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27th Annual David Gordon Memorial Lecture : Imperialism in Marx, the Marxist Tradition, and Today Radhika Desai

In 2025, the 27th Annual David Gordon Memorial Lecture will be delivered via webinar

Friday 28 March 2025, at 12:00 p.m. Eastern US time/4:00 p.m. London time
(note this is the rescheduled date/time for the previously-canceled lecture in January 2025)

Please click here to register

Abstract: The centrality of imperialism to left discourse today is attested to by the proliferation of writing on the subject. This paper argues, however, that unless certain fundamental and long-standing misapprehensions about Marx’s analysis of capitalism as contradictory value production among Marxists themselves are addressed, the contributions of Marxism and its key figures, including Marx and Lenin, to the understanding of imperialism historically and at the complex conjuncture at which it stands today, cannot be appreciated. Building on the theoretical ground clearing I conducted in proposing geopolitical economy as a new, Marxist, approach to understanding the international relations of the era of capitalism, one in which the dialectic of imperialism and anti-imperialism is the central driver, I propose to outline how a proper Marxist understanding of imperialism may proceed.

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