5. Women in Public Employment.
6. One’s Own Boss.
7. Women Workers on the Move.
8. Working Without Pay and Looking for Work.
9. Conclusion.
#. Additional References.
June 24, 2009.