If a spate of recent headlines in the media is to be believed, the rupee…
Webinar: Whose life counts? race, gender, health, bio-politics Afrikan Feminist Conversations on COVID19 Recovery
Registration: https://bit.ly/3HqWFmo
What are the narratives that situate the health aspects of Covid-19 as the inevitable result of economic and disinvestment choices that states have made – normally at women’s expense?
Is the result of neoliberal-market orthodoxy, the relentless ascent of corporate power, diminished fiscal and policy space for government that Black and Brown women are being shoved further down the priority list?
The biopower and biopolitics conceptual frame is indispensable to better grasp the centrality of gender, reproduction, class and race that determines the condition under which we exist, think and act. It helps to critique capitalism (as the economic formation), the sovereign nation state (as the primary polity model) and a vast web of administration and regulation that defines who we are, how we live and how we die.
The webinar also intends to cover the disparities, racism and imperialism of global health governance and health economics during this pandemic, understanding that this is not the first pandemic. Finally, the webinar also suggests that states are using health concerns and pandemic containment to install intrusive surveillance measures and to manage movement of people.
Listen to the first webinar in the series “There’s No Money? Debunking Neoliberal Myths on Public Spending in Africa” https://fb.watch/bu7J6T1mLA/
Read the 2020 African Feminist Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery Statement https://africanfeminism.com/african-feminist-post-covid-19-economic-recovery-statement/