The NPP Government has the overwhelming support of the citizenry. This support in large measure…
Feminist Economics: Contributions and Challenges A WEA-IDEAs Conference, 20th April to 20th May, 2022.

This WEA-IDEAs Conference, led by the Professors Alicia Puyana and Maria Alejandra Madi, calls for a pluralist reflection about current knowledge in Feminist Economics in terms of theories, empirical research and policies. This World Economics Association Conference aims to discuss new contributions to Feminist Economics while bridging the gap between different theoretical approaches, the practical applications of economic theories and the policy-making process.
This conference will also be supported by IDEAs (International Development Economic Associates) and FLACSO (Facultad de Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociale, sede México). WEA, IDEAs and FLACSO share mutual goals and interests, such as opening spaces for inclusive economics in both research and teaching economics and the advancement of social justice and equality, and recognise the importance of collaboration for enhancing the impact and the reach of their work.
After this WEA Online Conference has ended, the short papers could be expanded to be published in a book.
Participation e-certificates
If you would like to receive a conference participation e-certificate, you will be able to pay $10 and register.
Different e-certificates will be issued depending on your participation as authors or commentators in the Discussion Forum.
Contact the conference leaders at any time
For more details click here