We present a framework to assess green climate finance and the pathways to building a…
IDEAs Activities at the CLACSCO Conference 2022 Panel Discussion
Crisis of Multilateralism in a more Multipolar World and New Dynamics of South-South Relations
June 8, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. (Mexico Time) | Foreign Ministry [Historical Collection]
Gabriel Merino
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute, National University of La Plata – CONICET. Argentina
Ariela Ruiz-Caro Reyes
Center for Development Studies and Promotion. Peru
Beatriz Juana Isabel Bissio Staricco Neiva Moreira
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
Darío Salinas Figueredo
Department of Social and Political Sciences. Ibeoamerican University. Mexico
Jayati Ghosh
University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Former Executive Secretary, IDEAs (2002-2021), India.
Jennifer Sophie Catherine Feller Enríquez
Political Planning and G20, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mexico
Lourdes María Regueiro Bello
International Policy Research Center. Cuba
Live streaming will be available at : https://conferenciaclacso.org/programa/foro_tematico.php?ca=59
Perspectives from the South: A Dialogue on Capitalism and Colonialism between Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean
June 9, 2022 from 09:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. | Faculty of Accounting and Administration – UNAM [Auditorium 2 Mtro. Carlos Perez del Toro]
Karina Bidaseca
Coordinator of the South-South Tricontinental Program and of the South-South University – Specialization in Epistemologies of the South (CLACSO). Argentina
Marta Sierra
Kenyon College. Unites States
Alicia Girón
Economic Research Institute. National Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico.
Boaventura De Sousa Santos
Coimbra University. Portugal
Godwin Murunga
Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Jayati Ghosh
University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Former Executive Secretary, IDEAs (2002-2021), India.
María Paula Guttierrez Meneses
Center for Social Studies University of Coimbra. Portugal.
Seteney Shami
Arab Council for Social Sciences. _Others
Live streaming will be available at : https://conferenciaclacso.org/programa/foro_tematico.php?ca=59
Inequalities, Economic Crisis and Development in the Globalized World
June 9, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Mexico Time) | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Dr. Gabino Fraga Auditorium]
Alicia Puyana Mutis
IDEAs Chair person and economics professor at FLACSO México.
C. P. Chandrasekhar
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Charles Abugre
Executive Director, IDEAs
Dzodzi Tsikata
Executive Secretary, IDEAs
Jayati Ghosh
University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Former Executive Secretary, IDEAs (2002-2021), India.
Juan Carlos Moreno Brid
Faculty of Economics, Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico
for more details visit https://conferenciaclacso.org/participantes/